/ECRS/BL_TD - Business Logic: Transaction Data

The following messages are stored in message class /ECRS/BL_TD: Business Logic: Transaction Data.
It is part of development package /ECRS/BL_TD in software component SLL-ITR-ISR. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "ECR: Business Logic - Transaction Data".
Message Nr
Message Text
000******* Declaration ******
001A declaration (number: &1) is already open
002No declaration is open
003You cannot change a declaration with status "&1"
004You cannot call the method with status "&1"
005Incorrect status change
006Corrections are not relevant for this declaration
007Declaration already created by user &1
008Declaration already edited by user &1
009Internal error occurred while determining declaration number
010Declaration file cannot be created with status "&1"
011No format found for country of declaration &1
012No standard format found for country of declaration &1
013Declaration level "&3" does not allow the creation of declarations
014The system could not find the declaration level
015Log GUID does not exist
016Supplementary unit could not be converted
017Correction must be set to a month before the current declaration
018Processing &1 worklist entries
019Processing entry &1
020Worklist entries processed successfully
021Import started
022Error during attempt to insert data, sy-subrc = &1
023Item values in field &1 too large for aggregation
024ISO code for supplementary unit of measure &1 was not found
025Selection restricted to &1 items
026Database error when saving data in table &1
027Invalid document type &1
028Invalid document number &1
029Document &1 does not exist
030You are not authorized to display billing documents
031You are not authorized to display purchase orders
032You are not authorized to display scheduling agreements
033You are not authorized to display inbound deliveries
034Corrections to previous months are not reported in declaration files
049****** Intrastat Declaration: User Errors *******
050Enter a valid provider of information
051Enter a valid month
052Enter a valid direction
053No declarations found
054A declaration already exists
055Declaration &1 is locked by user &2
056Item does not exist
057Release not possible due to incorrect header
058Release not possible due to incorrect item data
059File cannot be created because no item data is available
060Declaration &1 cannot be deleted in status "Released"
061Unit of measurement for kilograms is not defined uniquely
062Unit of measure for kilograms not defined
063Enter a valid year
064Format &1 is not supported for country of declaration &2
065Currency &1 does not agree with declaration currency &2
066Unit of measure for kilograms does not agree with declaration UoM
067Enter a valid business transaction type
068Enter a valid procedure
069Enter a valid partner country
070Enter a valid region
071Enter a valid country of origin
072Enter a valid mode of transport at the border
073Enter a valid port/airport
074Enter valid Incoterms
075Enter a valid movement code
076Enter a valid invoice value
077Enter a valid statistical value
078Enter a valid invoice value in foreign currency
079Enter a valid foreign currency
080Enter a valid net weight
081Enter a valid partner VAT registration number
082Enter a valid partner VAT registration number for Greece
083Enter a valid country code for partner VAT registration number
084Enter a partner VAT registration number after ISO country code
085Enter a valid commodity code
086Enter a valid quantity in the supplementary unit
087Enter supplementary unit &1
088Enter a valid supplementary unit
089Do not fill the quantity in the supplementary unit
090Enter business transaction type &1 for procedure &2
091Enter a port/airport for mode of transport at the border &1
092Invoice value in the foreign currency must agree with invoice value
093Enter a valid processing status
094Enter a valid version number
095Do no specify the invoice value in a foreign currency
096Do not fill the country of origin field
097Enter a country of origin outside of the EU
098Enter commodity code "94450000"
099Enter business transaction type "6"
100Do not enter a region for triangular transactions
101Do not enter a mode of transport at the border for triangular trans.
