/IWFND/CM_DESIGNTIME - Design Time Messages

The following messages are stored in message class /IWFND/CM_DESIGNTIME: Design Time Messages.
It is part of development package /IWFND/COS_SHARED_OBJECTS in software component OPU-GW-V4. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "SAP GW Framework - Shared Objects among Package /IWFND/COS".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Prefix must not exceed 26 characters
001Generation of classes has failed
002Remote RFC signature could not be read: Function module not found
003Remote RFC signature could not be read: Name tab error has occurred
004Remote RFC signature could not be read
005ABAP Dictionary information could not be read
006Transport entry could not be written
007Transport request is invalid
008Type of transport request is invalid
009User is not owner of transport
010No objects appended to transport
011Enqueue error occurred when writing transport entries
012Operation canceled by user
013Repetitive call created when writing transport entries
014Transport entries could not be written
015Internal data type not supported: '&1'
016Error occurred when analyzing remote signature of RFC
017Component type not supported: '&1'
018Transport request has not been specified
019Proxy class name invalid
020Web service operation name invalid
021Specified operation is not Web service operation
022Unexpected parameter class: '&1'
023Unexpected data type: '&1'
024Name '&1' already in use
025Could not retrieve release information from RFC destination '&1'
026User not authorized to run generator
027BOP ID provided is invalid
028Cannot delete BOP configuration as class &1 still exists
029No authorization to delete BOP configuration
030Function module '&1' does not exist in system with RFC destination '&2'
031Could not delete BOP entries from database
032Could not update database entries
033New prefixes are longer than old/replaced ones; this can cause problems
081Target Package does not exist
100Service mapping ID '&1' not found
101Service mapping ID is mandatory
102Attribute name '&1' is not unique
103Service mapping ID '&1' already exists; select a different one
104Web service name '&1' is incorrect (check namespace)
105Web service '&1' cannot be generated; reason: '&2'
106Service mapping ID '&1' could not be updated
107Web service '&1' cannot be generated; reason: Web service is locked
108Generation successfully executed
109Web service successfully generated
110Mapping model for service successfully deleted
111Service mapping successfully saved
112Service mapping successfully saved and transported
113Selected item successfully validated
114All items successfully validated
115Update of persistence failed with internal error code '&1'
116Given data conflicts with meta model; check log for details
117System type not valid or unknown; check your system setup
118Root node '&1' not valid
119Child node '&1' does not exist for parent node '&2'
120Node type '&1' not supported for business objects; node: '&2'
121Character '&1' not supported at current position '&2'
122Path '&2' not correct at position/item '&1'
123Structure '&1' not valid
124Structure component '&1' not valid
125Type of structure component '&1' not supported
126Obj. type could not be identified (svc: &2)-number of registered items:&1
127Event manager failed while passing event
128DCS configuration read failed for GSDO: '&1'
129Configuration not appended to tranport; request ID not valid
130Package field must not be empty
131Structure name field must not be empty
132Table type name field must not be empty
133Function group field must not be empty
134Function module name prefix must not be empty
135No operation selected; only structure and table type are (re-) generated
136Function group '&1' does not contain any modules
137Function group '&1' not available
138Unable to retrieve function module list from function group &1
139GSDO type &1 is inconsistent
140Operation code &1 is unknown
141Unable to retrieve Structure type information
142Unable to retrieve Data Element type information
150Component '&1' could not be registered
151Relation '&1' does not exist in object model
152Transporting flat mapping model '&1'
153Creating new flat model '&1'
154Checking validity of mapping items for model: '&1'
155Deleting service mapping model '&1'
156Generating functions and structures for service model '&1'
157Generating Web service for service model '&1'
158Saving service mapping model '&1'
159Saving model options for service '&1'
160Saving service properties for model '&1'
161Old '&1' and new '&2' concatenated prefixes are equal
162No key defined in mapping model
163Query structure names must be filled in
164Structure(s) &1 already exist(s)
165Do you want to continue?
166Function module prefix cannot exceed 13 characters
167Service &1 has been successfully generated
168Fill in all the mandatory fields
169GSDO Type not supported
170Flat Service Generator tool has been deactivated
171The model is inconsistent
172No change allowed on this client
173No transport allowed on this client
174Transport request not available and client is set to auto-record on
175Invalid Client
176Invalid change and transport state of client
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