/ISDFPS/FOXFO - Aufl�sung des Strukturelements

The following messages are stored in message class /ISDFPS/FOXFO: Aufl�sung des Strukturelements.
It is part of development package /ISDFPS/PLM_FOX_OBJ_FORCE in software component IS-DFS-OF. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "FORCE Enhancement for FOX".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Force element &1 is not active
001Material owner (FE &1) is not active on &2 &3
002Subscribing organizational area (FE &1) is not active on &2 &3
003Force provider (FE &1) is not active
004Initial supplier of materials (FE &1) is not active
005Supporting force element &1 is not active (&4)
006Force element (organizational structure) &1 is not active
007Force element (defense) &1 is not active
008Force element (administrative chain of command) &1 is not active
009Command responsibility (FE &1) is not active
010Force element (operation) &1 is not active
011Force element (exercise) &1 is not active
012Initial supplier of materials in operation (FE &1) is not active
013Initial supplier of personnel in operation (FE &1) is not active
014Initial supplier of personnel (FE &1) is not active
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