/IWNGW/CM_BEP_OUT - BEP Outbound related messages

The following messages are stored in message class /IWNGW/CM_BEP_OUT: BEP Outbound related messages.
It is part of development package /IWNGW/BEP_COS_MESSAGES in software component OPU-GW-NOT. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Notification Channel - BEP - Messages - Fully translated".
Message Nr
Message Text
000RFC Error: No details available. Possible Reason: ST22 dump in backend
001RFC Error: Communication failure.
002RFC Error: System failure
003RFC Error: User does not have required authorization
004No queue prefix maintained for destination IWNGW_BEP_OUT_BGRFC
005More than one queue prefix maintained for destination IWNGW_BEP_OUT_BGRFC
006BG RFC Queue:Error in getting queue prefix.
007System failure or communication failure while calling hub
008Error occured in hub while processing the notification
010BG RFC Queue: Duplicate queue id generated.
011Inbound destination IWNGW_BEP_OUT_BGRFC not maintained
012BG RFC Queue: Error in insert
013Notifications does not exist for above Invalid Source IDs
014Notification(s) were not deleted
017Bgrfc unit is added to prepared queue '&1'
018Processing in provider started
019RFC Error:
020'&1' Invalid Source ID
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