/IWBEP/CM_V4_MED - OData V4 Metadata Messages

The following messages are stored in message class /IWBEP/CM_V4_MED: OData V4 Metadata Messages.
It is part of development package /IWBEP/V4S_COS_MESSAGES in software component OPU-GW-V4. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "OData V4 - Message Classes - Fully translated".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Object not changeable
001Model with namespcae '&1' already exists in model group
002Entity type '&1' already exists
003Property '&1' already exists in entity type '&2'
004Entity type '&1' not found
005Property '&1' not found
006Model data cannot be set in non-initial model
007Member '&1' already exists in enumeration type '&2'
008Invalid MaxLength value '&1' on parameter '&2' of operation '&3'
009Complex type '&1' already exists
010Invalid internal name '&1'; only uppercase and underscores allowed
011Invalid EDM name '&1'
012EDM name '&1' already used
013Internal name '&1' already used
014Entity set '&1' already exists
015Entity set '&1' not found
016No additional properties; object was automatically created via structure
017Complex type '&1' not found
018Function '&1' not found
019Action '&1' not found
020Function import '&1' already exists
021Action import '&1' already exists
022Function import '&1' not found
023Action import '&1' not found
024Structure type '&1' does not exist
025Type '&1' provided by application is not a structure
026Structure type '&1' does not have an attribute '&2'
027Type information is not set
028Model '&1' not found
029XSD ABAP data types are not supported; check property '&1'
030XSD ABAP data types are not supported
031Element type '&1' does not exist
032Type '&1' provided by application is not an element
033Binding to DDIC element not allowed; object was created via structure
034Function parameter '&1' not found
035Function parameter '&1' already exists
036Action parameter '&1' not found
037Action parameter '&1' already exists
038Function '&1' already exists
039Action '&1' already exists; overloading not supported
040Operation '&1' already exists; overloading not supported
041Precision not allowed on property '&1' of complex type '&2'
042Scale cannot be set on property '&1' of complex type '&2'
043MaxLength cannot be set on parameter '&1' of operation '&2'
044Precision value invalid for property '&1' of complex type '&2'
045Scale value invalid for property '&1' of complex type '&2'
046MaxLength value invalid for '&1'
047Key property must not be nullable
048Binding parameter already exists; existing binding parameter '&1'
049Invalid EntitySetPath '&1'
050Type setting not unique
051Property '&1' is type definition based
052Property '&1' is EDM-based
053Singleton '&1' not found
054Type definition '&1' not found
055Enumeration type '&1' not found
056Parameter '&1' is not EDM-based
057Parameter '&1' is EDM-based
058Parameter '&1' not found
059Parameter '&1' is EDM-based
060Entity type '&1' does not exist for entity set '&2'
061Entity set '&1' not assigned to an entity type
062Return is not EDM-based
063Return is EDM-based
064Entity type '&1' does not have a key
065Return already exists
066Type '&1' not allowed for key properties
067Property '&1' of entity type '&2' does not have an internal name
068Property '&1' of entity type '&2' does not have an EDM name
069No EDM type setting on property '&1' of structured type '&2'
070Property '&1' of complex type '&2' does not have a valid internal type
071Entity type '&1' has an invalid base type
072Local property '&1' in entity type '&2' not found for ref. constraint
073Target property '&1' in entity type '&2' not found for ref. constraint
074Operation '&1' does not have an internal name
075Operation '&1' does not have an EDM name
076Function '&1' does not have a return
077Feature not implemented
078Entity type '&1' has an invalid key definition
079Property '&1' has the same internal name as complex type '&2'
080Complex type '&1' has not allowed key property '&2'
081Property '&1' has the same internal name as entity type '&2'
082Property '&1' has the same EDM name as entity type '&2'
083Property '&1' has the same EDM name as complex type '&2'
084Operation import '&1' does not have an internal name
085Operation import '&1' does not have an EDM name
086Bound operation '&1' does not contain any parameters
087Abstract entity type '&1' cannot inherit from entity type '&2'
088Entity type '&1' is part of an inheritance cycle
089Base entity type '&1' of entity type '&2' does not exist
090Abstract complex type '&1' cannot inherit from complex type '&2'
091Complex type '&1' is part of an inheritance cycle
092Base complex type '&1' of complex type '&2' does not exist
093Entity type '&1' has no base type
094Complex type '&1' has no base type
095Invalid name '&1'; prefix 'SAP__' is reserved
096Invalid open type attribute on complex type '&1' with base type '&2'
