/DSD/VC_MESSAGE - Message Class for Visit Control in DSD

The following messages are stored in message class /DSD/VC_MESSAGE: Message Class for Visit Control in DSD.
It is part of development package /DSD/VC in software component LE-DSD-VC. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Visit Control".
Message Nr
Message Text
001DSD is not active - function not possible
002Enter a message number
010You have to save the changes to the visit plan first
011You have to save the changes to the visit plans first
012You have to save the changes to the visit plan first
013You are not authorized to perform this action
014You can only delete visit lists that lie in the future
015Visit list cannot be deleted (locked due to shipment link)
016You cannot use exceptions in combination with "non-appointments"
017You should only delete future visit lists
018You should only delete historical visit lists
019Select one row only
100Visit list &1 not found in /DSD/VC_VLH
101Could not determine the sold-to party (&2) for visit list &1
102Status of customer transaction &1 does not exist in /DSD/VC_VSTATCON
103Could not create sales activity for customer &1 - VBELN not found
104Customer &1 does not exist in /DSD/VC_VLP; no entry in ref. tab.
105No document no. exists in the settlement document items for tour &1
106Visit list item ref. documents are being processed: VLID=&1, VLPOS=&2
107Entry in ref. table failed for VLID=&1, VLPOS=&2 with VBELN=&3
108Visit plan &1 was not found in /DSD/VC_VPH
110Transportation planning points in vehicle and tour masters are different
111Delivery date of assigned delivery &1 is different to the execution date
112Route for delivery &1 is not the same as the route for the visit list
113No visit plans/lists matching the selection criteria were found
114No visit lists for deletion could be selected
115&1 - should not be deleted, as ref. documents have already been assigned
116Deletion of visit lists was terminated
117Document &1 must be entered with flag <After Tour>
118&1 visit lists deleted
200Order type &1 not found - check the DSD sales document types
201Calendar changed for customer &1 and calendar type &2
202Limit your selection
203Customer &1 has been geo-coded (latitude: &3, longitude: &2)
204Data saved
205Test run
206No date could be determined
207No sales area specified for sales area processes
208Sales area processes inactive. No data for sales area
209Please set value in field Maximum Selected Entries betwwn 1 and 100.
300&1 - visit lists already exist for this period (&2 - &3)
301&1 - No visit lists have to be generated for period &2 - &3
302&1 - An inactive visit list was created for day &2
303&1 - Error during number assignment (number range object: &2)
304&1 - Error while inserting visit list &2 (tag &3)
305&1 - Only visit lists in the future are generated (&2 now &3)
306&1 - Generation start date is &2
307&1 - Generation start (&2) is later than generation end (&3)
308No error log exists for this visit plan
309No visit plans were selected
310You are not authorized to generate visit lists
311Visit list &1 is being processed by &2 (not generated)
312No visit list was generated
313Only future visit lists are generated (date >= run date)
314From date (&1) must be earlier than To date (&2)
315&1 - driver &2 is not available on &3 (see block times)
316&1 - vehicle &2 is not available on &3 (see block times)
317External number &1 for visit list is not in number range &2
318Cannot generate visit list as driver &1 is blocked (DPP)
319No list items were generated from plan &2 for customer &1 (DPP)
350No delivery was selected
351Visit list missing: visit plan &1, customer &2, delivery day &3
352No DSD-relevant delivery types have been defined in Customizing
353No delivery for cust. &1 is planned on &2 according to visit plans
354No relevant visit plan types have been defined (see Customizing)
355Delivery document &1 cannot be assigned to a visit list
356Delivery document &1 is assigned to a different visit plan (&3 => &2)
357The delivery date must be later than the run date
360All deliveries have been assigned to a visit list
400Visit plan &1 is being processed by &2
401Visit list &1 is being processed by &2
402Error during number assignment for visit lists from interval &1
403No number range interval for visit lists for visit plan type &1
404Error during number assignment for visit plans from interval &1
405No number range interval for visit plans for visit plan type &1
406Error in lock administration
407External number &1 for visit plan is not in number range &2
408Create with external number: visit plan &1 already exists
409Create with external number: visit list &1 already exists
410&1 - Desc.: &2 (Valid &3 to &4)
411&1 - Desc.: &2 (Execution date: &3)
412No external number range interval for visit plans for visit plan type &1
413No external number range interval for visit lists for visit plan type &1
414Save canceled - error during deletion of visit plan &1
415Save canceled - error during change of visit plan &1
416Save canceled - error during deletion of visit plan &1
500You cannot set receiving and visit indicators at the same time
501You have to set the visit ID and the function
502You can only set the manual shipment ID once in each client
503Visit plan type & does not exist in /DSD/VC_VPTYPE
504Enter a route
505Transportation planning point differs in vehicle and tour masters
506End time must be later than start time
507"Validity(Restr.)" must not be outside of or equal to "Validity"
508Enter a date
