The following messages are stored in message class /MVA/AMT_MIG11: .
It is part of development package /MVA/AMT_MIGRATION in software component FS-PMA. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "FS-PM Auto: Integration: Migration/Upgrade".
It is part of development package /MVA/AMT_MIGRATION in software component FS-PMA. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "FS-PM Auto: Integration: Migration/Upgrade".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
001 | Error in modification of table &1 in client &2 |
002 | Error inserting in table &1 in client &2 |
003 | No data could be determined in table &1 with data record &2 |
004 | Plausibility error during migration of data record &1 of table &2 |
005 | Detailed log output of migration for client &1 |
006 | Object no.: &1; object name: &2; country/region: &3 |
007 | The fields for kg were filled. Object no.: &1, object description: &2 |
008 | Company field empty for country &1, error during migr. MB &2, client &3 |
009 | Error updating table &1 client &2 |
010 | Execution not possible for this release |
027 | Migration for client &1 already executed successfully |
030 | No clients exist according to parameter selection |
072 | Migration for &1 ended successfully - &2 data records migrated from &3 |
073 | Test run for &1 ended successfuly - &2 data records migrated from &3 |
074 | Test run for &1 ended with warning - &2 data records migrated from &3 |
075 | Migration for &1 ended with warning; &2 data records of &3 migrated |
080 | No customized insurance company for client &1 in table &2 |