The following messages are stored in message class /EACC/DM_PLIMA: .
It is part of development package /EACC/DM_PLIMA in software component FIN-BAC-AE. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Data Retention: Line Item Persistence".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Message Prototype Should Be Delivered at Delivery
001Database table &1 is not available
002Database table &1 could not be deleted
003Function module &1 does not exist
004Function module &1 could not be deleted
005Program &1 does not exist
006Program &1 could not be deleted
007Characteristic &1 for an index is not in the DB table
008Internal error: Index field not enterred in sequence
009Internal error: Field &1 appears more than once in an index
010Configuration parameter not transferred
011Configuration error: Impossible to generate programs
012Configuration error: No key field/more than one key field for documents
013Configuration error: No / more than one key field for quantities
014Internal Error: The module pool you want to delete (&1) not found in DDIC
015Internal error generating a program
016Internal error: Function module &1 cannot be found in the DDIC
017Internal: Database table &1 no longer exists or is inactive
018Posting delayed due to database update
019Posting cancelled due to database being updated
020System error: Accounting Engine not transferred
100System error: Format &1 not suppported
101System error: Configuration contains errors
102System error in configuration: Field name &1 not found
103System error in configuration: Internal level &1 not allowed
104System error in configuration: Generated function module missing
105Select access to right-hand table of a left our join field: "&1"
111System error in configuration: Number of fields &1 too high
120System error while reading: Format &1 not suppported
200System error writing data: Configuration table empty
201System error writing data in table &1
202System error writing data: Document headers missing
300***** New messages for PLIMA ***************
301Configuration has no fields
302Program error
303Configuration &1 is inconsistent
304Invalid change of persistence object &1 of configuration &2
305This function is not yet supported
306Index field &1/&2 is not contained in persistence object &3
307Configuration &1 is not available
308Field &2 is not contained in object &1 or lower-level objects
309Area ID &1 configuration &2 converted to persistence tool
310Error when converting area ID &1 configuration &2 to persistence tool
311&1 is not a configuration with the persistence tool
312Errors occurred. Long text contains more information
313Read formats "AMOUNT" and "QUANTITY" are no longer supported
314Outer join entry in denormalized journal format is not supported
315You are not allowed to insert a new hierachy level in configuration &1
316You are not allowed to delete a hierachy level of configuration &1
317Invalid change of persistence object &1 of configuration &2
318Incorrect parameter for generation in flat format
319Persistence object &1 will be converted into another type
320Configuration &1 already exists for table &2
321Document journal configuration &1 generated for table &2
322Error during document journal configuration &1 for table &2
323Index &1 was configured for table &2
324Index configuration was saved for table &1
325Error in index configuration for table &1
326Index &1 for table &2 is a unique index; this is not supported
327Index &1 is configured as a non-unique index
328Index &1 for table &2 is a DB-specific index, this is not supported
329Index &1 is configured for all databases
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