/EACC/ARCHIV - Nachrichten f�r Belegarchivierung

The following messages are stored in message class /EACC/ARCHIV: Nachrichten f�r Belegarchivierung.
It is part of development package /EACC/ARCHIVING in software component FIN-BAC-AE. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Accounting Engine Archiving".
Message Nr
Message Text
001Parameter / attribute value &1 is too long - system error
002Accounting system not set
003Accounting system &1 not available
004Inconsistent data - system error
005&1 cannot be used as a selection characteristic
006Define &1 as a selection characteristic too
007Archiving object &1 is not assigned to an accounting system
008For accounting system &1 there is no &2 archiving version
009Error when activating archiving for accounting system &1
010Accounting system &1 is not active
011You have not authorizatoin to maintain archiving
012&1 &2 cannot be archived
013Selection condition &1: &2 is not supported
014Program error: &1
015&1 &2 could not be generated for journal &2
016There is no active vesion for document table &1
017&1 &2 have been generated for journal &3
018Join condition cannot be made - field &1 is missing
019&1 &2 for journal &3 has not been changed
020Reading from the archive for accounting system &1 is not possible
021&1 documents read from the archive - &2 of these documents selected
022No suitable info structure exists for archiving object &2
023The cursor for the archive reader is already open
024No cursor is open for the archive reader
025Archiving object &2 does not contain document table &1
026Configuration of accounting system &1 changed - adapt archiving
027You are not authorized to display archiving
028No changes can be made to Customizing in client &1
029You have a display authorization for archiving but cannot make changes
030Progra error: Just one of the parameters &1 or &2 must be entered
031Characeristic &1 cannot be used as a selection characteristic
032Documents from open tranches have not been archived
033Characteristic &1 is not defined for data basis &2
034Archiving for &1 as been entered in request &2
035Archiving for &1 has not been entered in request &2
036Archiving imported for &1
037Maintain information structures for "Read from Archive"
038Archiving not imported for &1
039Archiving object-specific Customizing not imported for &1
040No authorization to delete archiving settings
041Characteristic &1 cannot be used in archive information structures
042Document &1 cannot be archived, objects are still being used
043No documents could be found for the selection parameters
044FIN object &1 is still being used in FI document &2 &3 &4
045Archiving for accounting system &1 has already been saved
046Archiving for accounting system &1 has already been released
047Archiving for accounting system &1 has already been activated
048Release not possible. First save archiving for accounting system &1
049Activation not possible. First release archiving for accounting system &1
050Archiving object &1 was generated for accounting sytem &2
051Archiving object &1 was adjusted for accounting sytem &2
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