/ISDFPS/NR - Nachrichtenklasse zum Paket /ISDFPS/NR

The following messages are stored in message class /ISDFPS/NR: Nachrichtenklasse zum Paket /ISDFPS/NR.
It is part of development package /ISDFPS/NR in software component IS-DFS-BIT. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Number Range Consistency".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Number range (sub) object does not contain any global definitions yet
001An active global definition exists for the number range (sub) object
002The entire number range object has already been defined as global
003Leave the change mode by pressing 'Save' or 'Change'
004Subobject not specified or does not exist
005Number range object &1 does not contain any global definitions yet
006Data will be lost if you confirm
007No local number ranges have been created for number range object &1
008No local number ranges have been created for object &1, subobject &2
009The changes have been saved in the database
010An unexpected update error occurred
011The new definitions have been saved in the database
012There are no changed definitions
013Number range object &2 is locked by user &1
014System error occurred when locking &1
015The 'sub-object value- field has to be kept free for 'global rel. = 0'
016An error occurred when reading from the database
017Start outside of the central system
018Start transfer of NRIV data from system &1.
019Error when transferring NRIV data from system &1.
020Other NR Object &1 in system &2
021Interval &4 &1 from &2 to &3
022Unchanged info. received for &1 from &2 - does not correspond to reserv.
023New NR information &1 of &2 received: &3, &4.
024Remote number range data &1 has changed in &2: &3, &4
025NR data for &1 in system &2 corresponds to reservation -> delete res.
026Changed NR info. &1 of &2 received - does not correspond to reservation.
027Unchanged NR information &1 of &2 received.
028Numbers have already been assigned in interval &1 - changes not possible
029Entry &1 (&3-&4) is not available in &2 - deleted centrally
030Wait for confirmation from &1 remote systems - max. &2 seconds
031Waiting time complete. &1 systems were accessible
032Error while receiving NRIV data from system &1
033NRIV data from system &1 - &2 table entries
034No NRIV data was received from system &1
035NR intervals have been deleted - clean up central check basis
036Authorization check for changing the number range information OK
037Creation of number range intervals for the new fiscal year &1
038Create new interval in year &1 for &2, limits: &3-&4
039No new interval was created in &1 for &2
040Invalid GLOBAL_KEY &1 for NR Object &2
041&1 - fiscal year &2 for object &3 not found
042&1 - fiscal year &2 for object &3 is not in reference system &4
043&1 - conflict with &2 - complete overlap
044&1 - conflict with &2 - complete overlap
045&1 - conflict with &2 - partial overlap
046&1 - no overlap
047&1 - yearly accrual is consistent with reference system &2
048&1 - no reservation
049&1 - interval limits are not (completely) defined
050The entered upper limit is not greater than the lower limit
051Error while saving the new interval in &1 for &2
052Comparison of the NRIV data from remote systems with local data
053Error while comparing the NRIV data from remote systems
054New number range definition &1 for &2
055Selected lines cannot be entered in the remote system
056LOGSYS &1 not known in /ISDFPS/GNR_SYS
057Other number range setting for &1 in &2 - new limits: &3 - &4
058No connection to remote system &1
059Change to NR setting for &1 in & 2 has been saved - new limits: &3 - &4
060Connection test for &1 is OK
061No line has been selected
062Error occurred when checking consistency
063Start SNRO in &1 for object &2
064Read data for NR object &1 from the database
065An error occurred when checking NR object &1
066Deleting reservation data for &1 for &2
067Error deleting reservation data for &1 for &2
068Error saving reservation data for &1 in &2
069New NR definition for &1 for &2 saved
070GNR RFC definition for &1 is not maintained in /ISDFPS/GNR_SYS
071Unknown error during communication with &1
072Error while entering the number range data for &1
073Error deleting reservation definition for &1 for &2
074Deleting reservation definition for &1 for &2
075Reservation definition for &1 for &2 deleted
076&1 - Local intervals of different systems
077&1 - Global and local intervals of different systems
078System landscape not maintained in table /ISDFPS/GNR_SYS
079&1 is not numeric
080Delete reservation for &1?
081delete the reservation?
082Reservation for &1 in &2 will not be deleted
083Select only one line
084'0' is not permitted as an interval limit - use '1'
085GNR definition &1
086Delete GNR definition?
087GNR definition will not be deleted
088Deleting GNR definition &1
089Reservation data for &1 for &2 deleted
090Clean up global nummber range check of system &1
091Cleanup of /ISDFPS/NRIV of entries for &1 is complete
092Entries for multiple systems selected
093NO.: &1 - &2 - &3 - &4 - old
094Error while saving &1
095Test Run
096NO.: &1 - &2 - &3 - &4 - New
097Interval unused - delete: &1 - &2 - &3
098Error while reading &1
099Global check of number range consistency, user: &1
100All decentralized systems will be adjusted!
101The systems you selected for adjustment do not exist yet
102No logical system is assigned to your client
103The systems you selected for display do not exist yet
104The logical system of your client is not part of the system group
105This transaction is only permitted in the central system or client
106The objects you selected do not exist in the central system yet
107All systems will be adjusted. Are you sure?
108No system has been selected for data adjustment
109Reservation in status 'R' not deleted - &1
110Global check of number range consistency - completed
111User &1 is not authorized to execute &2
112User &1 is not authorized to compare NRIV data
113Error during authorization check for user &1
114Authorization check is OK
115Transferring NRIV data
116NRIV data transfer is complete
117Number level not in interval - &1 not changed
120Maintenance of global number range definitions started
121Maintenance of global number range definitions completed
122Global number range definition &1 activated and saved
123Global number range &1 deactivated and saved
124Save data for global number range definition &1 &2 &3 &4
125Delete data for global number range definition &1 &2 &3 &4
126No line has been selected
127GNR definition &1 saved - active: '&2'
128Global number range definition &1 deleted
129Change global number range definition &1
130Error while saving the definition for &1
131Error while deleting the definition for &1
132Definition &1 saved
140GNR definition &1-&2-&3 already exists: active: '&4'
141Other GNR definition with global reference &4 exists
142GNR definition &1-&2-&3 is compatible
143OBJECT not defined
144If global reference is '0', SUBOBJECT and NRRANGENR must be initial
145If global reference is 'S', NRRANGENR must be initial
146If global reference is 'N', NRRANGENR cannot be initial
147Error checking consistence of GNR definition
148Invalid global details
149If global reference is 'L', NRRANGENR cannot be initial
150Reservation fields must both be filled or empty
199Test run - no changes will be made on the database
200Delete unused internal number range intervals
201Deletion of unused number range intervals completed
202&1 entries found
203Number range interval '&1' from &2 to &3 - status: '&4'.
204Entry &1 deleted
205Error deleting &1
206Test run ended
207Following internal number range intervals would be deleted:
306No line has been selected
777Key for table item &1 is different
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