/IWFND/CM_COS - SAP Gateway - Common Services
The following messages are stored in message class /IWFND/CM_COS: SAP Gateway - Common Services.
It is part of development package /IWFND/COS_SHARED_OBJECTS in software component OPU-GW-V4. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "SAP GW Framework - Shared Objects among Package /IWFND/COS".
It is part of development package /IWFND/COS_SHARED_OBJECTS in software component OPU-GW-V4. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "SAP GW Framework - Shared Objects among Package /IWFND/COS".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
000 | GSDO type '&1' ('&2') not active; not in any active GSDO group |
001 | GSDO type '&1' does not exist |
002 | System alias '&1' does not exist |
003 | SAP Gateway has been deactivated |
004 | No RFC destination found for system alias '&1' |
005 | No Web service provider system found for system alias '&1' |
006 | User '&1' is not assigned to any role |
007 | Creation failed. Mandatory fields initial |
008 | RFC destination '&1' does not exist |
009 | DFSYAL '&1' cannot be created; it already exists |
010 | &1 GSI implementations for GSDO type '&2', version '&3', consumer '&4' |
011 | GSI implementations '&1' not found |
012 | GSDO type '&1' does not support 'Multi-Destination Composition' |
013 | Two Multi-Destination Composition BSOs found for object type '&1' |
014 | 'Destination finder' (routing) raised an exception |
015 | No system alias found for GSDO type '&1', user '&2', context '&3' |
016 | Instance manager called with empty list of system aliases |
017 | Multi-Destination Composition BSO has been instantiated |
018 | Consumer-specific service object has been instantiated |
019 | Single Destination Composition BSO has been instantiated |
020 | Problem may have occurred but no message was provided |
021 | Message '&1' '&2' has application log: log number '&3', serial number'&4' |
022 | Creating DFSYAL '&1' failed. Check maintenance view |
023 | Transport entry could not be written |
024 | System alias '&1' does not exist |
025 | DFDEAM '&1' '&2' '&3' cannot be created; it already exists |
026 | Creating DFDEAM '&1' '&2' '&3' failed. Check maintenance view |
027 | GSDO type '&1' does not exist |
028 | Creating GSI implementation '&1' failed. Check maintenance view |
029 | GSI implementation '&1' '&2' cannot be created; it already exists |
030 | OIC list type '&1' does not exist |
031 | QRC (OIC) could not cache query of list type '&1' for user '&2' |
032 | QRC (OIC) could not set lock for list type '&1' and user '&2' |
033 | QRC (OIC) could not modify its database tables |
034 | OIC list type '&1' does not support Query parameters |
035 | QRC cannot process request for GSDO type '&1' |
036 | GSI implementation '&1' '&2' does not exist |
037 | Deleting GSI implementation '&1' for GSDO '&2' failed |
038 | DFDEAM '&1' '&2' '&3' does not exist |
039 | Deleting DFDEAM '&1' '&2' '&3' failed |
040 | Status of SAP Gateway could not be changed |
041 | TEA: Test application error simulation; this is not an error |
042 | TEA: Confirmation of CNP adaptor processing; operations '&1' '&2' |
043 | DFSYAL '&1' cannot be deleted; still assigned to DFDEAM |
044 | Deleting DFSYAL '&1' failed |
045 | Object group '&1' not active; it is either not active or does not exist |
046 | No HANA database connection found for system alias '&1' |
047 | No software version found for system alias '&1' |
048 | The host name starting with '&1' is too long. Routing might not work. |
049 | Software version '&1' is invalid |
050 | Data Provider implement. '&1' '&2' '&3' already exists |
051 | Writing data provider entry into database failed. Check maintenance view. |
052 | Data Provider implementation '&1' '&2' '&3' does not exist |
053 | Deleting data provider entry from database failed. Check maintenance view |
054 | No multi destination support for model '&1'. |
055 | No authority to use SM59 |
060 | Assignment '&1' '&2' '&3' cannot be created; it already exists |
061 | Writing routing entry into database failed. Check maintenance view. |
062 | Assignment '&1' '&2' '&3' does not exist. |
063 | Deleting routing entry from database failed. Check maintenance view. |
064 | No System Alias found for Service '&1' and user '&2' |
065 | No System Alias flagged as "Default" for Service '&1' and user '&2' |
066 | No Multi Destination Composition Data Provider found for model '&1' |
067 | System Alias '&1' not assigned to user '&2' and service '&3' |
068 | BADI: No System Alias found for Service '&1' and user '&2' |
069 | No unique System Alias found for System ID '&1' and Client '&2' |
070 | Creation failed. Mandatory field '&1' initial |
071 | The load on backend system '&1' is too high. Try again later. |
