/LIME/CORE - LIME - Meldungen aus Funktionsgruppe /LIME/CORE
The following messages are stored in message class /LIME/CORE: LIME - Meldungen aus Funktionsgruppe /LIME/CORE.
It is part of development package /LIME/PLT_CORE in software component AP-LIM. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Platform - Core".
It is part of development package /LIME/PLT_CORE in software component AP-LIM. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Platform - Core".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
001 | Dispatcher run &1 is already active |
002 | Item &1: Invalid value for reference document type: &2 |
003 | Stock still exists for the location/HU/stock item |
004 | Location/HU is still being used. Deletion not possible |
005 | Master data access for material &1 failed - posting impossible |
006 | Authorization missing for application &1 |
007 | Quantity conversion for material &1 failed - update impossible |
008 | Impossible to determine starting unit of measure and qty for calculation |
009 | Master data access for material &1 failed - posting impossible |
010 | There is no stock for location/HU/stock item |
011 | Error in database access: Table &1, operation &2, record &3 |
012 | Error in database access: Table &1, operation &2 |
013 | Master data access for location &1 failed - posting not possible |
014 | Invalid direction &1 for this movement |
015 | There is stock blocked by physical inventory for location/HU/stock item |
016 | Start of deletion run for collection &1 |
017 | End of deletion run for collection &1 (&2 entries deleted) |
018 | Enter either a date or a number of days |
019 | Master data access for location &1 failed - posting not possible |
020 | Collection is just being dispatched, deletion not possible |
021 | Master data access for object &1, type &2 is not defined |
022 | Location/HU stock transfer: Cycle through location/HU stock transfer |
023 | Location/HU must not be shifted to stock |
024 | Location must not be shifted to an HU |
025 | Location/HU is blocked by another application |
026 | Master data access for material &1, location &2 failed |
027 | Master data access to owner for object &1, type &2 is not defined |
028 | Location/HU is used more than once within the same group; item &1 |
029 | Posting with incorrect previous stock quantity |
030 | Item &1 is rejected due to an external time stamp |
031 | Item &1 does not have an external time stamp |
032 | Error in item &1, location and HU are filled |
033 | Incorrect Customizing setting for "Dated Stock" |
034 | Error: &1 program: &2/&3 line: &4 |
035 | You cannot use "Dated Stock" setting together with collector |
036 | Incoming message incorrect: Action &1 is invalid |
037 | No authorization to create a location with key &1 |
038 | Location/HU does not exist |
039 | "Dated Stock" setting does not permit ISSUE_ALL |
040 | "Dated Stock" setting does not permit movement of HUs/locations |
042 | Stock index entry does not exist; automatic creation is not allowed |
045 | Index entry (object type &1) does not exist |
048 | Index entry (object type &1) already exists |
049 | In HU/LOC Move, new and old parents are identical |
051 | Number of serial numbers does not correspond with quantity in item &1 |
052 | Inadmissible units of measure in item &1 |
053 | Item group &1 is invalid due to item &2 |
054 | Item &1: Serial number &2 already exists |
055 | Item &1: Serial number &2 does not exist |
056 | Item &1 has quantities in quantity fields without unit of measure |
057 | Inadmissible parent/child combination. Parent: &1/&2 child: &3/&4 |
058 | Unit of measure &1 and quantity does not exist for item |
059 | Quantity table incorrectly filled by BAdI QCI converter |
060 | No valid units of measure are defined for item |
061 | Incorrect GUID &1 for object type &2 |
062 | No stock unit of measure is defined for item &1 |
063 | No authorization to display a location with index &1 |
064 | No authorization to display a HU with index &1 |
065 | No authorization to display a stock with index &1 |
066 | Error in item &1, account assignment object &2 is invalid |
067 | Authorization object &1 cannot be checked |
068 | Stock is blocked for postings |
069 | Line ID is not set |
070 | Invalid parent during creation of a location or a handling unit |
071 | Item &1 has several identical serial numbers |
072 | Item &1: No serial number unit, but serial number table |
073 | Line ID &1 is not unique |
074 | Line ID &1: Owner/owner role cannot be deleted |
075 | Index entry could not be changed |
076 | Location or HU is blocked for postings/movements |
077 | Item &1 has an empty serial number |
078 | Item &1 has several identical units |
079 | No authorization to change a location &1, auth. group &2 |
080 | No authorization to delete a location &1, auth. group &2 |
081 | RAISE EXCEPTION with incorrect message type in &1 include &2 line &3 |
082 | No authorization to create a handling unit &1 |
083 | No authorization to create a stock item &1 |
084 | No authorization to change a HU &1, auth. group &2 |
085 | No authorization to change a stock item &1, auth. group &2 |
086 | No authorization to delete a HU &1, auth. group &2 |
