/LIME/PI_CORE - PI Core Messages

The following messages are stored in message class /LIME/PI_CORE: PI Core Messages.
It is part of development package /LIME/PI_CORE in software component SCM-ECT-LIM-INV. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Physical Inventory Core".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Faulty status in physical inventory core (Wrong object type passed on)
001Query without specification of a location or a physical inventory area
002Physical inventory procedure &1 is invalid (Specify a valid procedure)
003You have specified an end date but no start date
004End date lies before the start date
005End time lies before the start time
006Log type &1 is invalid
007Index not specified in parameter &1
008No result from query
009No search parameter specified
010Field &1 in parameter &2 not populated
011Document number and/or document year not specified
012Error in database access: Table &1, operation &2
013Document status &1 is invalid. Specify a valid document status
014Error in SAP-internal BAdI /LIME/PI_CORE (Action terminated)
015Document &1, item &2: No base unit of measure found for line &3
016Document &1, item &2: No count data passed on in line &3
017Object to be created for document item &1 is locked
018No items to be posted passed on
019Item &1: Active object-related document already exists
020Item (field ITEM_NO) not set
021Item (field ITEM_NO) &1 not unique
022Invalid status of physical inventory document (active or inactive)
023Procedure (document type) of physical inventory document not set
024Type of object to be counted (Type_Parent) is not set
025Planned count date of physical inventory document not set
026Data of object to be counted (item object) not set
027Item &1: TYPE_PARENT not set or incorrect (L)
028Missing index number item &1
029Item &1: TYPE_ITEM not set or incorrect (H or S)
030Object to be counted does not exist (parent object)
031Object to be counted does not exist (item object)
032Error in database access: Table &1, operation &2
033Item &1: Active location-related document already exists
034Error: &1 program: &2/&3 line: &4
035Document &1 &2 and item &3 not unique
036Document &1 &2, item &3, already counted
037Document &1 &2, item &3, already posted
038Document &1 &2, item &3, already deleted (Deletion indicator)
039Document &1 &2, item &3, already recounted
040Document &1 &2 created
041Document &1 &2, item &3, cannot be processed (Note status)
042Document &1 &2 counted
043Document &1 &2 posted
044Location (parent object) of item &1 not populated
045Incorrect call of item &1 (Parent object must be a location)
046Item object (object to be counted) of item &1 not populated
047Item object of item &1 in location-specific physical inventory ignored
048Error in item &1 (Item object must be material or HU)
049Item &1: BIZ and GUID populated simultaneously. BIZ ignored.
050Invalid process type: &1
051Authorization missing for application &1
052Parent object (location or HU) of item &1 does not exist
053Item group &1 became invalid due to item &2
054Item &1: Error creating LOG entry
055Physical inventory area for location of item &1 does not exist
056Error in document number assignment (Document assignment not active)
057No input parameters specified (Processing terminated)
058Error in data input (Item &1, document number missing)
059Error in data input (Item &1, document year missing)
060Error in data input (Item &1, document item missing)
061Error in data input (Item &1, count date missing)
062Error in data input (Item &1, count user missing)
063Error in data input (Item &1, count items missing)
064Document &1, item &2: Parent object not populated in line &3
065Document &1, item &2: Item object in line &3 faulty
066Document &1, item &2: Parent object line &3, level 1, must be a location
067Document &1, item &2: Missing index number in line &3
068Document &1, item &2: Line &3 ind. location 'empty' or 'complete' wrong
069Doc. &1, item &2: Line &3 item object will be ignored (Count ind. set)
070Item &1: Error determining difference
071Document &1, item &2: Line &3 does not corresp. to location to be counted
072Doc. &1, item &2: Inconsistent count entry (Does not start w. level 1)
073Document &1, item &2: Line &3 item object must be material or HU
074Document &1, item &2: Line &3 - incorrect entry of count data (qty/unit)
075Document &1, item &2: Line &3 - incorrect count entry hierarchy
076Document &1 &2: Item &3 has not yet been counted
077Document &1, item &2: Number of document not uniquely passed on
078Selection of physical inventory documents does not deliver a result
079No data to be counted passed on
080Inefficient access of LIME index entry (key &1)
081RAISE EXCEPTION with incorrect message type in &1 include &2 line &3
082No documents to be deleted passed on
083No items passed on
084Data input error (Item &1, physical inventory procedure missing)
085Data input error (Item &1, posting date missing)
086No documents to be recounted passed on
087Document &1 &2 recounted
088Document &1 &2: Item &3 has not yet been counted
089Document &1 &2, item &3, already counted (Count data will be lost)
