/IWBEP/CM_OCI - Message Class for OSCI

The following messages are stored in message class /IWBEP/CM_OCI: Message Class for OSCI.
It is part of development package /IWBEP/OCI_COMMON in software component OPU-BSE-SDE. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "SAP Gateway-Odata Consumption and Integration Common".
Message Nr
Message Text
000OData Service (SAP GW) generation is complete
001Provide all the parameters for configuring SAP Gateway Model and Service
002Model Provider and Data Provider names cannot be identical
003Generation of Class initiated
004RFC Destination &1 does not exist
005OData Service (SAP GW) generation cancelled
006No development authorization
007Error in OData Service (SAP GW) generation
008OData Service (SAP GW) configuration is complete
009Generation of class &1 is cancelled
010Generation of Model Provider class &1 is complete
011Generation of Data Provider class &1 is complete
012RFC Destination should be either of type 'H' or 'G'
013Software Component IW_FND, IW_BEP must be codeployed for this Program
014Service &1 does not exist
015Unable to generate F4 for the RFC destination
016Generation of Model and Service initiated
017Error in Service &1
018Service name cannot start with '/'
019Service namespace cannot start with '/'
020Unable to perform Service Operation &1
021Unable to perform Query operation &1
022Unable to perform Read operation &1
023Function Import with complex return type is not supported
024Function Import '&1' has complex type as return type which is unsupported
025Service has complex type in between entities which is not supported
026Service has navigation property in between property which is unsupported
027Service has Entity Base Type which is not supported
028Software Component IW_BEP not found
030Service Operation &1 initiated
031Service Operation &1 completed
032Entity creation initiated for &1
033Entity creation completed for &1
034Entity updation initiated for &1
035Entity updation completed for &1
036Entity deletion initiated for &1
037Entity deletion completed for &1
038Get Entity initiated for &1
039Get Entity completed for &1
040Get Entity Set initiated for &1
041Get Entity Set completed for &1
042Create Entity failed: &1
043Update Entity failed: &1
044Delete Entity failed: &1
045&1 &2 &3 &4
046Unable to perform Delete Operation &1
047Create Entity failed: Contact your System Administrator
048Update Entity failed: Contact your System Administrator
049Query failed: Contact your System Administrator
050Read failed: Contact your System Administrator
051Execute Action Failed: Contact your System Administrator
052Execute Action Failed: &1
053Delete Enitity Failed: Contact your System Administrator
054Delete Enitity Failed: &1
055Error in metadata
056Unable to create data container for entity &1
057Get Stream initiated for &1
058Get Stream failed: Contact your System Administrator
059Unable to perform Get Stream operation &1
060Get Stream completed for &1
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