/FTI/INTERNAL_ERROR - Internal error

The following messages are stored in message class /FTI/INTERNAL_ERROR: Internal error.
It is part of development package /FTI/COMMON in software component SV-CLD-FRM-APP. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Commonlly used objects".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Not implemented.
001Error in generation of MPC class
002Can not add component to type structure. Component name or type missing.
003Filename &1 not found.
004Parameter not found &1 in modify options of file &2.
005Wrong function Call '&1'.
006Could not modify entry in table '&1'.
007Could not delete business change project with id '&1'.
008Solution has been changed in the meantime.
009Solution is inactive and Client is productive.
010Property has no primary file assigned
011ID generation is not configured for entity type &1
012Class "&1" is not a valid ID generator.&2
013Id generation is not possible if no entity has been supplied
014ID generation has not been configured for entity &1
015ID generation has not been configured for country/region &1
016ID generation is not supported for entity &1
017ID generation requires a numeric code for country/region &1
018Number range of entity &1 is depleted.No new ID could be generated
019Technical error in ID generation.&1
020ID generation failed. Error when trying to read if ID already exists
021To generate a new ID for a storage location you need to supply the plant
022A generator for entity type &1 is already defined
023The parameter &1 was not found in tgt file while applying modify options.
024System status does not allow changes
025ID generation requires a business org structure
026Type &1 does not exist in metadata
027Assignment &1 does not exist
028Error in generation of MPC EXT class
029Error in generation of DPC EXT class
030Error in structural change management layer.
031An unknown error occurred.
032Error occurred in reference data layer.
033Error occurred in writing or reading of customizing.
034Error occurred in activity definitions.
035Error occurred in global meta data layer.
036Error occurred in generation of entity ID.
037Error occurred in change management layer.
038Error occurred in data persistency layer.
039Error occurred in transport infrastructure.
040Error occurred in Ecatt Framework.
041Parameter &1 not found in file &2.
042BCO &1 is defined with custom write strategy but has not been implemented
043BCO &1 has conflicting key file information
044BCO &1 has no key file information or is not content based
045Unexpected internal error. Please contact system administrator
046Definition for object &1 does not match installation data
047Extension ok, but &1 activation error(s) occurred.See application log &2
048BCO definition ambiguous.Key field parameter &1 occurs multiple times
049Error during business change project release, check the log
050Specify a log handle to be deleted
051New application log could not be created
052Application log was not found
053No application log to be saved
054Deletion is not yet available
055Mandatory parameter &1 has not been supplied.Please contact support
056&1 could not be read from content.Multiple variants exist for this ID
057Implementation fault.Model provider &1 is not valid for finetuning apps
058Internal error: Property &1 of BCO &2 was not found in the data structure
059Filename of change object of ecatt &1 in BB &2 differs from original task
060Customer solution &1: Source Solution Id is missing for Scope Item &2
061Error reading file definition for "&1"
062Property &1 is not defined in BCO &2
063Scope doesn't match Customer Solution &1
064Recording of non-critical SAP content changes has been enabled
065Could not enable recording of non-critical SAP content changes
066Error during Change of System Parameter
067No open business change project exists
068Could not delete attributes of change project &1
069Could not fetch the attributes of change project &1
070No authorisation to perform change
071Method not yet implemented
072No change authorisation. Editing not possible
073Assignment type not found for Parent type &1 and Target type &2.
074Error in Task collection object for Parent type &1 and Target type &2.
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