087 | No authorization to delete a stock item &1, auth. group &2 |
088 | Start of dispatcher processing for collection type &1 |
089 | End of dispatcher processing for collection type &1 |
090 | No quantities were specified for the item in the quantity table |
091 | &1 records written in the delta queue |
092 | Error when writing in the delta queue |
093 | No zero quantities found for line &1 |
094 | Start: &1 &2 |
095 | Finish: &1 &2 |
096 | Number of selected records in table &1: &2 |
097 | No authorization to post HU &1, auth. group &2 |
098 | No authorization to post location &1, auth. group &2 |
099 | No authorization to post stock &1, auth. group &2 |
100 | Entries from &2 stock IDs were deleted from table &1 |
101 | &1 gaps were deleted from /LIME/NTREE table |
102 | Message does not contain item data |
103 | Main item &1 does not exist in message |
104 | Invalid actions within a group of document lines |
105 | Item &1: Entry of a dest. location/HU for GI of a HU is not possible |
106 | Could not lock gap guid: &1 |
110 | Item &1: ISSUE_ALL only possible in goods issues/transfers |
111 | Item &1: Enter quantity or set ISSUE_ALL |
112 | Item &1: Enter serial number or set ISSUE_ALL |
113 | Item &1: ISSUE_ALL cannot be combined with REVERSE_MODE |
114 | Item &1: REVERSE_MODE can only be combined with Direction I,O,T |
115 | Item &1: Invalid value for VSI: &2 |
116 | Item &1: Invalid value for reason for movement: &2 |
117 | Invalid stock category: &1 |
118 | Invalid special stock indicator: &1 |
119 | Item &1: Location/HU or stock item not set |
120 | Item &1: Location/HU not set |
121 | Inefficient access of LIME index entry (key &1) |
122 | Item &1: Location/HU may not be set at the same time |
123 | Item &1: Invalid parameter group: &2 |
124 | Posting causes negative stocks in one or more items |
125 | Invalid process type: &1 |
126 | Invalid QCI type: &1 |
127 | Item &1: Location and TOP_LEVEL cannot both be set at the same time |
128 | External document number must be set |
129 | Item &1: Posting already being made to stock in physical inventory line |
130 | Lock table is full |
131 | Timeout of Enqueue Server |
132 | Item &1: Invalid value for the stock change description: &2 |
133 | Invalid operator (&1) or sign (&2) for field (&3) |
134 | Object is already locked: &1; parameters: &2 &3 &4 |
135 | Locking is not possible due to a system error |
136 | Entry in /LIME/NQUAN table cannot be locked |
137 | 0 quantity entry exists in /LIME/NQUAN, see Note 2875719 |
144 | Setting of lock for LIME postings by background delete not possible |
145 | LIME could not set lock for postings |
200 | Error while accessing archive file |
201 | You do not have authorization for access to the archive |
400 | Not possible to determine index number (object type &1) |
401 | Creating an entry (object &1 &2 &3) is not possible. |
600 | No result from query |
601 | No search parameter specified |
602 | SET_TOP_LEVEL was combined with another location specification |
603 | Specify location index without any other location specifications |
604 | Specify locations without relevant location index |
605 | Specify locations with more than one structure and/or table |
606 | Invalid value for i_max_hits: &1 |
607 | Input parameters do not agree with index &1, object type &2 |
608 | Specify HU index but no other HU specifications |
609 | Specify HUs without relevant HU index |
610 | Specify HUs with more than one structure and/or table |
611 | There are more than &1 results, enlarge MAX_HITS |
612 | Invalid index number &1 for object type &2 |
613 | Specify stock index but no other stock specifications |
614 | Specify stocks without relevant stock index |
615 | Specify stocks with more than one structure and/or table |
616 | Stock query without location or HU entry |
617 | Time interval and time cannot be set at the same time |
618 | Error during update of collector |
619 | Error during update of /LIME/CORE |
620 | Selection of document lines with value table but without option structure |
621 | Time only specified in combination with date |
622 | Prima nota not found |
623 | More than one prima nota found |
624 | Incorrect dynamic SQL: Table1=(&1/&2) Table2=(&3/&4) |
625 | Length exceeded (&1) in selection with value range table |
627 | Transferred table is empty |
628 | No data record with calculated absolute quantity found in table log_quan |
629 | No prima nota found for external reference document |
630 | Several prima notas found for external reference document |
631 | Reverse mode for item is already set |
632 | Restrict date and time |
633 | Update of &1 data records with historical stocks in database |
634 | Cancellation for this original document already available |
635 | No external document number specified as search parameter |
636 | No process type specified as search parameter |
637 | No items specified for cancellation |
638 | Block for prima nota item failed. &1, &2, &3 |
639 | Group &1 can only be canceled as a whole |
640 | Error during update of cancelation |
641 | ID &1 to be canceled is not in document |
642 | No document to be canceled found |
643 | Enter a Collection Type |