/ISDFPS/FDP_REL - Streitkr�fte- und Verlegeplanung - Logistik

The following messages are stored in message class /ISDFPS/FDP_REL: Streitkr�fte- und Verlegeplanung - Logistik.
It is part of development package /ISDFPS/FDP_LO in software component IS-DFS-MM-OF. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Armed Forces and Relocation Planning - Logistics".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Relocation &1 already exists
001Relocation step &1 already exists
002Choose a relocation
003Internal error; row &1 not in table &2
004Specify external plant for reloc. step &1 (as reloc. step type = 2)
005External plant is only relevant if relocation step type = '2'
006System lock error: Inform system administrator
007User &1 is currently maintaining relocations/relocation steps
008Maintain the description for relocation step &1 (TCode /ISDFPS/CREL)
009Relocation &1 does not exist
010Description for relocation &1 does not exist
011Relocation step &1 does not exist
012Description for relocation step &1 does not exist
013No relocation step exists for relocation &1
014First choose an unassigned object
015You can assign an object only if a relocation step exists
016Transfer table empty (internal error)
017Error while writing Infotype &1
018First choose an assigned object
019Assignment possible only if quantity is greater than zero
020Target quantity &1 is the maximum quantity that can be assigned
021Purchase order for & plant & storage location & is being processed
022Outbound delivery for & plant & storage location & is being processed
023Enter weight group
024First assign a relocation
025Enter relocation step
026Force element &1 is not an operation/is not assigned to an operation
027No documents could be created
028Relocation step &1 has assigned MPOs, PPAs, or positions
029Relocation ID (RELOC_ID) not provided
030Force element &1 is not assigned an MPO with usage type &2
031You are not authorized to display relocations, relocation steps
032You are not authorized to maintain relocations, relocation steps
033Check receiving force element &, material &
034Check issuing force element &, material &
035No messages exist
036Company code could not be determined for FE &
037Force element & is not active
038MPO &1 is already assigned to relocation step &2
039Planned records exist for MPO &1 and relocation step &2
040Cannot determine order type or delivery type
041Relocation step type must not be initial
042Dates must not overlap; relocation &1 is in &2
043Dates of relocations &1 and &2 overlap
044Relocation &1 is assigned to force element &2; deletion is not possible
045No 'logistical requirements' are assigned to force element &1
046Relocation step &1 is assigned to force element &2; deletion not possible
047Select a relocation
048Select a relocation step
049Relocation &1 added
050Relocation step &1 is already assigned to relocation &2
051&4 &1 is assigned to reloc. step &2 with qty &3; quantities are added
052&4 &1; assigned quantity &2 greater than target quantity &3
053Cannot determine receiving force element
054Cannot determine receiving plant
055Cannot determine receiving storage location
056Cannot determine issuing force element
057Cannot determine issuing plant
058Cannot determine issuing storage location
059Cannot determine material number
060Cannot determine relocation
061Cannot determine relocation step
062Cannot determine purchase order quantity or delivery quantity
063Cannot determine company code
064Cannot determine delivery type
065Cannot determine sales organization
066Cannot determine distribution channel
067Cannot determine division
068Cannot determine customer number
069Relocation ID is initial
070Relocation &1 not defined (transaction /ISDFPS/CREL)
071Reloc. &1: 'Planned from' date greater than/equal to 'Planned to' date
072'Planned from' date is greater than/equal to 'Planned to' date
073Only units of measurement for dimension &1 permitted
074Error while writing &1; data not saved
075Data was saved
076No material master is available for MPO &1
077Organizational unit must not be initial
078You must enter a country/region here.
079Force element &1 not assigned any equipment packages
080No material master exists for equipment package &1
081Fill packing instruction
082Packing instruction &1 does not exist
083Equip. package &1 has packing instruction &2; delete assignment manually
084Relocation &1 is currently locked by user &2
085First relocation step &1 must have type 'initial supply'
086Diff. reloc. step types for &1 and &2; MPO &3 cannot be assigned to &4
087Relocation step &3; start date &1 is after relocation end &2
088Choose one relocation only
089Error while deleting relocation &1; data has not been saved
090Relocation &1 has been deleted
091Choose one relocation step only
092Relocation step &1 is currently locked by user &2
093Error while deleting relocation step &1; data has not been saved
094Relocation step &1 has been deleted
095Relocation &2 is already assigned to force element &1
096Force element &1 is locked by &2
097Assigned MPOs, PPAs, or positions exist f. the reloc. &1/FE &2 assignment
098Assignment of relocation &1 to FE %2 has been deleted
099Selection of relocation lost, select new relocation
100Select one or more rows
101Error while updating the relocation index
102Error while updating table &
103PPA &1: reloc. &3 or reloc. step &4 not assigned to stockholding FE &2
104Unable to read equipment package &1; no assignment
105Status change of relocation from &1 to &2 is not allowed
106Relocation status &1 is not valid
107Change to status &1 not possible - relocation already assigned
108&1 for FE &2 with period &2 - &4 created successfully
109At least one relationship could not be created
110Relocation step type 4 not allowed for PPAs
111Item &2 in purchase requisition &1 not yet released
112Choose relocation step of type &1
120First save
200MPO is not assigned to relocation &1 / relocation step &2
210Follow-on docs already created for PPA &1 and relocation step &2
211Follow-on documents already generated for EPA &1 and relocation step &2
212No planning can be generated for materials of EPA &1
213No operation/exercise assigned to force element &1 for &2
214Unable to determine force provider for contingent &1 in operation &2
215FE cannot be set up using EPA &1
216Insufficient stock available for material &1 of EPA &2
300Packing instruction &1 was generated
301Select at least one material
302Packing instruction does not exist or does not contain any items
401Delivery &1 still refers to the relocation (table /ISDFSP/REL_DEL)
402Delivery &1 is in material planning (table /ISDFPS/MATSPPLN)
403Select one line with a purchase requisition
500No permission to display determination records for packing instructions.
501Material &1 selected.
502Logs for time frames &1 and &2 selected.
503&1 LOG &2.
504System &1:
505&1 Material &2 does not exist in the system.
506&1 No determination record found for packing instruction &2 (material &3)
507&1 Determination record &2 sent.
508&1 IDOC &2 created.
509&1 No data available for sending.
510&1 No logs found for selected time frame.
511&1 No packing instructions found for material &2.
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