/J7L/PRICING - REA Pricing

The following messages are stored in message class /J7L/PRICING: REA Pricing.
It is part of development package /J7L/REA_PRICING in software component IS-REA-COR. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "REA Price Calculation".
Message Nr
Message Text
000&1 &2 &3 &4
001Price list version &1 valid from &2 to &3 determined
002Start of calculation for packaging &1
003Recycling partner assignment determined valid from &1 to &2
004Recycling partner is assigned
005Unit of measure &1 must be converted to base unit of measure &2
006Calculation for weight-dependent fee
007Fraction assignment determined valid from &1 to &2
008Recycling partner fraction &1 determined for internal fraction &2
009Partner fraction requirement for &1 removed
010Conversion of fraction weight in &1 to price list unit &2
011Remnant &1 is taken into account
012Percentage discount of &1 is taken into account
013Fraction-dependent packaging level &1, fraction-dep. packag. category &2
014Addition of fraction &1 with weight &2, spec. cond. type &3, and fee &4
015Fraction formula is now executed
016For recycl. partn. fraction &1, fraction formula returns &2: D: &3 and &4
017Execution of petty rule &1 for packaging type &2
018Result for petty rule in main components is: &1
019Result for petty rule in secondary components is: &1
020Fee formula is now executed
021Conversion of &1 to nondimensional quantity &2 via additional data
022Fee formula &1 provides factor &3 for fraction &2
023No packaging price is calculated
024Fraction weight determined for &1 of &2
025Packaging level &1 from packaging assignment is used
026No calculation: Purchasing relevance &1, sales relevance &2, requested &3
027Start of valuation for trade level &1
028Trade level &1 valuated with &2 by default
029Trade level &1 is valuated with &2 according to weight-dependent fee
100Calculation for item-dependent fee
101Conversion of number of pieces in &1 to price list unit &2
102Volume/area class &1 determined with special condition type 0
103Fee formula &1 provides factor &3 for volume/area class &2
104Additive volume/area class leads to change of number of pieces by &1
105Portion packaging leads to change of number of pieces by &1
106No. of pieces for price calculation is &1
200No recycling-partner-dep. data in article with variant &1 packaging &2
201Calculation for packaging &1 with variant &2
202Calculation with component quantity &1 (total)
203Retroactive billing for all packaging
204Execution of petty rule &1 for packaging type &2 and packaging level &3
205Packaging is not activated for item-dependent fee or weight-dependent fee
206Determination of transaction key &1 for purchasing
207Determination of transaction key &1 for sales
208Determination of trade level combination &1 for recycling partner article
209Determination of trade level combination &1 for recycl. partner packaging
210Trade level &1 of company code is used for calculation
211Weight is used directly in price calculation (price unit &1)
212Weight is converted to nondimensional value &1
213Component quantity &1 is used in price calculation
214Conversion of component quantity &1 to &2 via material &3
215No price calculation as recycling partner is inactive
216Cumulation mode B uses packaging assignment for conversion to &1
217Cumulation mode A uses base quantity &1 in article as number of pieces
218Pricing for item-dependent fee based on cumulation mode and unit of meas.
219Pricing for item-dependent fee based on setting for trade level
220Base quantity &1 in article determines number of pieces
221Component quantity in packaging &1 determines number of pieces
222Component quantity &1 is used in base UoM &2 in price calculation
223Pricing for weight-dependent fee based on setting of trade level
500Could not determine valid price list version for time &1
501Recycling partner assignment for &1 missing
502Recycling partner not assigned on &1
503Internal error &1 in unit conversion from &2 to &3
504Internal error &1 in conversion from &2 to &3
505Recycling-partner-dependent fraction information missing
506Internal fraction &1 has no recycling partner frac. in price list version
507Error when executing fraction formula &1 for recycling partner frac. &2
508Packaging type missing for execution of petty rule
509Error when executing petty rule &1 for packaging type &2
510Error &1 during conversion to nondimensional value via additional data
511Error when executing fee formula &1 for recycling partner fraction &2
512Fee formula for &2 not defined
513Fraction assignment missing for &1
514Volume/area class &1 special cond. type &2 missing in price list version
515Error when executing fee formula &1 for volume/area class &2
516Packaging assignment missing for &1
517Internal error &1 when reading variant &2 of packaging &3
518No price information available for trade level &1
519No conversion of component unit of measure &1 to price unit &2
520Error number &1 in currency conversion from &2 to &3
521Arithmetical error &1 in fee formula
522Internal buffer not updated
523No cumulation mode defined in default document type &1
524No conversion of unit of measurement &1 to price unit &2
525No complementary fraction for internal fraction &1 in Customizing
526Re.partner fract. &1 and spec.cond.type &2 missing in price list version
527Number of all assigned packagings could not be determined
528Trade level &1 could not be determined for recycling partner &2
529Invalid combination of trade levels &1
530Fraction &1 with special condition type &2 determined
531Invalid combination of special condition type &1 with trade level &2
532No unique special condition type for fraction &1 at article level
533Error in text determination for special condition type &1
534Invalid combination of Fraction &1 and Trade Level &2
535Weight Unit Packaging Assignment Item &2 Fraction &3 different
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