/IWFND/CM_COS - SAP Gateway - Common Services

The following messages are stored in message class /IWFND/CM_COS: SAP Gateway - Common Services.
It is part of development package /IWFND/COS_SHARED_OBJECTS in software component OPU-GW-V4. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "SAP GW Framework - Shared Objects among Package /IWFND/COS".
Message Nr
Message Text
000GSDO type '&1' ('&2') not active; not in any active GSDO group
001GSDO type '&1' does not exist
002System alias '&1' does not exist
003SAP Gateway has been deactivated
004No RFC destination found for system alias '&1'
005No Web service provider system found for system alias '&1'
006User '&1' is not assigned to any role
007Creation failed. Mandatory fields initial
008RFC destination '&1' does not exist
009DFSYAL '&1' cannot be created; it already exists
010&1 GSI implementations for GSDO type '&2', version '&3', consumer '&4'
011GSI implementations '&1' not found
012GSDO type '&1' does not support 'Multi-Destination Composition'
013Two Multi-Destination Composition BSOs found for object type '&1'
014'Destination finder' (routing) raised an exception
015No system alias found for GSDO type '&1', user '&2', context '&3'
016Instance manager called with empty list of system aliases
017Multi-Destination Composition BSO has been instantiated
018Consumer-specific service object has been instantiated
019Single Destination Composition BSO has been instantiated
020Problem may have occurred but no message was provided
021Message '&1' '&2' has application log: log number '&3', serial number'&4'
022Creating DFSYAL '&1' failed. Check maintenance view
023Transport entry could not be written
024System alias '&1' does not exist
025DFDEAM '&1' '&2' '&3' cannot be created; it already exists
026Creating DFDEAM '&1' '&2' '&3' failed. Check maintenance view
027GSDO type '&1' does not exist
028Creating GSI implementation '&1' failed. Check maintenance view
029GSI implementation '&1' '&2' cannot be created; it already exists
030OIC list type '&1' does not exist
031QRC (OIC) could not cache query of list type '&1' for user '&2'
032QRC (OIC) could not set lock for list type '&1' and user '&2'
033QRC (OIC) could not modify its database tables
034OIC list type '&1' does not support Query parameters
035QRC cannot process request for GSDO type '&1'
036GSI implementation '&1' '&2' does not exist
037Deleting GSI implementation '&1' for GSDO '&2' failed
038DFDEAM '&1' '&2' '&3' does not exist
039Deleting DFDEAM '&1' '&2' '&3' failed
040Status of SAP Gateway could not be changed
041TEA: Test application error simulation; this is not an error
042TEA: Confirmation of CNP adaptor processing; operations '&1' '&2'
043DFSYAL '&1' cannot be deleted; still assigned to DFDEAM
044Deleting DFSYAL '&1' failed
045Object group '&1' not active; it is either not active or does not exist
046No HANA database connection found for system alias '&1'
047No software version found for system alias '&1'
048The host name starting with '&1' is too long. Routing might not work.
049Software version '&1' is invalid
050Data Provider implement. '&1' '&2' '&3' already exists
051Writing data provider entry into database failed. Check maintenance view.
052Data Provider implementation '&1' '&2' '&3' does not exist
053Deleting data provider entry from database failed. Check maintenance view
054No multi destination support for model '&1'.
055No authority to use SM59
060Assignment '&1' '&2' '&3' cannot be created; it already exists
061Writing routing entry into database failed. Check maintenance view.
062Assignment '&1' '&2' '&3' does not exist.
063Deleting routing entry from database failed. Check maintenance view.
064No System Alias found for Service '&1' and user '&2'
065No System Alias flagged as "Default" for Service '&1' and user '&2'
066No Multi Destination Composition Data Provider found for model '&1'
067System Alias '&1' not assigned to user '&2' and service '&3'
068BADI: No System Alias found for Service '&1' and user '&2'
069No unique System Alias found for System ID '&1' and Client '&2'
070Creation failed. Mandatory field '&1' initial
071The load on backend system '&1' is too high. Try again later.
