/IWFND/CM_DESIGNTIME - Design Time Messages
The following messages are stored in message class /IWFND/CM_DESIGNTIME: Design Time Messages.
It is part of development package /IWFND/COS_SHARED_OBJECTS in software component OPU-GW-V4. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "SAP GW Framework - Shared Objects among Package /IWFND/COS".
It is part of development package /IWFND/COS_SHARED_OBJECTS in software component OPU-GW-V4. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "SAP GW Framework - Shared Objects among Package /IWFND/COS".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
000 | Prefix must not exceed 26 characters |
001 | Generation of classes has failed |
002 | Remote RFC signature could not be read: Function module not found |
003 | Remote RFC signature could not be read: Name tab error has occurred |
004 | Remote RFC signature could not be read |
005 | ABAP Dictionary information could not be read |
006 | Transport entry could not be written |
007 | Transport request is invalid |
008 | Type of transport request is invalid |
009 | User is not owner of transport |
010 | No objects appended to transport |
011 | Enqueue error occurred when writing transport entries |
012 | Operation canceled by user |
013 | Repetitive call created when writing transport entries |
014 | Transport entries could not be written |
015 | Internal data type not supported: '&1' |
016 | Error occurred when analyzing remote signature of RFC |
017 | Component type not supported: '&1' |
018 | Transport request has not been specified |
019 | Proxy class name invalid |
020 | Web service operation name invalid |
021 | Specified operation is not Web service operation |
022 | Unexpected parameter class: '&1' |
023 | Unexpected data type: '&1' |
024 | Name '&1' already in use |
025 | Could not retrieve release information from RFC destination '&1' |
026 | User not authorized to run generator |
027 | BOP ID provided is invalid |
028 | Cannot delete BOP configuration as class &1 still exists |
029 | No authorization to delete BOP configuration |
030 | Function module '&1' does not exist in system with RFC destination '&2' |
031 | Could not delete BOP entries from database |
032 | Could not update database entries |
033 | New prefixes are longer than old/replaced ones; this can cause problems |
080 | |
081 | Target Package does not exist |
100 | Service mapping ID '&1' not found |
101 | Service mapping ID is mandatory |
102 | Attribute name '&1' is not unique |
103 | Service mapping ID '&1' already exists; select a different one |
104 | Web service name '&1' is incorrect (check namespace) |
105 | Web service '&1' cannot be generated; reason: '&2' |
106 | Service mapping ID '&1' could not be updated |
107 | Web service '&1' cannot be generated; reason: Web service is locked |
108 | Generation successfully executed |
109 | Web service successfully generated |
110 | Mapping model for service successfully deleted |
111 | Service mapping successfully saved |
112 | Service mapping successfully saved and transported |
113 | Selected item successfully validated |
114 | All items successfully validated |
115 | Update of persistence failed with internal error code '&1' |
116 | Given data conflicts with meta model; check log for details |
117 | System type not valid or unknown; check your system setup |
118 | Root node '&1' not valid |
119 | Child node '&1' does not exist for parent node '&2' |
120 | Node type '&1' not supported for business objects; node: '&2' |
121 | Character '&1' not supported at current position '&2' |
122 | Path '&2' not correct at position/item '&1' |
123 | Structure '&1' not valid |
124 | Structure component '&1' not valid |
125 | Type of structure component '&1' not supported |
126 | Obj. type could not be identified (svc: &2)-number of registered items:&1 |
127 | Event manager failed while passing event |
128 | DCS configuration read failed for GSDO: '&1' |
129 | Configuration not appended to tranport; request ID not valid |
130 | Package field must not be empty |
131 | Structure name field must not be empty |
132 | Table type name field must not be empty |
133 | Function group field must not be empty |
134 | Function module name prefix must not be empty |
135 | No operation selected; only structure and table type are (re-) generated |
136 | Function group '&1' does not contain any modules |
137 | Function group '&1' not available |
138 | Unable to retrieve function module list from function group &1 |
139 | GSDO type &1 is inconsistent |
140 | Operation code &1 is unknown |
141 | Unable to retrieve Structure type information |
142 | Unable to retrieve Data Element type information |
150 | Component '&1' could not be registered |
151 | Relation '&1' does not exist in object model |
152 | Transporting flat mapping model '&1' |
153 | Creating new flat model '&1' |
154 | Checking validity of mapping items for model: '&1' |
155 | Deleting service mapping model '&1' |
156 | Generating functions and structures for service model '&1' |
157 | Generating Web service for service model '&1' |
158 | Saving service mapping model '&1' |
159 | Saving model options for service '&1' |
160 | Saving service properties for model '&1' |
161 | Old '&1' and new '&2' concatenated prefixes are equal |
162 | No key defined in mapping model |
163 | Query structure names must be filled in |
164 | Structure(s) &1 already exist(s) |
165 | Do you want to continue? |
166 | Function module prefix cannot exceed 13 characters |
167 | Service &1 has been successfully generated |
168 | Fill in all the mandatory fields |
169 | GSDO Type not supported |
170 | Flat Service Generator tool has been deactivated |
171 | The model is inconsistent |
172 | No change allowed on this client |
173 | No transport allowed on this client |
174 | Transport request not available and client is set to auto-record on |
175 | Invalid Client |
176 | Invalid change and transport state of client |