097No type setting on property '&1' of complex type '&2'
098No type setting on property '&1' of entity type '&2'
099Type definition '&1' not found for property '&2' in complex type '&3'
100Type definition '&1' not found for property '&2' in entity type '&3'
101Complex type '&1' not found for property '&2' in complex type '&3'
102Complex type '&1' not found for property '&2' in entity type '&3'
103Target entity type '&1' not found for nav-prop '&2' in complex type '&3'
104Target entity type '&1' not found for nav-prop '&2' in entity type '&3'
105Partner attribute found for nav-prop '&1' in complex type '&2'
106Partner nav-prop '&1' not found for nav-prop '&2' in entity type '&3
107Invalid open type attribute on entity type '&1' with base type '&2'
108Target entity set '&1' not found for nav-prop binding in entity set '&2'
109NP bind. (ES '&1'): Nav-prop '&2' not found in entity type '&3'
110NP bind. (ES '&1'): Nav-prop '&2' not found in complex type '&3'
111NP bind. (ES '&1'): Complex property '&2' not found in entity type '&3'
112NP bind. (ES '&1'): Complex type '&2' not found for property '&3'
113NavProp bndng (EntySet '&1'): Complex prop '&2' not in complex type '&3'
114Precision and scale value combination invalid for property '&1'
115Duplicate property name '&1' found for derived entity type '&2'
116Duplicate property name '&1' found for derived complex type '&2'
117Binding parameter missing or at the wrong position for operation '&1'
118Multiple binding parameters found for operation '&1'. Only one is allowed
119Invalid ABAP provider length on property '&1' of entity type '&2'
120Precision/scale value combination invalid for return of operation '&1'
121Precision/scale value settings not allowed on return of operation '&1'
122EDM name '&1' already in use by property
123Failed to get type descriptor for structure '&1' of entity type '&2'
124Conversion exit '&1' not found
125Invalid decimals value '&1'
126Invalid length value '&1'
127Invalid ABAP type kind value '&1'
128Type information for property '&1' already assigned by structure
129Incompatible EDM and ABAP type combination on property '&1'
130Ref. constr.: Navigation property '&1' in '&2' targets collection
131No nullable setting on collection nav. property '&1' (entity type '&2')
132Ref. constr.: Nav. prop. '&1' in '&2': principal property '&3' not found
133Ref. constr.: Nav. prop. '&1' in '&2' with none-primitive property
134Ref. constr.: Nav. prop. '&1' in '&2' with different property types
135RefConstr: NavProp '&1' ('&2'): Depnt not nullable, principal nullable
136RefConstr: Non-null NavProp '&1' ('&2'): Invalid nullable for princ/depnt
137Invalid internal path '&1'
138Nav. property '&1' already used in another navigation property binding
139Navigation property binding: Invalid path '&1'
140Navigation property '&1': Target entity type not found '&2'
141Conversion class '&1' does not implement interface '&2'
142Property '&1' already exists in complex type '&2'
143Invalid MaxLength value '&1' on return of operation '&2'
144Invalid MaxLength value '&1' for property '&2' on complex type '&3'
145Invalid MaxLength value '&1' for property '&2' on entity type '&3'
146Precision/scale combination invalid for parameter '&1' of operation '&2'
147Precision/scale value comb. invalid: property '&1', complex type '&2'
148Precision/scale value comb. invalid: property '&1', entity type '&2'
149MaxLength not possible on return of operation '&1'
150MaxLength not possible on property '&1' of complex type '&2'
151MaxLength not possible on property '&1' of entity type '&2'
152Precision value invalid for property '&1' of entity type '&2'
153Scale value invalid for property '&1' of entity type '&2'
154Precision value invalid on return of operation '&1'
155Precision value invalid on parameter '&1' of operation '&2'
156Scale value invalid on return of operation '&1'
157Scale value invalid on parameter '&1' of operation '&2'
158Scale value not possible on property '&1' of entity type '&2'
159Scale value not possible on return of operation '&1'
160Scale value not possible on parameter '&1' of operation '&2'
161Service reference '&1' not found for navigation property '&2'
162Precision/scale value not allowed on parameter '&1' of operation '&2'
163MaxLength not possible on parameter '&1' of operation '&2'
164Precision not allowed on property '&1' of entity type '&2'
165Precision not allowed on return of operation '&1'
166Precision not allowed on parameter '&1' of operation '&2'
167Conversion exit '&1' already set: property '&2' of complex type '&3'
168Conversion class '&1' already set: property '&2' of complex type '&3'
169Conversion exit '&1' already set: property '&2' of entity type '&3'
170Conversion class '&1' already set: property '&2' of entity type '&3'
171Conv. exit cannot be set on prop. '&1': entity type '&2' is dict.-based
