/IWFND/CM_BEC - Backend Connectivity

The following messages are stored in message class /IWFND/CM_BEC: Backend Connectivity.
It is part of development package /IWFND/COS_SHARED_OBJECTS in software component OPU-GW-V4. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "SAP GW Framework - Shared Objects among Package /IWFND/COS".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Backend Operation Proxy (BOP) with ID '&1' does not exist
001RFC destination could not be found for system alias '&1'
002Backend Operation Proxy (BOP) not initialized
003Logical port not specified
004Consumption Model not specified
005Parameters you provided for extensibility are invalid
006Error has occurred while creating proxy for logical port '&1'
007Error has occurred while creating proxy for Consumption Model '&1'
008Proxy class '&1' is not configured for Consumption Model '&2'
009Provider system '&1' is not configured for Consumption Model '&2'
010Could not create BOP instance due to error in destination finder
011Unknown RFC communication failure with error code: '&1'
012RFC call was not successful because of system failure '&1'
013RFC call was not successful because of communication failure '&1'
014The DO(Data Object) &1 is incompatible with the expected DO &2
020RFC Error: SAP GW is not a trusted system or the security key is invalid
021RFC Error: User misses authorization object S_RFCACL in backend system
022RFC Error: User or password incorrect for the backend system
023RFC Error: User locked in the backend system
024RFC Error: Too many attempts to log on
025RFC Error: Validity of user exceeded in the backend system
026RFC Error: &1&2
027RFC Error: Invalid time stamp in the logon data from SAP GW hub system
028RFC Error: Wrong user type
031RFC Error: Backend processing abnormally ended (i.e. exit debugger)
032RFC Error: Logon failed. See System Log (transaction SM21) for details.
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