072 | BADI: Exception triggered by customer coding. |
073 | Loading metadata failed in Instance Manager |
074 | No system alias assigned to user '&1' service '&2' and SID '&3' CNT '&4' |
075 | System alias table locked by user '&1' |
076 | Enqueue Error: System alias table not locked |
077 | Multi Origin Composition: No System Alias for Service '&1' user '&2' |
078 | System alias '&1' is not available for "OData on Backend" (remote only) |
080 | System alias '&1' is still in use. |
081 | System alias '&1' is invalid: '/' not allowed. |
082 | Action cancelled by user |
083 | Transport could not be created. |
084 | User does not have sufficient authorization to change the customizing |
085 | Software version in system alias configuration is initial. |
086 | Direct execution of inherited service '&1' is not allowed |
101 | IDP framework not instantiated during '&1' for request ID '&2' |
102 | IDP framework failed to convert request ID '&1' |
103 | Unqualified error when storing response with request ID '&1' |
104 | IDP framework not able to lock request message ID '&1' |
105 | Request message '&1' already processed, but response already removed |
106 | IDP framework programming error processing request '&1' |
107 | Unexpected condition in IDP framework, or repeated request '&1' |
108 | Fault in IDP framework; possibly framework not yet configured |
109 | Retriable exception with message: '&1' '&2' '&3' '&4' |
110 | Non-retriable exception with message: '&1' '&2' '&3' '&4' |
111 | Error: '&1' |
112 | Not able to access local service runtime |
113 | Not able to access WSDL details; error text: '&1' |
114 | Not able to access WSDL details for service definition '&1' |
120 | Not able to create background job '&1'; details: '&2' |
121 | Batch job '&1' job count '&2' successfully created |
122 | Batch job '&1' already exists |
123 | Not able to delete background job '&1'; details: '&2' |
124 | '&1' records deleted from table '&3' which are older than '&2' |
125 | Not able to set lock for table /IWFND/L_MET_AGR; details: '&1' |
126 | Aggregation on metering data executed on '&1' |
127 | Metering information missing for: &1 |
128 | Missing input parameter |
129 | No metering available for selection criteria |
130 | Not able delete records in /IWFND/L_SRD_ID for given request |
131 | Not able to set lock for table /IWFND/L_SRD_ID; details: '&1' |
132 | No metering available in period from &1 to &2 |
133 | No metering performed for push scenario |
134 | No authorization to perform &1 |
135 | Aggregation on metering started |
136 | Deletion on metering started |
137 | Aggregation on metering ended with error |
138 | Deletion on metering ended with error |
139 | Update on table '&1' failed |
140 | Insert on table '&1' failed |
141 | Deletion on metering data executed on '&1' |
142 | Deletion on table '&1' failed |
143 | Batch job creation for metering started |
144 | Batch job creation executed on '&1' |
145 | Metering activity started |
146 | Metering activity ended |
147 | External error not triggered on SAP Gateway but for example on a client |
148 | Techical users for the specified period could not be registered. |
149 | Technical users successfully registered for the specified period. |
150 | Deletion of technical users for the specified period failed. |
151 | Technical users successfully deleted for the specified period. |
152 | Invalid filter value |
153 | Invalid name for transformation |
154 | Transformation does not exist |
155 | During generation a lock failure occured |
156 | Insufficient authorization to generate transformation |
157 | An error occurred |
158 | XSLT syntax error |
159 | Operation cancled |
160 | Data are missing |
161 | Version was not found |
162 | Other transformation generation error |
163 | &1 |
200 | Implementation '&1' instantiated for BAdI '&2' in framework class '&3' |
201 | '&1' number of implementations for BAdI '&2' in framework class '&3' |
202 | Instantiation of BAdI '&1' failed |
220 | Incorrect configuration for profile &1 |
221 | Virus scan profile &1 is not active |
222 | Virus scan profile &1 does not exist |
223 | Internal error when using virus scan for profile &1 |
224 | Virus scan server temporarily unavailable (Profile &1) |
225 | Virus scan for component &1 was not ok. Internal scan return code: &2. |
226 | No default virus profile active or found. Please check the offical guide. |
227 | Error returned by virus scanner (Profile &1) |
228 | Virus scan server unavailable (default profile) |
240 | Retrieving SAP Gateway Add-On Version failed with error code '&1'. |
241 | No SAP Gateway Add-On Version found. |
250 | Parallelization of Read Entityset for Multiple Origin Composition |