/EACC/MSG_ACSYST - Fehler f�r die Pflege von Bewertungssstemen

The following messages are stored in message class /EACC/MSG_ACSYST: Fehler f�r die Pflege von Bewertungssstemen.
It is part of development package /EACC/ACCOUNTING_SYSTEM in software component FIN-BAC. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Valuation System Maintenance".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Parameters entered wrongly
001Data basis &1 does not exist
002Community &1/&2 does not exist
003Valuation system &1/&2/&3 does not exist
004Valuation system &1/&2/&3 created
005Valuation system &1/&2/&3 already exists
006Community &1/&2 created
007Community &1/&2 already exists
008Field &2 is not known in data basis &1
009Navigation not permitted
010Data saved despite errors / warnings
011Program error
012F4 help requires key field &1 - this field does not exist
013No valuation system could be copied for community &1/&2
014No communities could be found for &1
015Number range &1/&2 has been deleted
016No number range has been created yet
017Number range could not be created
018You have no display/maintenance authorization
019Member characteristic &2 not found in data basis &1
020Metadata could not be found for the valuation system
021Number ranges not copied: Maintain valuation system &1/&2/&3
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