/ISDFPS/FORCE - Nachrichtenklasse zum Strukturelement

The following messages are stored in message class /ISDFPS/FORCE: Nachrichtenklasse zum Strukturelement.
It is part of development package /ISDFPS/FORCE in software component IS-DFS-OF-FOR. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Force Element".
Message Nr
Message Text
000General error
001Logical system is not defined
002Enter a start date that is earlier than the end date
003Force element &1 exists in the database
004Force element &1 has been created
005Error while creating force element &1
006Logical system &3 has been assigned to FE &1 for the application &2
007Cannot read logical system of force element &1
008Logical system &1 could not be assigned to force element &2
009System switch will be announced during next save action
010No fields have been maintained
011System change for operational LOGSYS completed successfully
012FE &1 is operational in logical system &2 for application &2
013Assign operational systems
014Read operational systems
015Changes have been saved
016Changes not saved
017Announcement will be reversed when you next save
020Force element &1 does not exist
021Specified root object &1 does not exist
022Reference force element &1 does not exist
050Error in the message collector
080You are not authorized to display object &1
081You are not authorized to change object &1
082You are not authorized to create object &1
083You are not authorized to delete object &1
084Action terminated: Authorization is missing for at least one object
099Error while reading database &1 (object type: &2, object ID: &3)
100Read error on database &1
101Update error on database &1
102Insert error on database &1
103Delete error on database &1
104Object does not exist
105Error while reading database &1 for object &2
120Error when locking object &1 &2
121Error when unlocking object &1 &2
122Force element &2 is locked by &1
123Force element has been modified and is locked
124Reference force element &2 is locked by &1
150Error when reading infotype &1
151Error when changing infotype &1
152Error when creating infotype &1
153Error when deleting infotype &1
154Error when delimiting infotype &1
155Error when copying infotype &1
200Error when reading a WBS element &1
201Error when changing a WBS element &1
202Error when creating a WBS element &1
203No WBS element assignment made for force element &1
204No task assignments made force element &1
205Create &2 tab page for &1
206Create &2 tab page, subtype &3 for &1
207Create &2 tab page, relationship &3 for &1
208Create &2 tab page, relationship &3 for &1
210Error when reading MRP area
211Error when assigning MRP area
212Error when creating MRP area
213Enter an MRP area
214MRP area already assigned to another force element
215Error when reading purchasing group
216Error when assigning purchasing group
217Error when creating purchasing group
218Enter a purchasing group
220Error when reading project &1
221Error when changing project &1
222Error when creating project &1
224Only positive whole numbers <= 100 are allowed for the level of readiness
230Error when reading purchasing organization
231Error when assigning purchasing organization
232Error when creating purchasing organization
233Enter a purchasing organization
234Storage location &2 already assigned to force element &1
235Error when reading storage location
236Error when assigning storage location
237Error when creating storage location
238Assign the storage location to a plant
239Enter a storage location
240Error when reading plant
241Error when assigning plant
242Error when creating plant
243No assignment found for MRP area
244Error when reading initial provider
245Enter a plant
246Enter a material indicator
247Storage location &3 is not assigned to MRP area &2 of force element &1
248MPO (&1) is not assigned to this organizational area (&2)
249MPO (&1) does not exist
250Error when reading authorized material (&1, &2)
251Error when changing authorized material (&1, &2)
252Error when creating authorized material (&1, &2)
253Error when deleting authorized material (&1, &2)
254MPO &1 is already assigned to force element &2
255Error in general status management
256Error when changing status (operation &2, object &1)
257Error when creating status
258Error when deleting status
259Error when reading status
260Error when reading status in iPPE
261Operation &2 not permitted (object &1)
262Error when locking authorized material
263Error when unlocking authorized material
264Error when delimiting authorized material (&1)
265Models are available for MPO (&1)
266MPO (&1) has not been approved
267MPO (&1) is not locked
268The end date is not within the assignment period from &2 to &1 (&3-&4)
269Material package (&1) has not been approved
270Error while reading logistical requirement (&1, &2)
271Error when changing logistical requirement
272Error when assigning logistical requirement
273Error when deleting logistical requirement
274Material package (&1) is already assigned to force element (&2)
275Error when locking logistical requirement
276Error when unlocking logistical requirement
277Error when deleting force element (&1)
278Error while copying force element &1
279Models for MPO (&1) are not locked
280For force element &1, MPO &2 cannot be replaced with MPO &3
281MPO (&1) is not locked for the org. area
282Enter MPO
283MPO &1 has incorrect node type
284Provisions package &1 must not be assigned
285MPA (&1) does not exist
286Error while changing force element &1
287Error while reading business entities from &1 &2
288Error while reading real estate contracts from &1 &2
289Operational weighting in status "&1" already exists for "&2"
290An error occurred when copying object list for distribution
291Error while reading RE search request from &1 &2
292Error while reading infrastructure planning objects from &1 &2
300No superior force element exists
301Enter an ID for the force element
302Enter a description for the force element
303Start date must not be earlier than &
304Start date cannot be after the end date
305Enter an object that is to be created
306No other force element can be created under the one specified
307Enter an ID for the position
308Enter a description for the position
309Enter a country/region.