509Vehicle & does not exist in /DSD/RPMV_V
510Route & does not exist in TVRO
511Trailer & does not exist in /DSD/RPTR_V
512Driver and co-driver must be different individuals
513Vehicle and trailer must be different objects
514Enter a vehicle
515Enter a driver
516Enter a visit plan type
517Enter a number range interval
518Date &1 is earlier than today (&2)
519Enter a visit group
520Visit group & does not exist in /DSD/VC_AUTH
521Enter a valid driver
522Sales area data is not valid
523Enter a valid customer
524Enter a valid unloading point
525Enter a valid contact person
526Enter a valid sales area. Sales area process active
527Sales area not permitted. Sales area processes not active
528Number range &1 is not an external number range
529Number range &1 is not an internal number range
530Flag the shipment or visit list as relevant
550Enter a valid time frame (date from > date to)
551Only saved visit plans will be checked; (Change not saved)
552Only saved visit lists will be checked; (Change not saved)
600A customer can only be contained once in each visit plan
601Not possible to move visit plans
602You are not authorized to display customer master data
603Document &1 for document category &2
604Save cancelled due to existing visit lists
605Type &1 is not permitted
606A customer cannot be driver and co-driver at the same time
607Visit plan is no longer valid and therefore cannot be changed
608Visit list &1 cannot be changed (execution date is before today's date)
609Visit list &1 cannot be changed (locked due to transport link)
610Save terminated - error in number range object &1 - interval &2
611Calendar &2 could not be synchronized for customer &1
612Driver &1 is not defined as the customer in sales area &2 &3 &4
613Customer &1 is not defined in the sales area for the visit plan
614Customer &1 is not defined in the sales area for the visit list
615&1 customers were not transferred (do not exist in sales area)
616Customer sequence incorrect. A sequence number must be unique
617Not all visit plan texts were copied
618Only special text objects are allowed
620The ship-to party of the delivery entered here must be a driver
621Customer for delivery &1 is not the same as driver for visit list
622Customer (&1) for this delivery should be a driver from the tour master
623A speculative load should not be assigned for visit plan type &1
624Customer &1 is not relevant for this document &2
625Customer &1 is not a ship-to party in document &2
626A shipment document should not be assigned to one individual customer
627Driver must be same as ship-to party (&1) of speculative load
628The ship-to party of the delivery (&1) is a customer from the visit list
629Customer &1 is not a sold-to party in document &2
630Text &1 for object &2, ID &3, language &4 does not exist
631Unable to delete text &1 for object &2, ID &3, language &4
632Unable to create text &1 for object &2, ID &3, language &4
633Customizing: DSD tour status - visit plan type &1 is not relevant for DSD
635Maximum number of customers for this visit plan has been reached
636Maximum number of customers for this visit plan has been reached
637Error when reading a row
638Error when inserting a row
639Error when changing a row
640Error when deleting a row
641Error when calling a BAdI
650Authorizations are missing for & visit list(s)
700There is no print output for shipment status &1 (at least &2)
701There is no print output for shipment type &1/ trans. planing point &2
702Application &1 object &2 message &3 selected
703Message &1 was successfully processed
704Errors occurred when processing message &1 &2
705Visit list is inactive; message will not be processed
706No print output for visit plan type &1
707No messages were selected for processing
708The message type must be entered in table /DSD/VC_MSGTYP
711No authorization for message processing
712The visit list is not assigned a shipment document
713Transport document &1 does not exist
714Changes to visit lists must be saved first
715Message can only be displayed (shipment &1 is being processed by &2)
716Messages can only be displayed (save changes to visit lists first)
717Messages for shipment &1 have been processed and saved
718Changes to messages were not saved for shipment &1
719Changes to messages were not saved for visit list &1
720Messages for visit list &1 have been processed and saved
750Header data is missing for shipment or visit list
751Component ID is missing
752Incorrect combination of parameters when calling function module
753Flags for driver scenario are set incorrectly in table /DSD/VC_VPTYPE
754More than one shipment is linked with list when processing using VL
755Shipment number of visit list number is missing
756Visit list &1 does not exist
757No items for visit list &1
758No reference documents for visit list &1
759Visit list &1 is not active
760Error &1 while reading table /DSD/VC_VLTRADAT
761/DSD/VC_VLTRADAT does not contain data for type &1 -> no further IDocs
762Type of visit list &1 has TRHH indicator set
763Visit list for shipment &1 not found
764Message type &1 not defined in /DSD/VC_MSGTYP as relevant for output
800Visit list not archived; checking residence time
801Visit list not archived as settlement not successful
802Visit list is being archived
803Visit list not archived as settlement has not been carried out
804You cannot change documents "&1"
805Visit plan type &1 does not exist
806Residence time &1 for visit plan type &2 is less than &3 days
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