/IBX/BL_CALC - IPX: Nachrichtenklasse: Berechnungsklassen Factory

The following messages are stored in message class /IBX/BL_CALC: IPX: Nachrichtenklasse: Berechnungsklassen Factory.
It is part of development package /IBX/BL_CALC in software component FS-RBD-IPX. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Calculation Process".
Message Nr
Message Text
001Calculation class &1 is an abstract class.
002The object of calculation class &1 could not be created.
003Calculation class &1 does not exist.
004The constructor of calculation class &1 is PRIVATE.
005The constructor of calculation class &1 is PROTECTED.
006Calculation class &1 is not serializable.
007Calculation class &1 could not be created.
008There is no calculation class entry from Cust. table /IBX/C_CALC_CLS
009Class &1 defined in Customizing has the wrong category.
012Unwinding could not be calculated (subrc: &1)
020An assignment could not be determined for valuation &1.
021Error while determining a new SBUSOP_ID (uuid)
022Error during translation of currency &1 to &2 for RBD area &3
023Net present value could not be determined: for slice &1 &2 &3 &4
024A leading posting system is not defined in Customizing.
025Error while reading DD03L - /IBX/S_BALANCE
026Customizing of policy management procedure contains errors
030A process is already running. Please restart once it has ended.
031Error in Customizing for recall periods: &1
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