172Conv. exit cannot be set on prop. '&1': complex type '&2' is dict.-based
173Currency property cannot be set: property '&1' has invalid conv. type
174Unit property cannot be set: property '&1' has invalid conv. type
175Amount conv. class not allowed on property '&1': Unit property '&2' set
176Unit conv. class not allowed on property '&1': Currency property '&2' set
177Self reference of '&1' not allowed for currency/unit property
178Currency code property '&1' not found in entity type '&2'
179Currency code property '&1' not found in complex type '&2'
180Unit code property '&1' not found in entity type '&2'
181Unit code property '&1' not found in complex type '&2'
182Entity Type '&1' conversion not set: Prop '&2'; referenced prop '&3'
183Complex Type '&1' conversion not set: property '&2'; ref. property '&3'
184Unsupported namespace '&1' in nav. property binding in entity set '&2'
185Subtype '&1' not found for nav. property binding in entity set '&2'
186More than one property in the entity type '&1' is flagged as etag
187Operation '&1' is bound; imports required unbound operations
188Entity type '&1' already has etag property '&2'
189Complex type '&1' already has etag property '&2'
190Invalid internal name '&1'; prefix 'SAP__' is reserved
191Entity type '&1': currency value property '&2' cannot be key
192Entity type '&1': unit value property '&2' cannot be key
193No nullable setting on collection nav. property '&1' (complex type '&2')
194Target multiplicity '&1' is not allowed for navigation property '&2'
195Service reference '&1' already exists
196Service reference '&1' does not exist
197Entity type '&1' not found (service: Rep.='&2', ID='&3', version='&4')
198Referenced service (Rep.='&1', ID='&2', version='&3') cannot be accessed
199Complex type '&1' not found (service: Rep.='&2', ID='&3', version='&4')
200Cyclic service reference for service (Rep.='&1' ID='&2' version='&3')
201Service reference '&1' cannot be resolved
202An etag property is currently only allowed on entity types
203Entity set '&1' not found (service: Rep.='&2', ID='&3', version='&4')
204OnDelete action '&1' is not allowed for navigation property '&2'
205Partner navigation property &1 for &2 not found in entity type &3
206Type '&1' is not a valid EDM type
207Entity type: EDM name '&1' already used in complex type
208Entity type: EDM name '&1' already used in operation
209Complex type: EDM name '&1' already used in operation
210Entity set: EDM name '&1' already used in operation import
211Entity set: EDM name '&1' already used in singleton
212Operation import: EDM name '&1' already used in singleton
213Primitive type '&1' already exists
214Invalid MaxLength value '&1' for primitve type '&2'
215MaxLength not possible on primitive type '&1'
216Precision value invalid for primitive type '&1'
217Precision not allowed on primitve type '&1'
218Scale value invalid for primitive type '&1'
219Scale cannot be set on primitive type '&1'
220Conv. exit cannot be set on dict. based primitive type '&1'
221Type information for primitive type '&1' already assigned by element
222Type &1 cannot be used to create structured type &2
223Scale of value 'floating' can only be set on Edm.Decimal
224Key property type not set for key property '&1' on entity type '&2'
225Invalid key property type '&1' set for property '&2' and entity type '&3'
226Parameter type of parameter '&1' already set
227Error occurred on function '&1'
228Error occurred on action '&1'
229Parameter '&1' on function '&2' is not primitive type based
230No EDM type setting on primitive type '&1'
231Primitive type '&1' not found
232Precision/scale value comb. invalid: primitive type '&1'
233Incompatible EDM and ABAP type combination on primitive type '&1'
234No entity set set on function import '&1'
235Operation '&1' does not have a return type
236Return type of operation '&1': collection of complex types not supported
237Parameter type '&1' of operation '&2' not found
238Entity set missing for operation import '&1'
239Used entity set '&1' in operation import '&2' not found
240Entity set '&1' of operation import '&2' does not match entity type '&3'
241Operation import '&1': Return of operation '&2' is not entity type based
242Operations '&1' and '&2' are violating overload rules
243Parameter '&1' on action '&2' is not complex type based
244Parameter '&1' on action '&2' is not entity type based
245Parameter '&1' on action '&2' is not primitive type based
246Return of action '&1' not entity type based
247Return of action '&1' not complex type based
248Return of action '&1' not primitve type based
249Return of function '&1' not entity type based
250Return of function '&1' not complex type based
251Return of function '&1' not primitive type based
252Return type kind of operation '&1' already set
253The advertised operation '&1' of property '&2' in ET '&3' does not exist.
