/ISDFPS/OM_PROXY - Messages for general issues in DFPS OM proxy implementation
The following messages are stored in message class /ISDFPS/OM_PROXY: Messages for general issues in DFPS OM proxy implementation.
It is part of development package /ISDFPS/OM_XI_PROXY in software component IS-DFS-OF. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Org. Management Proxy Structures".
It is part of development package /ISDFPS/OM_XI_PROXY in software component IS-DFS-OF. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Org. Management Proxy Structures".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
000 | Undefined Error |
001 | Value '&1' not allowed for indicator fields |
002 | ApprovalStatusCode '&1' is not allowed |
003 | Planning Status '&1' cannot be converted |
004 | Internal conversion error |
005 | No meta information found for field &1 |
006 | Error during calculation of Change State Id |
007 | Error during execution of customer BAdI implementation |
008 | Error during execution of SAP internal BAdI implementation |
009 | Selection begin date time (&1) is after selection end date time (&2) |
010 | Organisational Centre Relationship Role Code '&1' is not allowed |
011 | Relationship direction '&1' cannot be converted |
012 | Functional Unit Maintenance Assignment Role Code '&1' is not allowed |
013 | Functional Unit Supply Assignment Role Code '&1' is not allowed |
014 | Functional Unit Service Assignment Role Code '&1' is not allowed |
015 | Timestamp '&1' contains an invalid value |
016 | Error during read of object information |
017 | Begin datetime is after end datetime |
018 | Time zone '&1' does not exist |
019 | Task Organisation type '&1' does not exist |
020 | Time zone '&1' cannot be converted |
021 | Task organisation type '&1' cannot be converted |
022 | Daylight saving time not valid for time zone '&1' on date '&2' time '&3' |
023 | ApprovalStatusCode or ActiveIndicator not specified (only in combination) |
024 | Assignment Status '&1' cannot be converted |
025 | Action Code '&1' is not allowed |
026 | Update not possible: Record (&1) has changed meanwhile |
027 | Assignment(s) start date has been adapted to object validity period |
028 | Assignment(s) end date has been adapted to object validity period |
029 | Workflow date has been adapted to assignment validity period |
030 | Error during database update |
031 | Error during delimit of assignment |
032 | Error during create of assignment |
033 | Error during status change of assignment |
034 | Product Category ID '&1' does not exist |
035 | External Material Group '&1' cannot be converted |
036 | Damage Type Code '&1' does not exist |
037 | Damage Type '&1' cannot be converted |
038 | Status change from status '&1' '&2' to status '&3' '&4' is not allowed |
039 | Action 'Insert' in status '&1' and ActiveIndicator '&2' is not allowed |
040 | Action 'Delimit' in status '&1' and ActiveIndicator '&2' is not allowed |
041 | Status change from status '&1' '&2' to status '&3' '&4' is not allowed |
042 | New assignment end date/time must be lower than original end date/time |
043 | Hierarchy View Code '&1' does not exist |
044 | Neither status nor end date was changed on record with ChangedObjectID &1 |
045 | Time zones for start and end date/time must be identically |
046 | Service Type '&1' cannot be converted |
047 | Service Type Code '&1' does not exist |
048 | At least one required field value of &1 record missing |
049 | Start date '&1' is greater than end date '&2' |
050 | ApprovalStatusCode '&1' with ActiveIndicator '&2' is not allowed |
051 | Workflow date must be adapted to assignment validity period |
052 | Neither status nor dates were changed on record with ChangedObjectID &1 |
053 | Start date/time '&1' is greater than end date/time '&2' |
054 | Time zones for start-, end- and Workflow date/time, must be identically |
055 | Case Type '&1' does not exist |
056 | Relationship '&1' cannot be converted |
057 | For interval boundary typecode '&1' an end date is not allowed |
058 | Interval '&1'-'&2' for interval boundary typecode '&3' not allowed |
059 | Interval boundary typecode '&1' not allowed |
060 | Error during call of internal BAdI for retrieval of node "&1" |
061 | Error during backend selection of node "&1" for &2 &3 |
062 | Error during conversion of element "&1" of node "&2" |
064 | Mandatory output field "&1" of node "&2" for &3 &4 not filled |
065 | Error during Outbound Check: Backend and Service Proxy Nodes not in synch |
066 | Public service organisational area code '&1' cannot be converted |
067 | Functional unit public service category code '&1' cannot be converted |
068 | Functional unit echelon structure level code '&1' cannot be converted |
069 | Functional unit echelon code '&1' cannot be converted |
070 | Functional unit capability type code '&1' cannot be converted |
071 | Functional unit capability group code '&1' cannot be converted |
072 | Error during read of address &1 |
073 | Error during read of geolocation data of address &1 |
074 | Error during read of communication data of address &1 |
075 | Address Subtype &1 does not exist |
080 | |
100 | -------- IDP Handling ------------- |
101 | Exactly-once request cannot be locked: &1 (error code: &2) |
102 | Exactly-once request timed out (message UUID &1) |
103 | Internal error in exactly-once processing (message UUID &1) |
104 | Error during exactly-once processing: &1 (message UUID &2) |
105 | UUID &1 for element &2 does not comply to required pattern |
106 | Internal error storing response for request message UUID &1 |