/LIME/PI_CORE - PI Core Messages
The following messages are stored in message class /LIME/PI_CORE: PI Core Messages.
It is part of development package /LIME/PI_CORE in software component SCM-ECT-LIM-INV. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Physical Inventory Core".
It is part of development package /LIME/PI_CORE in software component SCM-ECT-LIM-INV. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Physical Inventory Core".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
000 | Faulty status in physical inventory core (Wrong object type passed on) |
001 | Query without specification of a location or a physical inventory area |
002 | Physical inventory procedure &1 is invalid (Specify a valid procedure) |
003 | You have specified an end date but no start date |
004 | End date lies before the start date |
005 | End time lies before the start time |
006 | Log type &1 is invalid |
007 | Index not specified in parameter &1 |
008 | No result from query |
009 | No search parameter specified |
010 | Field &1 in parameter &2 not populated |
011 | Document number and/or document year not specified |
012 | Error in database access: Table &1, operation &2 |
013 | Document status &1 is invalid. Specify a valid document status |
014 | Error in SAP-internal BAdI /LIME/PI_CORE (Action terminated) |
015 | Document &1, item &2: No base unit of measure found for line &3 |
016 | Document &1, item &2: No count data passed on in line &3 |
017 | Object to be created for document item &1 is locked |
018 | No items to be posted passed on |
019 | Item &1: Active object-related document already exists |
020 | Item (field ITEM_NO) not set |
021 | Item (field ITEM_NO) &1 not unique |
022 | Invalid status of physical inventory document (active or inactive) |
023 | Procedure (document type) of physical inventory document not set |
024 | Type of object to be counted (Type_Parent) is not set |
025 | Planned count date of physical inventory document not set |
026 | Data of object to be counted (item object) not set |
027 | Item &1: TYPE_PARENT not set or incorrect (L) |
028 | Missing index number item &1 |
029 | Item &1: TYPE_ITEM not set or incorrect (H or S) |
030 | Object to be counted does not exist (parent object) |
031 | Object to be counted does not exist (item object) |
032 | Error in database access: Table &1, operation &2 |
033 | Item &1: Active location-related document already exists |
034 | Error: &1 program: &2/&3 line: &4 |
035 | Document &1 &2 and item &3 not unique |
036 | Document &1 &2, item &3, already counted |
037 | Document &1 &2, item &3, already posted |
038 | Document &1 &2, item &3, already deleted (Deletion indicator) |
039 | Document &1 &2, item &3, already recounted |
040 | Document &1 &2 created |
041 | Document &1 &2, item &3, cannot be processed (Note status) |
042 | Document &1 &2 counted |
043 | Document &1 &2 posted |
044 | Location (parent object) of item &1 not populated |
045 | Incorrect call of item &1 (Parent object must be a location) |
046 | Item object (object to be counted) of item &1 not populated |
047 | Item object of item &1 in location-specific physical inventory ignored |
048 | Error in item &1 (Item object must be material or HU) |
049 | Item &1: BIZ and GUID populated simultaneously. BIZ ignored. |
050 | Invalid process type: &1 |
051 | Authorization missing for application &1 |
052 | Parent object (location or HU) of item &1 does not exist |
053 | Item group &1 became invalid due to item &2 |
054 | Item &1: Error creating LOG entry |
055 | Physical inventory area for location of item &1 does not exist |
056 | Error in document number assignment (Document assignment not active) |
057 | No input parameters specified (Processing terminated) |
058 | Error in data input (Item &1, document number missing) |
059 | Error in data input (Item &1, document year missing) |
060 | Error in data input (Item &1, document item missing) |
061 | Error in data input (Item &1, count date missing) |
062 | Error in data input (Item &1, count user missing) |
063 | Error in data input (Item &1, count items missing) |
064 | Document &1, item &2: Parent object not populated in line &3 |
065 | Document &1, item &2: Item object in line &3 faulty |
066 | Document &1, item &2: Parent object line &3, level 1, must be a location |
067 | Document &1, item &2: Missing index number in line &3 |
068 | Document &1, item &2: Line &3 ind. location 'empty' or 'complete' wrong |
069 | Doc. &1, item &2: Line &3 item object will be ignored (Count ind. set) |
070 | Item &1: Error determining difference |
071 | Document &1, item &2: Line &3 does not corresp. to location to be counted |
072 | Doc. &1, item &2: Inconsistent count entry (Does not start w. level 1) |
073 | Document &1, item &2: Line &3 item object must be material or HU |
074 | Document &1, item &2: Line &3 - incorrect entry of count data (qty/unit) |
075 | Document &1, item &2: Line &3 - incorrect count entry hierarchy |
076 | Document &1 &2: Item &3 has not yet been counted |
077 | Document &1, item &2: Number of document not uniquely passed on |
078 | Selection of physical inventory documents does not deliver a result |
079 | No data to be counted passed on |
080 | Inefficient access of LIME index entry (key &1) |
081 | RAISE EXCEPTION with incorrect message type in &1 include &2 line &3 |
082 | No documents to be deleted passed on |
083 | No items passed on |
084 | Data input error (Item &1, physical inventory procedure missing) |
085 | Data input error (Item &1, posting date missing) |
086 | No documents to be recounted passed on |
087 | Document &1 &2 recounted |
088 | Document &1 &2: Item &3 has not yet been counted |