072BADI: Exception triggered by customer coding.
073Loading metadata failed in Instance Manager
074No system alias assigned to user '&1' service '&2' and SID '&3' CNT '&4'
075System alias table locked by user '&1'
076Enqueue Error: System alias table not locked
077Multi Origin Composition: No System Alias for Service '&1' user '&2'
078System alias '&1' is not available for "OData on Backend" (remote only)
080System alias '&1' is still in use.
081System alias '&1' is invalid: '/' not allowed.
082Action cancelled by user
083Transport could not be created.
084User does not have sufficient authorization to change the customizing
085Software version in system alias configuration is initial.
086Direct execution of inherited service '&1' is not allowed
101IDP framework not instantiated during '&1' for request ID '&2'
102IDP framework failed to convert request ID '&1'
103Unqualified error when storing response with request ID '&1'
104IDP framework not able to lock request message ID '&1'
105Request message '&1' already processed, but response already removed
106IDP framework programming error processing request '&1'
107Unexpected condition in IDP framework, or repeated request '&1'
108Fault in IDP framework; possibly framework not yet configured
109Retriable exception with message: '&1' '&2' '&3' '&4'
110Non-retriable exception with message: '&1' '&2' '&3' '&4'
111Error: '&1'
112Not able to access local service runtime
113Not able to access WSDL details; error text: '&1'
114Not able to access WSDL details for service definition '&1'
120Not able to create background job '&1'; details: '&2'
121Batch job '&1' job count '&2' successfully created
122Batch job '&1' already exists
123Not able to delete background job '&1'; details: '&2'
124'&1' records deleted from table '&3' which are older than '&2'
125Not able to set lock for table /IWFND/L_MET_AGR; details: '&1'
126Aggregation on metering data executed on '&1'
127Metering information missing for: &1
128Missing input parameter
129No metering available for selection criteria
130Not able delete records in /IWFND/L_SRD_ID for given request
131Not able to set lock for table /IWFND/L_SRD_ID; details: '&1'
132No metering available in period from &1 to &2
133No metering performed for push scenario
134No authorization to perform &1
135Aggregation on metering started
136Deletion on metering started
137Aggregation on metering ended with error
138Deletion on metering ended with error
139Update on table '&1' failed
140Insert on table '&1' failed
141Deletion on metering data executed on '&1'
142Deletion on table '&1' failed
143Batch job creation for metering started
144Batch job creation executed on '&1'
145Metering activity started
146Metering activity ended
147External error not triggered on SAP Gateway but for example on a client
148Techical users for the specified period could not be registered.
149Technical users successfully registered for the specified period.
150Deletion of technical users for the specified period failed.
151Technical users successfully deleted for the specified period.
152Invalid filter value
153Invalid name for transformation
154Transformation does not exist
155During generation a lock failure occured
156Insufficient authorization to generate transformation
157An error occurred
158XSLT syntax error
159Operation cancled
160Data are missing
161Version was not found
162Other transformation generation error
200Implementation '&1' instantiated for BAdI '&2' in framework class '&3'
201'&1' number of implementations for BAdI '&2' in framework class '&3'
202Instantiation of BAdI '&1' failed
220Incorrect configuration for profile &1
221Virus scan profile &1 is not active
222Virus scan profile &1 does not exist
223Internal error when using virus scan for profile &1
224Virus scan server temporarily unavailable (Profile &1)
225Virus scan for component &1 was not ok. Internal scan return code: &2.
226No default virus profile active or found. Please check the offical guide.
227Error returned by virus scanner (Profile &1)
228Virus scan server unavailable (default profile)
240Retrieving SAP Gateway Add-On Version failed with error code '&1'.
241No SAP Gateway Add-On Version found.
250Parallelization of Read Entityset for Multiple Origin Composition
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