/KJCH1/CH01 - Message class for Choai function

The following messages are stored in message class /KJCH1/CH01: Message class for Choai function.
It is part of development package /KJCH1/CH01 in software component FI-LOC-LO. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Rebate Function Japan".
Message Nr
Message Text
001The system failed updating the table.
002The data is saved succsessfully
003The data &1 is now being processed by the user &2.
004The parameter is not activated.
005You are not authorized for working with the sales organization &.
006Deletion flags are set for &1 &2
007The customer &1 is not maintained for &2.
008Product hierarchy & is not available.
009The customer &1 is not maintained for the sales area &2, &3, &4 .
010Please specify the number from & to &.
011Sales organization & is not set up for using external number assignment.
012Please specify major level .
013You are not authorized for using the reference route (route type=2).
014Route ID & does not exist.
015Same partner function & is already specified.
016You cannot use the partner function &.
017Mandatory partner function has not been set up.
018Reference route has the sales area &1 &2 &3.
019Route ID & already exist.
020The combination of the partner functions is not correct.
021Same route combination exists already.
022Data is incomplete.
023Customizing for the route input check has not been maintained.
024Please specify sold-to.
025Please specify bill-to.
026Route ID & is created.
027You can change partner function's entries only when route isn't released.
028Failed to delete the Route ID &.
029Route ID & is deleted successfully.
030The system cannot find the setting for reference distribution channel.
031& is not maintained for &.
032Failed in finding company code.
033& doesn't exist.
034The combination & & & & is not correct.
035Specify Route ID, or Division, or &.
036Route ID & is not available.
037You cannot use the route ID &.
038The system cannot find any possible entry for &.
039Targeted data does not exist
040You cannot use the partner function &. Please check /KJCH1/CRNR.
041Please specify ship_to.
042Please specify payer.
043Status is already not available.
044please input business partner
045Same business partner functions have been indicated for twice.
046Checkbox:SOSet must be selected for once.
047Please specify 6th tier wholesaler.
048The business function text &1 is not maintained for language &2.
049The 6th tier wholesaler is not maintained in /KJCH1/CRNR.
050Valuation check error: sales organization &1
051Please select at least one line
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