254The advertised operation '&1' of property '&2' in CT '&3' does not exist
255Hub metadata cache outdated; Hub='&1', BEP='&2'; execute request again
256The advertised operation '&1' of property '&2' in ET '&3' is not bound.
257Content type property not set for property '&1' on entity type '&2'
258Containment nav property and entity set defined to/for entity type '&1'
259Entity Type '&1': OnDelete action for cont. nav. prop. '&2' must be '&3'
260Entity Type '&1': Successive cont. nav. properties found ('&2')
261Nav. prop. bind. path (&1) - last segment MUST NOT be a cont. nav. prop.
262ET '&1': More than one nav. prop. with partner ref. a cont. relationship
263Last modif. of service (Rep.='&1', ID='&2', Version='&3') is initial '&4'
264Entity set with EDM name '&1' not found
265Entity type with EDM name '&1' not found
266Complex type with EDM name '&1' not found
267ETag prop. for stream prop. within a complex type is not allowed
268Property '&1' has an ETag property but is not a stream property
269Edm type '&1' not supported for non-binding function parameter '&2'
271Service not in list of involved services (Rep.='&1' ID='&2' version='&3')
272The service is not in parent service (Rep.='&1', ID='&2', version='&3')
273ABAP Dictionary type '&1' not found
274Self service reference not allowed (Rep.='&1', ID='&2', version='&3')
275No entity set set on action import '&1'
276Wrong conversion settings for property &1 in entity type &2
277Wrong conversion settings for property &1 in complex type &2
278Navigation properties in complex types must not specify a partner
279Content type property for stream '&1' in entity type '&2' not set
280There is no parent service model available for current model
281An error occured while accessing the parent service model
282Multipl. of partner for containment '&1' in entity type '&2' must be one
283Dynamic properties cannot be added by a model provider class.
285Value control property '&1' in entity type '&2' has incorrect facets
286Content type property '&1' has invalid type for entity type '&2'
288Value control property '&1' in complex type '&2' has incorrect facets
289File name property for stream prop. '&1' in entity type '&2' not set
290Value control property '&1' for '&2' not found in entity type '&3'
291Value control property '&1' for '&2' not found in complex type '&3'
292Value control property '&1' in entity type '&2' is inconsistent
293Value control property '&1' in complex type '&2' is inconsistent
294Property &1 of entity type &2 does not contain ABAP type information
295Property &1 of complex type &2 does not contain ABAP type information
296Setting value control property not supported for key property '&1'
297Conversion exit setting for property &1 requires a provider type kind
298Empty complex type '&1' ('&2') not supported
299Empty entity type '&1' ('&2') not allowed
300Two entity sets have the same EDM Name '&1'
301Two entity types have the same EDM Name '&1'
302Two complex types have the same EDM Name '&1'
303Two properties have the same EDM Name '&1'
304Advertising property '&1' in entity type '&2' has incorrect facets
305Advertising property '&1' in complex type '&2' has incorrect facets
306Advertising property '&1' in entity type '&2' is inconsistent
307Advertising property '&1' in complex type '&2' is inconsistent
308Advertising property '&1' in entity type '&2' must not be key
309The advertised operation '&1' of property '&2' is not bound to ET '&3'
310This feature is not supported for dynamic properties
311Entity Type specific Complex Type '&1' has a complex collection
312Scale combination invalid on property '&1' (complex type '&2')
313Scale combination invalid on property '&1' (entity type '&2')
314Scale combination invalid on type '&1'
315Entity type '&1' already has entity delta status property '&2'
316An entity delta status property is currently only allowed on entity types
317More than one property in entity type '&1' is entity delta status prop.
