/LSIERP/TQ - Message Class for Termination Quotation

The following messages are stored in message class /LSIERP/TQ: Message Class for Termination Quotation.
It is part of development package /LSIERP/FKK_APPL in software component FI-LA. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "FI-CA Enhancements for Leasing".
Message Nr
Message Text
001Error while updating database table &1
002Error while inserting data records in database table &1
003No payment exists for selected criteria
004Number of selected payments: &1
005Number of payments that passed the check: &1
006&1 data records were deleted from the header table
007Error while deleting &1 data records from the header table
008Reference quotation number was not entered together with ID &1
009Quotation &1 has already been paid
010Payment for termination quotation: processing clearing
011No payments found for payment lot &1
012User &1 is not authorized to check and trigger termination
013&1 data records were selected from the header table
014&1 data records were selected from the detail table
015&1 data records were deleted from the detail table
016Error while deleting &1 data records from the detail table
017No matching data records were found
018Could not lock row containing payment lot &1, item no. &2, table &3
019Enter a main transaction, subtransaction, and condition type
020User &1 is not authorized to delete the check results
021Business partner/UIID is required to select open items
022Number of payments that failed the check: &1
023Cannot lock table &1 for quotation &2
024Error while deleting entries in table &1
025CRM lock error for Termination Quotation &1
100Enter selection parameter for "Document Type"
101Enter selection parameter for "Write-Off Reason"
102Enter selection parameter for "Reconciliation Key"
103No entries found in payment status table
104Payment lot &1, item no. &2 does not have the status "For Clarification"
105Payment lot &1, item no. &2: write-off amount is larger than orig. amount
106Payment lot &1, item no. &2: payment amount &3 &4 is insufficient
107Payment lot &1, item no. &2 clarified successfully
108Payment lot &1, item no. &2 written off successfully
109&1: &2 invalid value
110Payment lot &1 does not have the status "Postprocessing Required"
111You are not authorized to use the function &1
112Payment lot &1, item no. &2: no open items to be cleared
113Payment lot &1, item no. &2: payment amount &3 &4
114Payment lot &1, item no. &2: cleared amount &3 &4
115Payment lot &1, item no. &2: write-off amount &3 &4
116Payment lot &1, item no. &2: credit memo &3 &4
117Payment lot &1, item no. &2: amount written off successfully
118Payment lot &1, item no. &2: amount not written off successfully
119You must enter an processing mode
120Payment lot &1, item no. &2: total of open items &3 &4
121Payment lot &1, item no. &2: clarification document number &3
122Payment lot &1, item no. &2: write-off document number &3
123You cannot cancel payment lot &1, item no. &2
124Payment lot &1, item no. &2 does not exist
125Payment lot &1, item no. &2: document &3 cancelled by &4
126Payment lot &1, item no. &2 cancelled successfully
127Cancellation run simulated successfully
128Cancellation run executed successfully
129Invalid processing mode
130Payment lot &1, item no. &2: internal error
131Payment lot &1, item no. &2: no matching items found
132Payment lot &1, item no. &2: open items are larger than write-off amount
133Payment lot &1, item no. &2 is locked by &3
134System error while locking data
135Payment lot &1 is being processed by user &2
136Payment lot &1, item no. &2: open amount &3 &4 is still open
137Payment lot &1, item no. &2: &3 &4 is still open after clearing
138Termination quotation &1 has no open items to be cleared
139Termination quotation &1: write-off amount is larger than orig. amount
140Error while processing termination quotation &1
141Termination quotation &1 has been successfully processed
142Error while processing termination quotation &1
143Checks for termination quotation &1 were successful
144Checks for termination quotation &1 were not successful
145Termination quotation &1: payment amount &2 &3 is insufficient
146Termination quotation &1: payment amount &2 &3
147Termination quotation &1: cleared amount &2 &3
148Termination quotation &1: write-off amount &2 &3
149Termination quotation &1: amount written off successfully
150Termination quotation &1: total of open items &2 &3
151Termination quotation &1: open amount &2 &3 is still open
152Termination quotation &1: &2 &3 is still open after clearing
153Termination quotation &1: clarification document number &2
154Termination quotation &1: no amounts to be written off
155Termination quotation &1: write-off document number &2
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