/ISDFPS/PPEMPA - Nachrichtenklasse Materialpaket

The following messages are stored in message class /ISDFPS/PPEMPA: Nachrichtenklasse Materialpaket.
It is part of development package /ISDFPS/CPPEMPA in software component IS-DFS-OF-MPA. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Material Packages".
Message Nr
Message Text
001Material &1 cannot be assigned to a package more than once
002Material &1 in line &2 is not available or has been deleted
003Enter a name
004You cannot enter material &1 in line &2 twice
005Enter the name of the source
006Enter a description
007The unit for &1 is &2; field &3 must not contain any decimal places
008No material package data available
009The package contains materials with an ext. material group other than &1
010Material &1 has different external material group
011Name assigned internally
012Only the system can assign names between 0000000001 and 0999999999
013No row was selected
014Select a package type
015Provisions package does not exist
016MPO &1 already assigned, model &2 cannot be assigned
017An MPO &1 model was assigned, MPO cannot be assigned
018Material with material type &1 cannot be assigned
019Serial number &1 for material &2 does not exist
020Material &1 does not exist
021Enter a quantity
022Enter a valid function identifier
023iPPE node cannot be identified
024Equipment package can have a maximum of one leading record
053Supply package can only be deleted if status is &
054Equipment package can only be deleted if status is &
061Cannot delete object; object is linked to a force element
062Status change not allowed; link to force element exists
064&1 &2 is used in an MPO relationship at force element "&3"
200Enter a material container or an equipment package
201No models are available for MPO &1
202Material &1 was added to the equipment package
300Package has not been generated
301Customizing for usage types is not maintained
302Only provisions and equipment packages are permitted
303Select at least one valid line
304Number of days must be greater than one
305Enter a description for the new package
306Unit of measure in material is not defined
307Cannot generate provisions package
308Cannot generate equipment package
309Cannot save package to database
310You are not authorized to execute the MPO workbench
311Could not start the MPO Workbench
312Package & was generated. Identify a material as leading record
840Change /ISDFPS/FORVPA: Started &1 &2
841Change /ISDFPS/FORVPA: client & started
842Change /ISDFPS/FORVPA: ended &1 &2
843Change /ISDFPS/FORVPA: &1 data records changed for client &2
844Change /ISDFPS/FORVPA: & data records changed in total
845Error ISDFPS/FORVPA: &1 of &2 records processed
846Change for /ISDFPS/FORVPA: XPRA carried out successfully
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