310Enter an organizational area
311Enter a structure type
312Enter a structure level
313Enter a branch/corps
314Enter a superior force element
315Error changing threshold values for determining level of readiness
316Error deleting threshold values for determination of level of readiness
317The object start was adjusted to the start of the first contingent
318The start of &1 was adjusted to the end of the previous contingent
319The start date of &1 is after its end date
320Start and end of &1 were adjusted to the dates of the previous contingent
321The end date of the object was adjusted to that of &1
322The start of the first contingent cannot be before the &1
323The contingent in table row &1 does not have a unique key
324The contingent with key &1 does not have a description
325Contingent &1 does not have a start date
326Contingent &1 does not have an end date
327The object end was adjusted to the end date of the last contingent
328Enter whether it is an operation or exercise
329Select an operation/exercise category
330Select an operation/exercise subcategory
331Select the operation/exercise intensity
332Enter a country/region key.
333Start of contingent '&1' (&2) same as or before end of cont. '&3' (&4)
334No reference force element with "&1" in period &2-&3 found
335Infotype 1019 (quota planning) for Op/Ex &-& could not be created
336Infotype 1019 (quota planning) for Op/Ex &-& could not be changed
337Stor.loc. &1 is HU stor.loc. and is thus not permitted as stk stor.loc.
350Create position &2, &3 tab page for &1
351Create position &2, person &3, Rank infotype for &1
352Create &2 tab page for &1
353Create &2 tab page for &1
354Create Tasks tab page for &1
355No positions are available for force element &1
356Force element &1 is not marked as an agency
357No change document positions found
358No logistics work center exists for force element &1
359Several logistics work centers exist for force element &1
360Select usage type
361No evaluation path exists for the usage type selected
362Select permissible object types O or RF
363Specify status in accordance with the field documentation (F1)
364Object type Organizational Unit (O) does not have a Reportable Item Code
365No data is available for the row selected
366Error generating dialog box
367Specified delimitations were not transferred
368Error while generating the icon
369Select row
370Select change document object(s)
371Choose permitted object types O, S, or RF
372Reference force element was created
373Position was created
378Copy authorized infrastructure
379Copy classification
380Error while copying the documents from force element &1
381Error while copying the documents from position &1
382Error while copying the documents from reference force element &1
383Error while deleting the documents from force element &1
384Error while deleting the documents from position &1
385Error while deleting the documents from reference force element &1
386Copy force element data
387Force element record &1 has been created for HR object &2 &3
388Copy additional data
389Create force element data from force element &1
390Copy additional data from &1 &2 to &3 &4
391Copy the authorized materials
392Copy the logistical requirements
393Copy documents
394Copy actual infrastructure
395Create reference force element &1
396Copy reference force element &1 to reference force element &2
397Force element &1 was created with relationship &2 to force element &3
398Enter an ID for the reference force element
399Enter a name for the reference force element
401Error when editing force element
402Error reading FE &1: exists neither in buffer nor in DB
403Error reading parent relationships: sequence change terminated
404Sequence change not possible for selected relationship &1
405Delete material assignments and support relationships (FORCER)
406Delete logistical requirements (PPA)
407Delete command and support relationships (&1)
408Delete force element &1
409Delete document link &1
410Delete account assignment objects
411Force element was not deleted
501Select at least one status
502The force element you have selected does not have status 'Active'
550Cannot define correction factors for IPOs at level 0
600Purchase order for force element &1 was stored under the number &2
601No company code defined for force element &1
602No serial number defined for material &1 and plant &2
603Purchase order not created. Suppl. plant/storage loc. same as recipient
700Two main business entities were assigned to force element &1 (&2)
883Reference force element &1 will be generated the next time you save
884The reference force elements will be generated the next time you save
885The force elements will be generated the next time you save
886MPO &1 will be delimited next time you save
887MPA &1 will be delimited next time you save
888Structure &1 (&2) was copied successfully to &3
889Structure was deleted successfully
890Structure was delimited successfully
891Force element &1 will be generated next time you save
892Force element &1 will be changed next time you save
893Force element &1 will be deleted next time you save
894MPO &1 will be assigned to force element &2 next time you save
895MPO &1 will be changed next time you save
896MPO &1 will be deleted next time you save
897MPA &1 will be assigned to force element &2 next time you save
898MPA &1 will be changed next time you save
899MPA &1 will be deleted next time you save
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