/ISDFPS/UPS_COMMAND - UPS-Kommando verarbeiten
The following messages are stored in message class /ISDFPS/UPS_COMMAND: UPS-Kommando verarbeiten.
It is part of development package /ISDFPS/PM in software component PM-WOC. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "SDP BW Enhancements in PM".
It is part of development package /ISDFPS/PM in software component PM-WOC. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "SDP BW Enhancements in PM".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
001 | UPS command processing started by user &1, on &2, at &3 |
002 | Processing distribution unit & |
003 | Processing mode: &1 - &2 |
004 | UPS command & is not defined; command ignored |
005 | UPS command & cannot be identified; command ignored |
006 | Processing type & is not defined |
007 | Processing program &1/&2 cannot be called up; ignored |
008 | Processing class & is not defined |
009 | Processing class & is abstract and will be ignored |
010 | Processing class & has the "TEST" attribute and will be ignored |
011 | Error while calling the UPS command &; command will be ignored |
012 | Calling processing class &2 for UPS command &1 |
013 | Only message type & is taken into account |
014 | & entries of the distibution unit ignored |
015 | UPS distribution unit contains & entries |
016 | Asynchronous processing in queue: program run & |
017 | Asynchronous processing was canceled in queue |
018 | Error while calling UPS command processing; process terminated |
019 | No entry for logical system &1 found in table TUPS05 |
020 | Error while calling function &1; RC = &2 - &3 &4 |
021 | Replication table &1 was NOT updated |
022 | Replication table &1 has been updated with &2 entries |
023 | Processing of UPS distribution unit &1 ended with errors |
024 | UPS commando IDoc &1 (object type &2) was reset to status &3 |
025 | IDoc with UPS command was reset for reprocessing |
026 | UPS command &1 is not defined |
027 | Command type &1 cannot be assigned a UPS object type |
028 | UPS package in status &1 is ignored in processing status &2 |
029 | Direction of distribution: &1 - &2 |
030 | UPS command not processed |
031 | Cannot lock UPS distribution unit & |
032 | & entries of UPS distribution unit ignored (change authorization) |
033 | Cannot read UPS package &1 |
034 | Dismantling equipment &1 |
035 | No equipment entered in the UPS command |
036 | Equipment cannot be processed from UPS command |
037 | Cannot read equipment &1 |
038 | Cannot read functional location &1 |
039 | Dismantling functional location &1 |
040 | No functional location specified in the UPS command |
041 | Functional location cannot be processed from UPS command |