/ISDFPS/PM_MBOOK - PM Wartungsbuch
The following messages are stored in message class /ISDFPS/PM_MBOOK: PM Wartungsbuch.
It is part of development package /ISDFPS/PM_MBOOK in software component IS-DFS-PM. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Maintenance Book".
It is part of development package /ISDFPS/PM_MBOOK in software component IS-DFS-PM. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Maintenance Book".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
001 | & & is not master equipment - entry not possible |
002 | Cannot determine equipment data for & |
003 | Selection for & & cannot be started |
004 | No & exists for & & - operation is terminated |
005 | Internal error; transaction cannot be started (RC=&) |
006 | Internal error: Data cannot be supplied |
007 | Output cannot be generated for & & |
008 | No accident data exists for & & accident date & |
009 | The current file name is adopted |
010 | Data for &1 &2 already selected |
011 | The SAP version is used for & |
012 | The customer version is used for & |
016 | ERROR: Cannot save runtime data (RC=&, ID=&) |
017 | ERROR: Cannot update runtime data (RC=&, ID=&) |
018 | Processing terminated because of errors - see log |
019 | No objects specified for selection in Customizing |
020 | DB selection has started... |
021 | Error: Selection class & cannot be instanced |
022 | Error calling selection method of class & |
023 | & PM orders read for & & |
024 | &1 flights read for &2 &3 |
025 | Error storing selection results of class & |
026 | Selection started for object & |
027 | No objects specified for data output in Customizing |
028 | Error calling data output for object & (class &, method &) |
029 | Data output for object & is incomplete or missing |
030 | Data output has started... |
031 | Data output started for object & (class used: &) |
032 | Object &: spool order & created for output device & |
033 | Object &: & pages were output |
034 | Data output completed - see log |
035 | Data output available in spool order & |
036 | No & available |
037 | & PM notifications read for & &, & |
038 | No spool order could be determined |
039 | Several spool orders determined - PDF creation not possible |
040 | Function was canceled |
041 | No central settings saved for &1 |
042 | Error: central settings were NOT stored |
043 | Central settings were stored |
044 | Spool storage location for PDF output not defined |
045 | PDF will NOT be created |
046 | PDF generation completed - see log |
047 | Output request cannot be generated - spool request not known |
048 | No output order could be created for spool order & (RC=&) |
049 | Output request &2 generated for spool request &1 |
050 | PDF file was generated but may contain errors (spool order &) |
051 | PDF file was generated for spool order & |
052 | Generation of PDF file for spool request & contains errors (&) |
053 | Interal error opening PDF file &1 &2 &3 &4 |
054 | The file name of the PDF file cannot be determined - termination |
055 | PDF file & & & & being processed... |
056 | User & not authorized to & PDF file |
057 | & bytes read from application server |
058 | PDF file could not be read from application server (RC=&) |
059 | & bytes transferred to frontend device & |
060 | PDF file successfully made available to user & |
061 | Error: PDF file was NOT made available (error code &) |
062 | Download of PDF file not possible - file name for download not specified |
063 | File name: & & & & |
064 | Download in background processing not possible |
065 | Download not possible if file name is not specified |
066 | User & not authorized to delete spool order & |
067 | Cannot delete spool order &1 (RC = &2, status = &3) |
068 | Spool order & was deleted |
069 | PDF file was deleted on application server |
070 | PDF file cannot be deleted on the application server (RC=&) |
071 | You are not authorized to execute the & |
072 | Accident date cannot be in the future |
073 | Start of selection must be earlier than accident date |
074 | Start of selection &1 transferred from entry on selection screen |
075 | Start of selection &1 determined automatically |
076 | Cannot determine start of selection automatically |
077 | Cover sheet information selected |
078 | No cover sheet information selected for process &1 |
079 | No print program specified for object & - printing not possible |
080 | No print form specified for object & - printing not possible |
081 | Print program & used with form & |
082 | Document header & was deleted |
083 | Document header & was regenerated |
084 | Document header & cannot be generated (RC=&) |
085 | No text rows provided for document header & |
086 | Error: Equipment & cannot be read |
087 | No configuration check result determined for equipment & |
088 | & log rows of configuration check result selected for equipment & |
089 | Data for master equipment & cannot be read |
090 | No hierarchy could be determined for object & |
091 | Hierarchy & was read for object & |
092 | Error while reading equipment hierarchy for object &1/&2 |
093 | Error accessing equipment data - selection terminated |
094 | & PM orders read for equipment in equipment hierarchy |
095 | Error: Functional location & cannot be read |
096 | Error accessing FL data - selection terminated |
097 | & & have already been processed and will be ignored now |
098 | & measuring points read |
099 | & measurement documents read |
100 | Configuration check for equipment & not possible |
101 | Aircraft accident currently being processed; function is not possible |
102 | Spool request & was not printed correctly; termination |
103 | PDF generation canceled with errors; refer to the log |
104 | Aircraft accident cannot be updated; termination |
105 | Reprocessing aircraft accident for & & following earlier termination |
106 | Data selection of selected object incomplete; display not possible |
107 | File name was copied |
108 | BAdI for postprocessing was not executed due to errors |
109 | Cannot determine BAdI implementation for type &1 |
110 | Change the file name; file name already exists |
111 | &1 orders determined from preselection |
112 | & confirmations selected |
113 | Service book type &1 is not defined |
114 | Application started by user &1 on &2 at &3 |
115 | INTERNAL ERROR: Application cannot be started |
116 | ERROR: & was not generated |
117 | Incorrect DB access to table &1; (&2) |
118 | Processing terminated at request of user |
119 | BAdI Call: No authorization for &1 |
120 | ERROR: Long text cannot be saved (RC=&) |
121 | BAdI: No information provided for &1 |
122 | BAdI: Selection end date has not been defined |
123 | Selection end date is set automatically: & |
124 | BAdI: selection end date: & |
125 | BAdI: Selection start date has not been defined |
126 | Selection start date is set automatically: & |
127 | BAdI: Selection start date: & |
128 | BAdI: No output device determined; processing terminated |
129 | End date of selection transferred from user entry: &1 |
130 | Data reselected and formatted |
131 | INTERNAL ERROR: Overview cannot be displayed |
132 | Operation number & does not exist |
133 | &1 issued again |
134 | ERROR: &1 could not be issued |
135 | No data saved for & |
136 | Log for operation number & cannot be read |
137 | ERROR: Log cannot be displayed |
138 | Cannot determine measuring point for master equipment &1 |
139 | Measuring point &1 used to determine "30 Day Rule" |
140 | No measurement documents could be determined |
141 | Measuring point forwarding active; measuring point &1 also considered |
142 | Data output for equipment &1... |
143 | &1 maintenance plans/items for &2 &3 read &4 |
144 | &1 maintenance plans/items read for objects in equipment hierarchy |