/IBX/BL_REVERT - Stornofunktionalit�t

The following messages are stored in message class /IBX/BL_REVERT: Stornofunktionalit�t.
It is part of development package /IBX/BL_REVERT in software component FS-RBD-IPX. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Reversal Functionality".
Message Nr
Message Text
000No update run scenario is maintained
001There is at least one valuation for a later key date
002Only posted valuations can be reversed
003Customizing for flow type &1 is missing
004Task with ID &1 could not be deleted
005Task could not be saved
006Transfers between ECF and IPX cannot be canceled
007Reversal posting date &1 is before last posting date &2
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