The following messages are stored in message class /IBX/PE_FILE_SRV: .
It is part of development package /IBX/PE_FILE_SRV in software component FS-RBD-IPX. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "File Service".
Message Nr
Message Text
001Error opening file &1&2&3&4
002Error closing file &1&2&3&4
003Error while writing file &1&2&3&4
004Error while reading file &1&2&3&4
005Reading file &1&2&3&4
011No task package created for file &1
012Parser could not be instantiated
015No file access ID for the data source: &3 assigned
016Unable to create object of class /IBX/CL_FILEAPI
021No file specifications assigned for file access ID: &1
022Data source was not transferred. The value is empty.
023No TASK ID in delivered object key
024No task ID provided to the transfer structure of the PPF
025&1 lines read from the file
030File service class &1 is an abstract class
031Unable to generate object of file service class &1
032File service class &1 does not exist
033Constructor of file service class &1 is PRIVATE
034Constructor of file service class &1 is PROTECTED
035File service class &1 is not serializable
036Unable to generate file service class &1
037Cannot determine file name
038No entry found for data source &1
039No file specification found for file access ID &1
040File access ID &1 is not defined
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