/MVA/AMC_PC_MSG - Nachrichten f�r Typ/Regio

The following messages are stored in message class /MVA/AMC_PC_MSG: Nachrichten f�r Typ/Regio.
It is part of development package /MVA/AMVT_BCA in software component FS-PMA. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "FS-PM Auto: Type/Region Business Functions".
Message Nr
Message Text
010The system was unable to determine the loss index.
020The system was unable to determine the regional class.
030The system was unable to determine the type class.
038>< Changed: Postal code: &1; city: &2; municipality key: &3; RD ID: &4
039MK data: Import successful, new data records: &1, changed: &2
040Type class and regional class were adjusted to coverage &1.
041Type class was adjusted to coverage &1.
042Regional class was adjusted to coverage &1.
043Temporary type class determined
044Temporary type class adjusted
045>> New: Postal code: &1; city: &2; municipality key: &3; RD ID: &4
046Municipality key data unchanged, system data is up-to-date
047Import of MK assignment file canceled
048Error while opening specified municipality key assignment file
049Error selecting between dialog and background processing
050Error opening the specified type class file
051On &1, &2 records were imported to the system
052On &1, &2 records were changed in the system
053On &1, &2 records were deleted from the system
054On &1, &2 records with import date &3 were imported to the system
055On &1, &2 records with import date &3 were changed in the system
056On &1, &2 records with imort date &3 were deleted from the system
057&1 data records could not be processed
058Vehicle corporate groups remain unchanged, system data most recent status
059Vehicle manufactuerers remain unchanged, system data most recent status
060Type descriptions remain unchanged, system data at most recent status
061Text table type descr. remain unchanged, system data most recent status
062Temp. type classes remain unchanged, system data at most recent status
063Vehicle corporate group: import successful, data records new: &1
064Vehicle manufacturer: import successful, data records new: &1
065Type descriptions: import successful, data records new: &1, changed: &2
066TextTab type descr.: import successful, data records new: &1, changed: &2
067Temp. type classes: import successful, data records new: &1, deleted: &2
068>> New: Corporate group no.: &1; corporate group name: &2
069>> New: Vehicle manufact. seq. no.: &1; ManSN: &2; valid from: &3
070>> New: ManSN: &1; model serial number: &2
071>> New: ManSN: &1; model serial number: &2; language key: &3
072>> New: Valid from: &1; contract type: &2; ManSN: &3; ModSN: &4
073>< Changed: ManSN: &1; model serial number: &2
074>< Changed: ManSN: &1; model serial number: &2; language key: &3
075<< Deleted: Valid from: &1; contract type: &2; ManSN: &3; ModSN: &4
076Error accessing database table &1
077Data record of record type &1 contained errors. &2 must be a number
078Data record: Group number &1; make &2; model &3; engine power KW &4
079Error opening specified assignment file
080New: Record type &1; classification type &2;location ID &3; town/distr.&4
081New: Record type &1; classification type &2; reg.district ID &3; text &4
082>> New: Reg.distr.ID: &1; reg.distr.ID short text: &2
083>> New: Admin. district ID: &1; admin. district short text: &2
084Format AKZ data remains unchanged, system data at most recent status
085Format ZBN data remains unchanged, system data at most recent status
086Registration districts remain unchanged, system data at most recent stat.
087Admin. districts remain unchanged, system data at most recent status
088Format AKZ data: Import successful, new data records: &1
089Format ZBN data: Import successful, new data records: &1
090Registration district: Import successful, new data records: &1
091Admin. district: Import successful, new data records: &1
092Importing of type class file terminated
093Data record: corporate group no.: &1; corporate group name: &2
094Data record: corporate group number: &1; man.ser.no.: &2
095Data record: Group no.&1;make &2;engine capacity (ccm) &3; power (KW) &4
096Data record: corp.group number: &1; ManSN: &2; ModSN &3; contr. type: &4
097Data record: Location ID &1; town/district &2;reg.district ID &3; name &4
098Importing of assignment file was terminated
099Data record: Reg.district ID &1; name &2; admin.district no. &3, distr &4
100Data record of record type &1 contained errors. &2 is not a valid date
101Data rec.: Version year/month: &1; distr. ID: &2; RD ID: &3; RD name: &4
102Data record: Version yr/mth &1; reg.distr.ID &2; admin.distr.&3; dist.&4
103Assign a coverage
104Assign only one insured object
105Incorrect Customizing settings for assignment of prod. data to risk code
106Contract type Type/Region is not intended for insurance type &1
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