/IWFND/CM_IFL - SAP Gateway - Interface Layer - Messages
The following messages are stored in message class /IWFND/CM_IFL: SAP Gateway - Interface Layer - Messages.
It is part of development package /IWFND/COS_SHARED_OBJECTS in software component OPU-GW-V4. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "SAP GW Framework - Shared Objects among Package /IWFND/COS".
It is part of development package /IWFND/COS_SHARED_OBJECTS in software component OPU-GW-V4. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "SAP GW Framework - Shared Objects among Package /IWFND/COS".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
000 | SAP GW Business Data Provider starts operations '&1' |
001 | SAP GW Business Data Provider finished operation successfully |
002 | SAP GW Business Data Provider failed to finished operation |
003 | SAP GW Business Data Provider failed |
004 | Requested item of type '&1' has not been found |
005 | Object could not be found due to wrong input data |
006 | Retrieving information of newly created object failed |
007 | SAP GW Business Data Provider starts navigation |
008 | SAP GW Business Data Provider finished navigation successfully |
009 | Meta Models were found for service group '&1' version '&2' |
010 | SAP GW BUD Provider instance for GSDO Type '&1' was created |
011 | Failed to create BUD Provider instance for GSDO Type '&1' |
012 | Service group '&1' version '&2' was not found |
013 | Navigate from source '&1' to target '&2' GSDO type |
014 | Execute '&1' on the '&2' to '&3' related target GSDO type '&4' |
015 | Node for internal relation '&1' is located in GSDO type '&2' |
016 | Node for external relation '&1' is located in GSDO type '&2' |
017 | Root objects of GSDO type '&1' are requested |
018 | Dependant objects of the GSDO type '&1' are requested |
020 | Invalid navigation information with a second predicate |
021 | Invalid request. No query name has been provided |
022 | Mapping failed. Metadata is missing |
023 | Application coding does not support actions |
030 | SAP GW Business Data Provider for STC based GSDO instantiated |
040 | STC Service Provider starts operations '&1' |
041 | STC Service Provider finished operation successfully |
042 | STC Service Provider failed to finished operation |
043 | "SAP GW Service Provider for STC" failed to instantiate application code |
044 | Relation '&1' not found in the metadata |
045 | STC Service Provider received an error from the application code |
046 | |
047 | |
048 | |
050 | STC Service Provider calls GSI method SAVE_LOCAL_OBJECTS_PRE_REMOTE |
051 | STC Service Provider calls GSI method SAVE_REMOTE_OBJECTS |
052 | STC Service Provider calls GSI method AFTER_SAVE_REMOTE_OBJECTS |
053 | STC Service Provider calls GSI method CHECK_OBJECTS_BEFORE_SAVE |
054 | GSI reported a problem in method CHECK_OBJECTS_BEFORE_SAVE |