089 | Document &1 &2, item &3, already counted (Count data will be lost) |
090 | Document &1 &2, item &3, already posted (Deletion terminated) |
091 | Document &1 &2, item &3, already deleted (Deletion terminated) |
092 | Document &1 &2, item &3, already recounted (Deletion terminated) |
093 | Document &1 &2 deleted (Deletion indicator set) |
094 | Error determining document references |
095 | Document &1 &2, item &3, already posted (Recount terminated) |
096 | Document &1 &2, item &3, already deleted (Recount terminated) |
097 | Document &1 &2, item &3, already recounted (Recount terminated) |
098 | Document &1 &2, item &3, only planned (Recount terminated) |
099 | Error locking physical inventory document |
100 | Document &1 &2 (status: &3; phys. inventory procedure: &4) does not exist |
101 | Document &1 &2, item &3, does not exist |
102 | Document &1 &2, item &3: Wrong count quantity status passed on |
103 | Document &1 &2 item &3: More than one count item per unit of measure |
104 | Error during status update |
105 | Error posting differences |
106 | Document &1, item &2: Lock cannot be set on location |
107 | Document &1, item &2: Lock cannot be set on object |
108 | Object to be created in item &1 exists multiple times in call |
109 | Location of item &1 exists multiple times in call |
110 | &1: &2 data objects (buffer: &3, &4) |
111 | Handle & not intended for read access |
112 | Archive handle & not intended for write access |
113 | Class &2 not registered for handle &1 |
114 | Internal error in function modules for archiving |
115 | Table &1 not intended for archiving |
116 | &1 data objects read from archive file |
117 | Enter the document year for archiving |
118 | Item object cat. &1 (stock, HU, location) of item &2 does not exist |
119 | Process type not passed on |
120 | Document &1, item &2: Count date incorrect |
121 | Item &1: Document &3 &4 already active for location &2 |
122 | Item &1: Document &4 already active for location &2, stock_item &3 |
123 | Item &1: Document &4 already active for location &2, HU &3 |
124 | Document &1 &2, item &3 cannot be posted due to exceeded tolerances |
125 | Document &1 &2, item &3, already printed |
126 | Document &1 &2 successfully printed |
127 | &1 physical inventory documents created |
128 | Changes made successfully &1 time(s) |
129 | At least one phys. inventory doc. exists (Deletion of item not allowed!) |
130 | No referencing physical inventory document with identification &1 exists |
131 | No physical inventory document found for reference &1 &2 |
132 | DDIC object &1 could not be assigned |
133 | Invalid operator (&1) or sign (&2) for field (&3) |
134 | Field &1 does not exist in structure &2 |
135 | Import parameters populated incorrectly |
136 | Document &1, item &2: Line &3: No check indicators passed on |
137 | Document &1, item &2: Line &3: Check result faulty (parent <> location) |
138 | Document &1, item &2: Line &3: Check result faulty (item <> stock) |
139 | Doc. &1, item &2: Line &3: Count entry only w. location, w/o compl./empty |
140 | Document &1, item &2: Line &3: Entered count quantity is negative |
141 | Item &1 discarded by customer BAdI |
142 | No items to be activated passed on |
143 | Document &1 &2, item &3: Number of document passed on not unique |
144 | Document &1 &2 activated |
145 | Document &1 &2, item &3, already activated |
146 | Document &1 &2: Process status changed to &3 |
147 | Document &1, item &2: New process status not passed on |
148 | Document &1, item &2: Line &3 faulty quantity category in count entry |
149 | Doc. &1, item &2: Only book inv. or count or no diff. lines passed on |
150 | No data to be changed passed on |
151 | Document &1 &2, item &3: Error transferring references to be deleted |
152 | Document &1 &2, item &3: Reference to be deleted is not allowed |
153 | Document &1 &2, item &3: Reference to be deleted does not exist |
154 | Document &1 &2, item &3: No clear instruction to activate/deactivate |
155 | Document &1 &2, item &3: Document can no longer be activated |
156 | Document &1 &2, item &3: Document can no longer be deactivated |
157 | Document &1, item &2: Document activated |
158 | Document &1, item &2: Document deactivated |
159 | Document &1 &2 successfully changed |
160 | &1 data records deleted |
161 | Data entry error (Timestamp and/or physical inventory area missing) |
162 | &1 data record(s) written (Product in PI area complete) |
163 | Document &1, item &2: Line &3: Several check indicators passed on |
164 | Document &1, item &2: Line &3: Check indicator &4 not compliant (Y/N) |
165 | Doc. &1, item &2: Internal error! Book and existence lines asynchronous |
166 | Error reading item header data for physical inventory document |
167 | Error reading item data for physical inventory document |
168 | Document &1, item &2: Lock on location cannot be deleted |
169 | Document &1, item &2: Lock on object cannot be deleted |
170 | Error counting and posting differences (Documents posted as counted) |
171 | Physical inventory procedure &1 not permitted in phys. inv. area &2 |
172 | Enter the document year or Minimum Number of Days for archiving |
173 | Can't change book quantity for physical inventory procedure &1 |
612 | You have specified an invalid index number &1 for object type &2 |
625 | Length exceeded (&1) in selection with value range table |
651 | *** Data Aging Physical Inventory Messages *** |
652 | Error in determining records |
653 | Report started |
654 | Report finished |
655 | Data temperature is &1 |
656 | &1 records selected for table &2 |
657 | Start data selection for table &1 |
658 | No data to be aged. |