090Document &1 &2, item &3, already posted (Deletion terminated)
091Document &1 &2, item &3, already deleted (Deletion terminated)
092Document &1 &2, item &3, already recounted (Deletion terminated)
093Document &1 &2 deleted (Deletion indicator set)
094Error determining document references
095Document &1 &2, item &3, already posted (Recount terminated)
096Document &1 &2, item &3, already deleted (Recount terminated)
097Document &1 &2, item &3, already recounted (Recount terminated)
098Document &1 &2, item &3, only planned (Recount terminated)
099Error locking physical inventory document
100Document &1 &2 (status: &3; phys. inventory procedure: &4) does not exist
101Document &1 &2, item &3, does not exist
102Document &1 &2, item &3: Wrong count quantity status passed on
103Document &1 &2 item &3: More than one count item per unit of measure
104Error during status update
105Error posting differences
106Document &1, item &2: Lock cannot be set on location
107Document &1, item &2: Lock cannot be set on object
108Object to be created in item &1 exists multiple times in call
109Location of item &1 exists multiple times in call
110&1: &2 data objects (buffer: &3, &4)
111Handle & not intended for read access
112Archive handle & not intended for write access
113Class &2 not registered for handle &1
114Internal error in function modules for archiving
115Table &1 not intended for archiving
116&1 data objects read from archive file
117Enter the document year for archiving
118Item object cat. &1 (stock, HU, location) of item &2 does not exist
119Process type not passed on
120Document &1, item &2: Count date incorrect
121Item &1: Document &3 &4 already active for location &2
122Item &1: Document &4 already active for location &2, stock_item &3
123Item &1: Document &4 already active for location &2, HU &3
124Document &1 &2, item &3 cannot be posted due to exceeded tolerances
125Document &1 &2, item &3, already printed
126Document &1 &2 successfully printed
127&1 physical inventory documents created
128Changes made successfully &1 time(s)
129At least one phys. inventory doc. exists (Deletion of item not allowed!)
130No referencing physical inventory document with identification &1 exists
131No physical inventory document found for reference &1 &2
132DDIC object &1 could not be assigned
133Invalid operator (&1) or sign (&2) for field (&3)
134Field &1 does not exist in structure &2
135Import parameters populated incorrectly
136Document &1, item &2: Line &3: No check indicators passed on
137Document &1, item &2: Line &3: Check result faulty (parent <> location)
138Document &1, item &2: Line &3: Check result faulty (item <> stock)
139Doc. &1, item &2: Line &3: Count entry only w. location, w/o compl./empty
140Document &1, item &2: Line &3: Entered count quantity is negative
141Item &1 discarded by customer BAdI
142No items to be activated passed on
143Document &1 &2, item &3: Number of document passed on not unique
144Document &1 &2 activated
145Document &1 &2, item &3, already activated
146Document &1 &2: Process status changed to &3
147Document &1, item &2: New process status not passed on
148Document &1, item &2: Line &3 faulty quantity category in count entry
149Doc. &1, item &2: Only book inv. or count or no diff. lines passed on
150No data to be changed passed on
151Document &1 &2, item &3: Error transferring references to be deleted
152Document &1 &2, item &3: Reference to be deleted is not allowed
153Document &1 &2, item &3: Reference to be deleted does not exist
154Document &1 &2, item &3: No clear instruction to activate/deactivate
155Document &1 &2, item &3: Document can no longer be activated
156Document &1 &2, item &3: Document can no longer be deactivated
157Document &1, item &2: Document activated
158Document &1, item &2: Document deactivated
159Document &1 &2 successfully changed
160&1 data records deleted
161Data entry error (Timestamp and/or physical inventory area missing)
162&1 data record(s) written (Product in PI area complete)
163Document &1, item &2: Line &3: Several check indicators passed on
164Document &1, item &2: Line &3: Check indicator &4 not compliant (Y/N)
165Doc. &1, item &2: Internal error! Book and existence lines asynchronous
166Error reading item header data for physical inventory document
167Error reading item data for physical inventory document
168Document &1, item &2: Lock on location cannot be deleted
169Document &1, item &2: Lock on object cannot be deleted
170Error counting and posting differences (Documents posted as counted)
171Physical inventory procedure &1 not permitted in phys. inv. area &2
172Enter the document year or Minimum Number of Days for archiving
173Can't change book quantity for physical inventory procedure &1
612You have specified an invalid index number &1 for object type &2
625Length exceeded (&1) in selection with value range table
651*** Data Aging Physical Inventory Messages ***
652Error in determining records
653Report started
654Report finished
655Data temperature is &1
656&1 records selected for table &2
657Start data selection for table &1
658No data to be aged.
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