/FTI/FDT_XML_EXPORT - Mass Export of BRFplus Objects to XML Files

The following messages are stored in message class /FTI/FDT_XML_EXPORT: Mass Export of BRFplus Objects to XML Files.
It is part of development package /FTI/CONTENT_PROVISIONING in software component SV-CLD-FRM-APP. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Content Provisioning for Model S".
Message Nr
Message Text
001Enter one or more BRFplus ID's to proceed
002Download to presentation server in background is not possible
003No authorisation for user &1 to download to location &2
004Error opening dataset for file &1
005Error transferring dataset for file &1
006Error closing dataset for file &1
007No data found for BRFplus ID selection
008Enter a file path for the download to &1
009One or more invalid BRFplus ID values entered - please check
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