/MVA/AMO_BCA_MSG - Nachrichten f�r Objektverwaltung

The following messages are stored in message class /MVA/AMO_BCA_MSG: Nachrichten f�r Objektverwaltung.
It is part of development package /MVA/AMO_BCA in software component FS-PMA. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "FS-PM Auto: Object Management Business Functions".
Message Nr
Message Text
001Object with number &1 does not exist.
002Object type &1 and/or object type &2 is/are invalid.
003Vehicle manufacturer with number: &1 was created.
004Insured object with number: &1 was created.
005Incomplete key for determining business function
006Missing Customizing for business function license plate generation
007Not all the required parameters were transferred
008Prefix or alphan. part of license plate does not contain valid value
009The license plate to be created is too long
010&1 is not a valid license plate number range
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