/IWBEP/CM_OCI - Message Class for OSCI
The following messages are stored in message class /IWBEP/CM_OCI: Message Class for OSCI.
It is part of development package /IWBEP/OCI_COMMON in software component OPU-BSE-SDE. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "SAP Gateway-Odata Consumption and Integration Common".
It is part of development package /IWBEP/OCI_COMMON in software component OPU-BSE-SDE. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "SAP Gateway-Odata Consumption and Integration Common".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
000 | OData Service (SAP GW) generation is complete |
001 | Provide all the parameters for configuring SAP Gateway Model and Service |
002 | Model Provider and Data Provider names cannot be identical |
003 | Generation of Class initiated |
004 | RFC Destination &1 does not exist |
005 | OData Service (SAP GW) generation cancelled |
006 | No development authorization |
007 | Error in OData Service (SAP GW) generation |
008 | OData Service (SAP GW) configuration is complete |
009 | Generation of class &1 is cancelled |
010 | Generation of Model Provider class &1 is complete |
011 | Generation of Data Provider class &1 is complete |
012 | RFC Destination should be either of type 'H' or 'G' |
013 | Software Component IW_FND, IW_BEP must be codeployed for this Program |
014 | Service &1 does not exist |
015 | Unable to generate F4 for the RFC destination |
016 | Generation of Model and Service initiated |
017 | Error in Service &1 |
018 | Service name cannot start with '/' |
019 | Service namespace cannot start with '/' |
020 | Unable to perform Service Operation &1 |
021 | Unable to perform Query operation &1 |
022 | Unable to perform Read operation &1 |
023 | Function Import with complex return type is not supported |
024 | Function Import '&1' has complex type as return type which is unsupported |
025 | Service has complex type in between entities which is not supported |
026 | Service has navigation property in between property which is unsupported |
027 | Service has Entity Base Type which is not supported |
028 | Software Component IW_BEP not found |
029 | &1 |
030 | Service Operation &1 initiated |
031 | Service Operation &1 completed |
032 | Entity creation initiated for &1 |
033 | Entity creation completed for &1 |
034 | Entity updation initiated for &1 |
035 | Entity updation completed for &1 |
036 | Entity deletion initiated for &1 |
037 | Entity deletion completed for &1 |
038 | Get Entity initiated for &1 |
039 | Get Entity completed for &1 |
040 | Get Entity Set initiated for &1 |
041 | Get Entity Set completed for &1 |
042 | Create Entity failed: &1 |
043 | Update Entity failed: &1 |
044 | Delete Entity failed: &1 |
045 | &1 &2 &3 &4 |
046 | Unable to perform Delete Operation &1 |
047 | Create Entity failed: Contact your System Administrator |
048 | Update Entity failed: Contact your System Administrator |
049 | Query failed: Contact your System Administrator |
050 | Read failed: Contact your System Administrator |
051 | Execute Action Failed: Contact your System Administrator |
052 | Execute Action Failed: &1 |
053 | Delete Enitity Failed: Contact your System Administrator |
054 | Delete Enitity Failed: &1 |
055 | Error in metadata |
056 | Unable to create data container for entity &1 |
057 | Get Stream initiated for &1 |
058 | Get Stream failed: Contact your System Administrator |
059 | Unable to perform Get Stream operation &1 |
060 | Get Stream completed for &1 |