/LIME/UTIL - Nachrichtenklasse f�r Paket /LIME/UTIL

The following messages are stored in message class /LIME/UTIL: Nachrichtenklasse f�r Paket /LIME/UTIL.
It is part of development package /LIME/PLT_UTIL in software component AP-LIM. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Utilities".
Message Nr
Message Text
001Field name &1 already exists in dependent structures
002Data element &1 does not exist or is not active
003Field name can have a maximum of &1 characters
004Include &1 has an entry &2
005Index number must have &1 characters
006Do not use blank or special characters
007Enter the index for the index table
008Select fields for the new index table
009Index number &1 is reserved. Select a different one
010Index table &1 already exists
011Index and shadow tables were generated successfully
012Structure &1 was modified successfully
013Field name and/or data element name is missing
014Field &1 is still used in tables, cannot be deleted
015Maintain field names in customer namespace
016You do not have authorization for this function
017No authorization for object &1
018Field &1 cannot be deleted
019Function group was regenerated. Restart
020Function group could not be generated
021Structure &1 was activated with warnings
022Structure &1 could not be activated
023Select a line
024Field name is from include structure &1
025Table type &1 could not be created
026& & & &
027Table type &1 could not be activated
028Structure &1 could not be generated
029Field name is reserved for customer systems
030Function not possible for selected lines
031Include &1 cannot be deleted
032Table type &1 is generated
033Structure &1 is enhanced with new fields
034Structure &1 is generated
035Table &1 is generated
036Structure &1 is adjusted and partly activated. Conversion necessary
037Maintain index in customer namespace
038Index must start with numbers
039Structure &1 already exists
040Table &1 was deleted
041Index must start with a letter (excluding Z,X,Y).
042LIME source code successfully generated
043Enter the minimum age of the documents (in days)
044Enter the end date of the archiving
045&1 error found
046Table &1 could not be activated
047&1 data records were processed
048&1 header data records read from archive file
049Field name enhanced with prefix ZZ
050Enter the document year for archiving
051Table &1 is not intended for archiving
052&1: &2 of &3 data objects postprocessed
053Characters &1 are reserved for customer namespace
054An index table with the same fields already exists
055Error when opening database cursor
100Error in archiving class &1
101Class &2 is not registered for handle &1
102Handle & is not intended for read access
103Archive handle & is not intended for write access
104Archive handle 0 is not intended for write access
105Internal error in function modules for archiving
106No index can be structured for this archiving object
107Archived table &1 does not match database table
108Index was structured
109No archive data found
110Action canceled
111Number of deleted entries: &1
201Missing entry in shadow table: '&2' (GUID: '&1')
202Object (type &1, IDX &2, GUID &3) exists only as parent in tree (node &4)
203Object (type &1, IDX &2, GUID &3) has incomplete path in tree (node &4)
204Inconsistency cannot be corrected
205Error while removing inconsistency
206Incomplete information, inconsistency cannot be removed
207Missing entry in index table: '&2' (GUID: '&1')
208GUID Node '&1' exists in /LIME/QUAN but not in /LIME/TREE
209Entry in index table '&2' (GUID: '&1') without use in /LIME/TREE
210&1: &2 relations, &3 inconsistencies
211Obsolete TREE entry (GUID: '&1' Level: '&2')
212Several nodes (node '&1', node '&2') for object (type: '&3', GUID '&4')
213Different objects (&1, &2) with same GUID in nodes (&3, &4)
214Log_Quan entry (&1, &2) without log_tree entry with time stamp < &3
215&1: wait &2 seconds
216/Lime/Quan entry (stock: &1, parent &2) without /lime/tree entry
217Objects exist but their index tables ('&1') are missing
218Objects exist but their shadow tables ('&1') are missing
219/Lime/Quan entry (&1/&2, &3) with different /lime/tree entry
220Inconsistent /LIME/NTREE entry for GUID: "&1"
222Inconsistent /LIME/NQUAN and /LIME/NTREE entries for GUID_STOCK: '"&1"
223Inconsistent /LIME/NSERIAL and /LIME/NQUAN entries for GUID_USID: "&1"
224Inconsistent entry in /LIME/NLOG_TREE and /LIME/NTREE for GUID: '&1'
300Wrong release (&1) for conversion; system expects 4.0 to 4.10
301Wrong release for conversion; SCM_BASIS does not exist.
302Block cannot be inserted in /LIME/NTREE; see long text
303Block cannot be inserted in /LIME/WIDTH_TEMP; see long text
304Block cannot be inserted in /LIME/NLOG_TREE; see long text
305Block cannot be inserted in /LIME/NQUAN; see long text
306Block cannot be inserted in /LIME/NLOG_QUAN; see long text
307Block cannot be inserted in /LIME/NSERIAL; see long text
308Block cannot be inserted in /LIME/NLOG_SER; see long text
310Incorrect data from analyze; no entry found for GUId &1
311Error in convert_tree; child &1 does not fit under parent &2
312SUB entry without corresponding ADD entry in LOG_TREE, GUID &1
313No parent found in /LIME/LOG_TREE for data record with GUID &1
314Multiple entries found in convert_tree: GUID &1
315Error in convert_logtree; no parent found for node with GUID &1
316Error in convert_logtree; entry GUID &1 cannot be inserted
317Error in convert_tree; hiererchy level cannot be determined for GUID &1
318Incorrect entry; function module called with step &1
319Tables for new LIME hierarchy do not exist; check tables
320Error occurred at XPRA
321Error in convert_logtree; /LIME/NTREE cannot be read
322XPRA may/cannot be executed; upgrade not active
323You cannot insert data in /LIME/CUST_WIDTH; see longtext
324Access of function module /LIME/CONV_410_TO_LIME_100 is not permitted
325Conversion is not possible; component SCM_BASIS exists more than once
330Conversion of &1 successful in client &2
331Data analysis successful in client &1
332Data conversion successful in client &1
400LIME source code successfully generated
401Data element &1 could not be assigned to any namespace
402Database error when updating &1
403Syntax error in include &1, row &2, error text: &3
404Shadow table &1 does not exist
405Structure &1 does not exist in DDIC
406Field &1 does not exist in structure &2
407Index table &1 is ignored due to DDIC inconsistencies
408Index table &1 is used during generation
409'INSERT REPORT &1' failed
500Function module &1 does not exist
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