/IWFND/COD - SAP GW Framework - Common Development Objects - Messages

The following messages are stored in message class /IWFND/COD: SAP GW Framework - Common Development Objects - Messages.
It is part of development package /IWFND/COS_SHARED_OBJECTS in software component OPU-GW-V4. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "SAP GW Framework - Shared Objects among Package /IWFND/COS".
Message Nr
Message Text
000GSDO type '&1' does not exist
001Create BgRFC inbound unit has failed (Queue name: '&1', Dest: '&2')
002Creating a BgRFC inbound unit has started
003Creating a BgRFC inbound unit has been completed
004Success - All the required BgRFC configurations exist
005BgRFC Configuration Check Results
006Retry BgRFC unit process has started
007Invalid Max Counter for BgRFC retry. Object ID '&1' consumer type '&2'
008Invalid input data in BgRFC retry unit. Object ID '&1' consumer type '&2'
009Invalid interval unit in BgRFC retry unit. Obj ID '&1' consumer type &2
010BgRFC retry unit has been terminated. Object ID '&1' consumer type '&2'
011The SAP system could not process your request. Contact your administrator
012The system could not connect to the SAP business system. Try again later.
013BgRFC retry unit process has been completed successfully
014The required BgRFC configurations are not accurate
015BgRFC inbound destination prefixes not defined properly
016GSDO type '&1' cannot be created. It already exists.
017Creating GSDO type '&1' failed. Check the maintenance view.
018GSI Implementation '&1' cannot be created. It already exists.
019Creating GSI Implementation '&1' failed. Check the maintenance view.
020*** /IWFND/ID_UTIL **
021The Object ID '&1' could not be interpreted. Contact your administrator
022User &1 locks needed table &2 - action was canceled
030*** /IWFND/CL_ROLE_INFO ***
031Error retrieving users assigned to role '&1'
032Error retrieving roles for user '&1'
033External role name '&1' not found
034Internal role name '&1' not found
035Error retrieving roles for GSDO type &1
036Role &1 not allowed for GSDO type &2
040*** /IWFND/CL_GSDO_INFO ***
041GSDO Group '&1' does not exist
042GSDO group for GSDO &1 could not be found under specified conditions
043User does not have sufficient authorization to change the customizing
044View '&1' is locked
045View '&1' could not be locked. (Error code '&2')
046User does not have sufficient authorization
047RFC Function /IWBEP/FM_MGW_GET_BCT does not exist in RFC destination '&1'
048Missing authorization; authority check for object '&1' and '&2' failed
049Missing authorization; authority check for object '&1' failed
051Consumer '&1' does not exist
060Your user does not have sufficient authorization
070Routing BAdI found for namespace '&1', service '&2', version '&3'
071System alias '&1' not found for namespace '&2', service '&3', verson '&4'
072Role based routing exists for namespace '&1', service '&2', version '&3'
073Host name based routing for namespace '&1', service '&2', version '&3'
074Unknown segement paramter found ('&1')
075Resource URL not valid
076No default system alias for namespace '&1', service '&2', version '&3'
077Invalid segement paramete for catalog srv namespace '&1', service '&2'
079Annotations path segment not supplied for catalog service
080No routing exists for namespace '&1', service '&2', version '&3'
081Backend context token is not supported for this service.
099Service group does not exist
100Source for conversion '&1' is not numeric
110ICF node '&1' of service ID '&2' could not be deleted
111System alias '&1' of service ID '&2' could not be deleted
112Service ID '&1' could not be deleted
113ICF Node does not exist
114Timeout is set to 00:00:00; Please change or provide.
150*** IWFND GSR ***
151A relation with the name or prefix '&1' does not exist
152The appl. implementation "&1" did not return an SAP system adapter
160******SAP Gateway Transaction handler*************
161Rollback for the request '&1' will be executed
200*** IFL - Generic Service Provider 201 - 249 ***
201The "Generic Service Provider" could not instantiate the app. code
250*** /IWFND/COD **
251BOG '&1' cannot be created. It already exists.
252Creating BOG '&1' failed. Check the maintenance view.
253BOGA '&1' '&2' '&3' cannot be created. It already exists.
254Creating BOGA '&1' '&2' '&3' failed. Check the maintenance view.
255GSDO group '&1' does not exist
256GSDO Type '&1' cannot be deleted. It is still assigned
257Deleting GSDO type '&1' failed
258BOGA '&1' '&2' '&3' does not exist
259Deleting BOGA '&1' '&2' '&3' failed
260BOG '&1' cannot be deleted. It is still assigned
261Deleting BOG '&1' failed
262Creation failed. Mandatory fields initial
263Active model '&1' in version '&2' not found
264Service '&1' in version '&2' not found
300Customizing request required
301Workbench request required
302System alias '&1' cannot be assigned. Service'&2' is not routing based.
303Template service '&1' does not exist.
304'&1' has no aliases assigned.
305System alias '&1' does not exist.
306System has no system name.
307Error when calling TR_SYS_PARAMS.
308No changes to customizing allowed.
309No changes to repository objects allowed.
310Process mode must be either co-deployed or routing based.
311System has no system type ("SAP" or "CUSTOMER")
312&1 &2 &3 &4
313Development class of service group '&1' not found.
314Development class of service group '&1' does not record changes.
315Service group '&1' locked by different task '&2'.
316System alias '&2' is not assigned to service group '&1'
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