/FTI/WEBGUI_MSG - Technical Error in WEBGUI Backend Launch

The following messages are stored in message class /FTI/WEBGUI_MSG: Technical Error in WEBGUI Backend Launch.
It is part of development package /FTI/WEBGUI_SSCUI in software component SV-CLD-FRM-APP. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "SSC UI Development - Web gui area".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Unexpected internal error. Please contact system administrator
001Mandatory value Activity ID is not passed
002Mandatory value Object Name is not passed
003Mandatory value Object Type is not passed
004Files not maintained for customizing object &1
005Invalid customizing object and activity
006Entry for Customizing subobject &1 not maintained in Web GUI maintenance
007Name space validation failed for new record
008No TDC record maintained for parameter &1 with value &2
009No valid solution is set as current solution in the system
010No PME files exist for this Customizing object/subobject/activity
011The file in WEB UI maintenance does not exist for current solution &1
012The current activity is locked by user &1
013The current set solution &1 is not a scoped solution
014Only possible with maintenance views for this release!
015The before snapshot could not be taken
016Data could not be saved
017Mandatory value Container ID is not passed
018The following files were changed in solution &1
019Record saved in file &1
020Invalid IMG Activity ID &1
021Invalid Customizing Object &1
022Invalid Subobject &1
023No records found to be processed
024Invalid Object Type &1
025Invalid entry for key &1
026Invalid Object Type &1
027Changes saved in solution &1
028No Record Key passed
029The current solution has been changed. Please restart your transaction
030&1 ( &2 )
031Invalid namespace for &1
032Error in Subobject Definition for &1
033Error in data referencing
034Subobjects are compatible
035Entry not found in the Web GUI maintenance
036Mandatory value Subobject is not passed
037No Dangling container persists
038Select records for processing
039Please enter a scoped solution
040Solution ID is not passed
041Solution not found
042Fill in all the fields
043Apps not found for solution &1
044Customizing object information is inconsistent
045Data entered is not available in predecessors files
046Data successfully created
047Data successfully updated
048Restricted mode is controlled by authorizations
049Missing scope identifier file
050Scope item could not be created
051Buidling Block could not be created
052Activity could not be created
053Filename could not be created
054Error occured while saving data in Solution Builder
055Use transaction SPRO to call the activity
056Validation of IMG Activity, Customizing Type, and Object successful
057Validation of Customizing Object for the IMG Activity successful
058Current Scoped Solution successfully validated
059Filename maintained in Registry Table successfully validated
060Filename in PME Table successfully validated
061Scope Item/Building Block/Activity/Filename successfully created
062Current solution validated for scoped solution
063Before snapshot successfully taken
064Namespace validation successful
065Scope Item/Building Block/Activity/Filename could not be created
066Key records successfully passed
067Entry for customizing subobject &1 is maintained in WEBGUI table
068PME content exists for the current/scoped solutions
069Data entered is available in predecessors files
070Scope Item &1 successfully created
071Scope Item &1 already created
072Building Block &1 already created
073Building Block &1 successfully created
074IMG Activity &1 already created
075IMG Activity &1 successfully created
076Filename &1 already created
077Filename &1 successfully created
078The After Snapshot has been successfully taken
079The Before and after Snapshots could not be taken
080Failed to capture solution dependent languages
081Failed to save content in corresponding files and solutions
082The before snapshot is already taken
083System is a production client. Hence app is in display only mode.
084System is not a production client system
085Content successfully saved
086File missing in Solution Builder for subobject &1
087Failed to save entries. Change group table locked by other user.
088All key fields should not be blank
089Maintain Parent ID
090Invalid param value for IV_ACTYTYPE. Webgui handlr instance not created.
091Error reading customizing: &1
092App is in display mode while activation process is running.
093Failed to assign filename to subobject on database
094ERROR: Failed to calculate delta
095This type of projection is not yet supported. Please contact SSCUI team.
096Given SSCUI did not qualify as a simple projection of complex app given
097SSCUI successfully validated as simple projection of given complex app
098The subobject of the complex app does not have a unique filename
099Please upload the mapping between subobjects of both applications!
100Template successfully downloaded
101Please enter a destination where the file should be downloaded to
102Please enter the IMG Activity of the complex application
103Please enter the Customizing Object of the complex application
104Please enter Object Type of the complex application
105Please enter the IMG activity of the SSCUI
106Please enter the Customizing Object of the SSCUI
107Please enter the Object type of the SSCUI
108Uploaded file not compliant with the standard template
109Subobject & of complex app not found in list of subobjects for the app
110Subobject & of SSCUI not found in list of subobjects for the SSCUI
111Invalid transaction code &1
112Validation of mapping between subobjects could not be carried out
113Registry proposal downloaded successfully
114Pop up IMG activity! Please create a parametrized transaction
115Entry for this SSCUI was not found in the Web GUI header
116Entry for this SSCUI was not found in the Web GUI item table
117Entered SSCUI Details not valid
118Entered details of complex app not valid
119Please enter the primary subobject
120Primary subobject will not be considered for Object Types V, C, and T
121Invalid Subobject &1
122Customizing Object &1 does not exist for Object Type &2
123Deletion not possible for record created by SAP
124Activation is running, so app will be non-editable
125Scoping in progress, so app will be non-editable
126Cont.lifecycle is incomplete,So app will be read-only
127BCP project not available,so app will be read-only
128Please enter the external ID
129Please enter the transaction code
130Please enter a valid External ID
131Please enter a valid Transaction Code
132Failed to set SAP_DEFAULT target system
133Customizing Object cannot be blank
134Object Type cannot be blank
135IMG Activity cannot be blank
136Customizing Object does not belong to the IMG Activity
137Restricted Mode switched off for user &1 for four hours
138Activation is running, configuration not possible
139Technical inconsistency occurred. Report an incident to verify the file.
140Invalid Staging ID
141No active staging available in the system
142Validation Error occurred
143No Active staging ID available in the system, please re-fresh the SSCUI
144Backsync is in progress, please re-try in sometime
145UI is launched without IMG Activity context
146Job report is replaced by job report CBC_REV_SENDER
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