The following messages are stored in message class /LTB/TR_RT: .
It is part of development package /LTB/TR_RT_CENTRAL in software component CA-LT. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "SAP LT Basis: Transformation Rules (Runtime - central comp.)".
It is part of development package /LTB/TR_RT_CENTRAL in software component CA-LT. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "SAP LT Basis: Transformation Rules (Runtime - central comp.)".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
000 | &1 is not supported by repository |
001 | The specified repository does not contain any transformation rules |
002 | Generation of transformation rule &1 |
003 | &1 successfully generated |
004 | &1 was generated with exceptions; see longtext for details |
005 | Runtime object of &1 contains syntax errors |
006 | Generation of transformation rules in connection &1 |
007 | Generation of transformation rules in current system |
008 | &1 was generated with errors |
009 | No active transformation rules exist. |
010 | No inactive rules exist. |
011 | No exist transformation rule. |
012 | &1 was not generated for connection &2 |
013 | &1 was generated with errors for connection &2 |
014 | &1 successfully generated for connection &2 |
015 | Connection &1 is not selected |
016 | Generating dependencies of &1 in connection &2 |
017 | Generating dependencies of &1 |
018 | &1 &2 &3 &4 |
019 | Execution target cannot be initial for remote connection |
020 | &1 was generated with warnings |
021 | &1 was generated with warnings for connection &2 |
022 | DB inconsistency in &1; manual adjustment is required |
023 | DB inconsistency in &1; auto adjustment can be executed during process |
024 | DB inconsistency in &1; Database will be adjusted now |
025 | No rule exists |
026 | No imported rule exists |
027 | Generation Error:&1&2&3&4 |