102Do not enter a net weight for triangular transactions
103Do not enter a partner country for triangular transactions
104Do not enter quantity in a supplementary unit for triangular transactions
105Do not enter a statistical value for triangular transactions
106Do not enter Incoterms for triangular transactions
107Do not enter a country of origin for triangular transactions
108If the transaction type is blank, you cannot enter a partner country
109If the transaction type is blank, you cannot enter a supplementary unit
110If the transaction type is blank, you cannot enter a net weight
111If the transaction type is blank, you cannot enter a statistical value
112If the transaction type is blank, you cannot enter Incoterms
113If the transaction type is blank, you cannot enter a country of origin
114If the transaction type is blank, you cannot enter a MoT at the border
115If the transaction type is blank, you cannot enter a region
116Wrong transaction type for partner from San Marino
117Enter a valid correction type
118Movement code "ZZ" is not allowed for receipts
119You cannot enter a movement code
120You cannot enter a procedure
121You cannot enter a transaction type
122You cannot enter a partner country
123You cannot enter a partner VAT ID number
124You cannot enter an invoice value in foreign currency
125You cannot enter a commodity code
126You cannot enter a supplementary unit
127You cannot enter a net weight
128You cannot enter an invoice value
129You cannot enter a statistical value
130You cannot enter Incoterms
131You cannot enter a country of origin
132You cannot enter a region
133You cannot enter a mode of transport at the border
134You cannot enter a port/airport
135Enter commodity code "99500000"
136Enter a valid commodity code
137Enter a net weight
138Enter movement code "MZ"
139Enter movement code "ZZ"
140Enter movement code "ZT"
141The commodity code is not allowed for direction "Receipt"
142The country of origin cannot be the same as the country of declaration
143Enter a valid country for the means of transport
144Do not enter the country of the means of transport
145No POI is opened for one or more records in the worklist
146Select correct or incorrect indicator
147Select at least one creation type
148Manual creation of items for declaration &1 is locked by user &2
149Enter a valid collection center
150************************* Worklist **************************************
151The VAT reg. no. of at least one information provider was not transferred
152The correct declaration year was not passed on for at least one entry
153The correct declaration month was not passed on for at least one entry
154Logical system incorrect or missing: &1
155Incorrect or missing object type: &1
156No object key available
157No item number available
158No correction reference available for this correction
159No provider of information found for VAT registration number &1
160No provider of information for VAT reg. no. &1 and additional no. &2
161At least one entry does not have a correct goods direction
162Correct type of entry was not found for at least one entry
163A correction reference exists for this normal entry
164A cancellation reference exists for this normal entry/correction
165No cancellation reference exists for this cancellation
166Intrastat declaration already exists
167Delete not possible because item data is available
168Temperature context not available
169Declaration number &1 already exists
170Protocol number &1 is already assigned to declaration &2
171Enter a valid protocol number
172Incorrect or missing Data Source: &1
173User-specific settings have been saved
174Multiple provider of information found for VAT registration number &1
175No RFC-destination for dialog calls assigned for the logical system &1
176Multiple provider of information for VAT reg. no. &1 and add�l. no. &2
177No business partner is assigned to provider of information &1
178Declaration &1 cannot be changed in status "Released"
179No declaration exists for the specified key
180Intrastat declaration already exists
181Data selection is locked by user &1
182At least one entry has service item indicator set
200******** Messages to Transfer Worklist to Intrastat Declaration *********
201Entry imported
202An entry with the same reference was already imported
203Partner country (flow of goods) does not exist
204Countries &1, &2 and region &3 are not relevant according to Customizing
205Original item was not relevant for import
206Original item had errors and could not be imported
207Entry imported and item changed
208Entry is not relevant because original item was already deleted
209Could not find original item in the current month
210Could not find original item in the previous period
211Could not find the imported original item in the previous period
212More than one imported original item exists in the previous period
213Original item in previous period was deleted
214Credit/debit memo imported
215Error during conversion of quantities or values
216Entry is not relevant; country of declaration is partner country
217Error: partner country &1 not found
218Entry is not relevant; partner country &1 is not in the EU
219Entry is not relevant; triangular transactions are not relevant
220Entry incorrect; wrong type (&1) of entry in worklsit
221Credit/debit memo does not refer to a normal entry
222Credit/debit memo / reversal does not refer to an imported entry
223Entry not relevant for FR; partner (value flow) is individual
224Entry not relevant for IT; partner (value flow) is individual
225Entry not relevant for IT; goods movements are from San Marino
226Enter a valid declaration number
227Enter a valid item number
228Enter a valid service code
229Enter a valid country of payment
230Specify at least one automatically creation type
231You do not have authorization for transaction &1
232An internal error occurred in object &1
233&1: this field will be initialized for all selected items
234Declaration number changed from &1 to &2
235Supplementary unit cannot be determined for commodity code &1
236Protocol number &1 was assigned to declaration &2
237Protocol number was initialized in declaration &1
238Enter a valid protocol number
239Number of items created: &1
240One or more items have negative key figures
241Logical system &1 is not defined in system
242At least one entry does not have a document number
243At least one entry does not have a document item number
244At least one entry does not have a reference document number
245At least one entry does not have a reference document item number
246At least one entry does not have a valid document type
247At least one entry does not have a valid reference document type
248Enter a valid place of delivery
249Number of items created: &1. Number of items rejected: &2
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