318Setting entity delta status property not supported for key property '&1'
319Entity delta status prop. '&1' in entity type '&2' has incorrect facets
320Entity delta status property '&1' in entity type '&2' is inconsistent
321Content file '&1' has wrong type for entity type '&2'
322Technical property '&1' cannot be set as key property in entity type '&2'
323Referential constraint for '&1' with containment is not allowed
324Content type property not set for property '&1' on complex type '&2
325Content type property for stream '&1' in complex type '&2' not set
326File name property '&1' in complex type '&2' not set
327Content file '&1' has wrong type for complex type '&2'
328Content type '&1' has wrong type for complex type '&2'
329Content type property '&1' in entity type '&2' is inconsistent
330Content type property '&1' in complex type '&2' is inconsistent
331File name property '&1' in entity type '&2' is inconsistent
332File name property '&1' in complex type '&2' is inconsistent
333Setting value control property not supported for etag property '&1'
334Setting value control property not supported for delta property '&1'
335Schema namespace must not be empty
336'&1' is not a valid schema namespace
337Schema namespace '&1' added via service ref '&2' not unique
338Etag property '&1' is not allowed in a Complex Type.
339Entity set path not allowed on non-bound operation '&1'
340Entity Set not found for provider info '&1'
341Entity set path requires return type entity on operation '&1'
342Entity set path binding type invalid on operation '&1'
343Entity Set not found due to not unique provider info '&1'
344Entity set path has invalid segment '&1' for operation '&2'
345Entity set path has no valid navigation for operation '&1'
346Entity set path and operation return does not match for operation '&1'
347Entity set path contains property '&1' with invalid type
348Navigation properties not allowed for complex property collection '&1'
349No specific entity type set for operation advertising with complex type
350Etag property '&1' (in '&2') must be technical for CP Model
351Etag property '&1' (in '&2') must be a STRING for CP Model
352Etag property '&1' (in '&2') must not have conversion exit for CP Model
353Cplx. Coll. Property '&1' within a Cplx Coll Property '&2' not supported
354V2 Edm Type currently not supported for CP Model
355Complex type 'SAP__MESSAGE' must base on structure '/IWBEP/S_V4_MESSAGE'
356Return type '&1' of operation '&2' not found
357Complex type '&1' must not contain complex collection
358Operation advertising property only allowed in entity or complex type
359Only entity type '&1' is allowed to use complex type '&2'
360Entity type not found due to not unique provider info '&1'
361Entity type not found for provider info '&1'
362The advertised operation '&1' of property '&2' in ET '&3' is not bound.
363"Entity Type-specific" complex type '&1' must be child of an entity
364Value control property is not defined for '&1' of entity '&2'
365Operation '&1' has more than one operation advertising mapping property
366Complex type '&1' contains no mapping property for operation '&2'
367"Entity Type-specific" complex type '&1' must not have complex properties
368Schema namespace not allowed for this model kind
369Mapping properties only allowed in "Entity Type-specific" complex types
370Property '&1' used for advertised operation '&2' not in cplx type '&3'
371Entity type '&1' does not exist; "Entity Type specific" complex type '&2'
372Edm.Stream property not allowed in Collection '&1'
373Collection for Edm.Stream property '&INTERNAL_NAME' not allowed
374Complex property '&1' (Entity Specific Type '&2') can not be a collection
375Binding parameter '&1'is mandatory; Nullable not allowed
376Operation parameter '&1' is nullable and has no value control field
377Parameter '&1' on function '&2' is not entity type based
378Binding parameter '&1' is not entity type based
379Non-binding params for functions must be of non-collection primitive type
380Parameter '&1' on operation '&2' is not primitive type based
381ETag property for stream prop. '&1' in entity type '&2' not set
382Parameter '&1' of operation '&2' not found
383Invalid pagesize
384Annotation: Expression type '&1' invalid, term: '&2'/'&3'
385Annotation: Expression reference it not a record expression
386Value control property '&1' for '&2' of entity type '&3' is not primitive
387Value control property '&1' for '&2' of compl. type '&3' is not primitive
388Operation not found due to not unique provider info '&1'
389Nullable collection not allowed in property '&1'
390Value control property not allowed for collection in property '&1'
391Operation not found for provider info '&1'
392Invalid Content-Disposition value for property '&1'
393Content-Disposition for non-stream property '&1' is not allowed
394Data modification error defined twice in entity type '&1'
395ISO Unit property '&1' does not exist in '&2'
396Value control property '&1' must be set as technical for client proxy
397ISO Unit property '&1' is referenced twice in '&2'
398ISO Unit property '&1' and SAP Unit property '&2' mismatch
399Unit property '&1' in '&2' must not be a collection
400Unit property '&1' in '&2' must be a primitive property
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