The following messages are stored in message class /ISDFPS/FDPDAFOR: .
It is part of development package /ISDFPS/FDP in software component IS-DFS-OF-FDP. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Armed Forces and Deployment Planning".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Enter a project definition for the WBS element
001Enter a WBS element for this project definition
002Threshold values were changed on &1 by &2
003Error while creating WBS element
004Error while creating HR relationship data for WBS element
005Enter the WBS element that you want to create
006WBS element already exists
007Basic start date of WBS element changed to &1
008Basic finish date of WBS element changed to &1
009WBS element not created (canceled by user)
010WBS element created and link saved
011No input help available; use the corresponding pushbuttons
012No WBS element assigned
013WBS element &1 is assigned to project &2
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