/ISDFPS/LM_UR - Nachrichtenklasse f�r Massen�nderung der Nutzungsrate

The following messages are stored in message class /ISDFPS/LM_UR: Nachrichtenklasse f�r Massen�nderung der Nutzungsrate.
It is part of development package /ISDFPS/LM_MUR_APP in software component IS-DFS-LM. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "LM: Mass Change Usage Rate Application".
Message Nr
Message Text
000&1; &2; &3; &4
150No data found that matches the selection criteria
151Not all selection options were used during data selection
152You do not have authorization for all equipment in the selection
153Fill in all required entry fields; check your entries
154All equipment in the selection is locked or change protected
155Some equipment in selection is locked; not locked entries are displayed
156If the force element is specified in the selection, enter the role
157You can change the usage rate only starting with the previous year
158Cannot process equipment with different measuring point units
159If the role is specified in the selection, enter the force element
160Cannot process equipment without measuring point for usage rate
161Some equipment has no meas. point for usage rate; this is not displayed
162Change auth. is not enabled for some equipment; this is not displayed
250Select at least one row for "Update Value(s)"
300All changes were saved
500Internal error occurred
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