The following messages are stored in message class /EACC/DM_PLIMA: .
It is part of development package /EACC/DM_PLIMA in software component FIN-BAC-AE. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Data Retention: Line Item Persistence".
It is part of development package /EACC/DM_PLIMA in software component FIN-BAC-AE. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Data Retention: Line Item Persistence".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
000 | Message Prototype Should Be Delivered at Delivery |
001 | Database table &1 is not available |
002 | Database table &1 could not be deleted |
003 | Function module &1 does not exist |
004 | Function module &1 could not be deleted |
005 | Program &1 does not exist |
006 | Program &1 could not be deleted |
007 | Characteristic &1 for an index is not in the DB table |
008 | Internal error: Index field not enterred in sequence |
009 | Internal error: Field &1 appears more than once in an index |
010 | Configuration parameter not transferred |
011 | Configuration error: Impossible to generate programs |
012 | Configuration error: No key field/more than one key field for documents |
013 | Configuration error: No / more than one key field for quantities |
014 | Internal Error: The module pool you want to delete (&1) not found in DDIC |
015 | Internal error generating a program |
016 | Internal error: Function module &1 cannot be found in the DDIC |
017 | Internal: Database table &1 no longer exists or is inactive |
018 | Posting delayed due to database update |
019 | Posting cancelled due to database being updated |
020 | System error: Accounting Engine not transferred |
100 | System error: Format &1 not suppported |
101 | System error: Configuration contains errors |
102 | System error in configuration: Field name &1 not found |
103 | System error in configuration: Internal level &1 not allowed |
104 | System error in configuration: Generated function module missing |
105 | Select access to right-hand table of a left our join field: "&1" |
111 | System error in configuration: Number of fields &1 too high |
120 | System error while reading: Format &1 not suppported |
200 | System error writing data: Configuration table empty |
201 | System error writing data in table &1 |
202 | System error writing data: Document headers missing |
300 | ***** New messages for PLIMA *************** |
301 | Configuration has no fields |
302 | Program error |
303 | Configuration &1 is inconsistent |
304 | Invalid change of persistence object &1 of configuration &2 |
305 | This function is not yet supported |
306 | Index field &1/&2 is not contained in persistence object &3 |
307 | Configuration &1 is not available |
308 | Field &2 is not contained in object &1 or lower-level objects |
309 | Area ID &1 configuration &2 converted to persistence tool |
310 | Error when converting area ID &1 configuration &2 to persistence tool |
311 | &1 is not a configuration with the persistence tool |
312 | Errors occurred. Long text contains more information |
313 | Read formats "AMOUNT" and "QUANTITY" are no longer supported |
314 | Outer join entry in denormalized journal format is not supported |
315 | You are not allowed to insert a new hierachy level in configuration &1 |
316 | You are not allowed to delete a hierachy level of configuration &1 |
317 | Invalid change of persistence object &1 of configuration &2 |
318 | Incorrect parameter for generation in flat format |
319 | Persistence object &1 will be converted into another type |
320 | Configuration &1 already exists for table &2 |
321 | Document journal configuration &1 generated for table &2 |
322 | Error during document journal configuration &1 for table &2 |
323 | Index &1 was configured for table &2 |
324 | Index configuration was saved for table &1 |
325 | Error in index configuration for table &1 |
326 | Index &1 for table &2 is a unique index; this is not supported |
327 | Index &1 is configured as a non-unique index |
328 | Index &1 for table &2 is a DB-specific index, this is not supported |
329 | Index &1 is configured for all databases |