/MVA/ABP_PP - Nachrichtenklasse f�r Parallelverarbeitungs-Prozesse

The following messages are stored in message class /MVA/ABP_PP: Nachrichtenklasse f�r Parallelverarbeitungs-Prozesse.
It is part of development package /MVA/AMY_FPP in software component FS-PMA. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "FS-PM Auto: Specific FS-PM Objects for FPP".
Message Nr
Message Text
000--- &1 ------------------------------------------------------------------
001Effective date &1 for policy &2 is before the selection period.
002Run session is already initialized
003Previous orders have not yet been completely processed.
004No other objects available in job session.
005No request could be created for policy ID <&1>, effective date &2.
006Request for policy &1 (ID <&2>), effective date &3 was created.
007Processing package initialized.
008Job started
009&1 object key was loaded
010Policy <&1> successfully updated.
011Error while updating policy &1.
012Application for policy ID <&1> released.
013Application for policy ID <&1> could not be released.
014Application for policy ID <&1> refused.
015Policy &1 locked by user &2
016Application &2 with effective date &3 created for policy &1
017Policy &1 successfully updated.
018Error during update of policy &1
019Application released for policy &1
020Error during release of application for policy &1
021Application for policy &1 refused
022Policy with policy ID <&1> does not exist in the contract journal
023Initialization of the run not possible
024Policy ID <&1> added to work package
025Policy &1 with effective date &2 was selected for processing.
026Package creation started
027Package creation completed
028Run with no. '&1' and ID '&2' started.
029Run finished
030Run is in refusal mode
031Run is in inquiry mode
032Selection: Time model functions with effective date between &1 and &2.
033Contracts of sales product '&1', product '&2' in selection
034Policies for sales product '&1' in selection
035Product '&1' in selection
036No restriction of sales products / products
037Policy '&1' was already updated on '&2' ('&3'/'&4').
038Time model function cannot be executed again with same date "&1".
039The run is in application mode.
040Number range object "&1" has not been defined.
041Interval "&1" has not been defined.
042Error while generating the background processing number.
043Selection: TMF between &1/&2 and &3/&4 (change type/fine control).
044Correspondence run successfully executed for policy &1 application &2
045Technical error: Policy &2.
046Business error: Policy &2.
047Business error: Policy &1.
048Policy &2 could not be loaded.
049Policy &1 was loaded too often.
050Parallel job is active; job delayed.
051Parallel job is active; job ends automatically.
052Run ended with number '&1' and ID '&2'.
053Processing '&1' was reversed.
054Correspondence run for policy &1 application &2 interrupted
055Insurable object &1 &2 was created.
056Insurable object &1 was not created.
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