/IWBEP/CM_V4_RUNTIME - OData V4 runtime messages

The following messages are stored in message class /IWBEP/CM_V4_RUNTIME: OData V4 runtime messages.
It is part of development package /IWBEP/V4_COS_MESSAGES in software component OPU-GW-V4. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "OData V4 - Message Classes - Fully translated".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Service alias cache of service group '&1' outdated; execute request again
001Filter expression is too complex - Building ABAP select option fails
002Filter does not contain a range for property (path) '&1'
003Filter contains unit/currency amount '&1' without matching unit/currency
004Transformation error on deserialization
005Filter contains function with parameter '&1' which needs conversion
006Todo list has not been processed completely by the application
007Entity '&1' with key '&2' from path not found
008Key property '&1' missing for navigation
009Not implemented - the request cannot be processed
010Not implemented - the request cannot be processed; Implement '&1'
011Hub metadata cache outdated; Hub='&1', BEP='&2'; execute request again
012Maximum number (&1) of sap-messages at response header exceeded
013Additional messages exist
014Invalid severity supplied at index '&1'
015Resolving of navigation not possible - more than one target key provided
016No Operation of type '&1' was found
017Both input values for count cannot be set at the time
018Must set at least one value for count
020Data service request is required to be conditional; try using If-Match
021State of the resource (entity) was changed (If-Match)
024Commit work during change set processing not allowed
025Rollback work during change set processing not allowed
026Supplied property not bound
028The inlined entities have not been processed by provider application
029Expand for response has not been processed by provider application
030Patch has not been processed by the provider application
031Query option $$filter has not been processed by prov. application
032Target key has not been processed by the provider application
033Key data has not been processed by provider application
034Query option $$select has not been processed by prov. application
035Expand for navigation '&1': $$filter has not been processed
036Expand for navigation '&1': $$select has not been processed
037Expand for navigation '&1': navigation key not processed
038Count has not been processed by the provider application
039Provider application did not return business data
040Provider application did not return count
041Provider application did not report request execution details
042Query option $$orderby has not been processed by prov. application
043Provider must call SET_BUSI_DATA for 0..1 navigation with one table entry
044SET_COUNT must be called with values greater than or equal to zero
045Content ID reference has not been processed
046If-Match condition has not been processed
047If-Modified-Since condition has not been processed
048If-None-Match condition has not been processed
049If-Unmodified-Since has not been processed
050Current expand level does not include navigation property '&1'
051Partial business data has not been processed by the provider application
052Query option $$apply has not been processed by the application
053Conditional read not possible without etag property
054Partial business data has not been processed by the provider application
055ABAP Dictionary element '&1' not found
056Text based on OTR may not be initial
057No text found for text element ID '&1' from '&2'
058Text based on OTR could not be read
060Type mismatch in return of action '&1' between definition and busi data
061Return of action '&1' to be expected void
062Type mismatch in return of function '&1' between definition and busi data
063Parameter data has not been processed by provider application
064Parameter data container has not been provided
065Skip has not been processed by the provider application
066Top has not been processed by the provider application
067Application did not set DONE list for an expand node '&1'
068Application did not set DONE list for a data description node '&1'
069Key data container does not contain '&1'
070Key data container has not been provided or has wrong type
071Business data container has not been provided
072Range data container has not been provided
073Business data has not been processed by provider application
074Navigation data has not been processed by provider application
075Source key has not been processed by the provider application
076Query option $$search has not been processed by the application
077Query option deltatoken has not been processed by the application
078Query option skiptoken has not been processed by the application
080Inappropriate cast between interfaces; Actual => '&1', expected => '&2'
081�SOAP Idempotent (IDP) Service Framework� error: Check configuration
082�SOAP Idempotent (IDP) Service Framework� lock error: Try again
083�SOAP Idempotent (IDP) Service Framework� error
084Old Repeatability-Request-ID: The response is not available anymore
085Header 'Repeatability-Request-ID' not supported for this operation
086The response for the 'Repeatability-Request-ID' belongs to another user
087Provider application did not process the 'Repeatability' request header
088The current 'repeatable" request does not match the original request
089Idempotency has not been requested - Method must not be called
090Initial value for $$skiptoken not allowed
091Initial value for used page size not allowed
092Prefer value '&1' for 'odata.maxpagesize' is not a positive integer
093$$skiptoken not allowed for non-collection response
094Initial value for $$deltatoken not allowed
095$$deltatoken not allowed for non-collection response
096$$skiptoken and $$deltatoken are not allowed together
100Navigation property has wrong multiplicity for the new message target
101Message targets are not supported accross services
102Complex property has wrong multiplicity for the new message target
104The provided data is not a proper key data structure
110Routing error - wrong customizing
111No system alias found for service group '&1' and user '&2'
112No system alias found for service group '&1' SID '&2' client '&3'
113System alias '&1' not assigned to service group '&2' user '&3'
114Too many default system aliases for service group '&1' and user '&2'
115Too many default metadata aliases for service group '&1' and user '&2'
116System alias '&1' does not exist
119Batch Error: The batch operation of kind '&1' is currently not supported
120Batch Error: child request '&1' not found within root request
121Batch Error: child request '&1' can not been initialized from container
122Parameter data container does not contain '&1'
123Batch Error: child container for batch operation '&1' not found
124Navigation property '&1' cannot be resolved generically. Binding missing.
125More entities were returned than allowed by the given multiplicity
126handling=strict is not supported in response if its not requested
130Target property '&1' must not be a collection
131Target key data can be set on entity or entity parameter collections
132Target property '&1' must be a collection
134Target collection index must be greater or equal to zero
135Target parameter '&1' must be complex
136Target parameter '&1' must be complex collection
137Target parameter '&1' must be entity
138Target parameter '&1' must be entity collection
139Target parameter '&1' must be primitive
140Target parameter '&1' must be primitive collection
141Target operation return is not complex
142Target operation return is no complex collection
143Target operation return is no single entity
144Target operation return is no entity collection
145Target operation return is not primitive
146Target operation return is not a primitive collection
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