/MVA/AMT_MIGRATION - Nachrichtenklasse f�r Migration

The following messages are stored in message class /MVA/AMT_MIGRATION: Nachrichtenklasse f�r Migration.
It is part of development package /MVA/AMT_MIGRATION in software component FS-PMA. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "FS-PM Auto: Integration: Migration/Upgrade".
Message Nr
Message Text
000No clients found for migration
001Migration of client &1 &2 ...
002Migration of client &1 &2 completed successfully
003Migration of client &1 &2 can be carried out successfully
004Migration of client &1 &2 completed with warnings
005Migration of client &1 &2 would be completed with warnings
006Migration of client &1 &2 already carried out
007Internal error during opening of database
008Exception of type &1 occurred
009No data found for migration for client &1
010Error during migration preparation
011Program will be skipped (execution in this release not required)
012Required program parameters were not supplied. &1
013Client &1: B/M journal must first be migrated (prerequisite)
014Policy &1: Migrated end of insurance coverage on &2
015Field &1 does not exist in table &2
016Client &1: &2 data records converted
017Client &1: Maximum of &2 data records must be converted
018Date determined for application &1 for reversal after suspension: &2
019Application journal entry &2, &3, &4 has been cleansed for contract &1
020INBO (No.: &1, Jour.ID &2): CombiKey split into auto cl. &3, body type &4
021Contract journal entry &2, &3, &4 has been cleansed for contract &1
022Data record not processed: &1
023Test run for migration program &1 ended successfully
024Migration program &1 ended successfully
025Test run &1 ended successfully
026Migration ended with warnings
027Migration for client &1 already executed successfully
028Database updated; XPRA run status set
029Processing of client &1 started
030&1 &2 &3 &4
032Error during update: &1 &2 &3 &4
033Database changes have been reset
034Entity &1 is being processed; special processing
036Migration program &1 terminated with errors
037Table &1: &2 data records migrated
038Error during dabase update of table &1: no data migrated
039Following data records could not be migrated because they are corrupt
040Table &1 data record with key &2 &3 &4
043No data for migration exists for client &1
044Migration for &1 ended successfully - &2 data records migrated from &3
045Test run for &1 ended successfuly - &2 data records migrated from &3
046Test run for &1 ended with warning - &2 data records migrated from &3
050Migration Program for Contract Data Container
051Migration Program for Coverage Data Container
052Migration Program (REDO/Postdating) Related Dates for BTS Dates
053Migration program for policy number in bonus-malus
054Migration Program for Contract No. in BM Restorer - Supply
055Migration Program for Bonus-Malus Journal
056Migration Program for Bonus-Malus Company
057Migration program for country/region of insurable object
058Migration Program for IO, Conversion of Tons -> KG
059Migration Program for Flag Rated/Included in Rating
060Migration program for global bonus-malus data
061Migration program for main use/additional use of license plates removed
062Migration program for related date /MVA/SECOND_USAGE
063Migration program for previous insurer's data
064Migration program for end date of insurance coverage
065Migration Program for Date of Processing for Reversal After Suspension
066Migration program for journal entry for vehicle change
067Migration program for splitting up vehicle class/body type
068Migration program for benefit/premium - currency in coverage
071Migration for table &1 ended with warnings
072Migration for &1 ended successfully - &2 data records migrated from &3
073Test run for &1 ended successfuly - &2 data records migrated from &3
074Test run for &1 ended with warning - &2 data records migrated from &3
101Table &1: &2 data records migrated
102No clients exist according to parameter selection
103Migration for client &1 already executed successfully
104Migration program &1 terminated with errors
105Not a test run; changes written to the database
171Migration for table &1 ended with warnings
172Migration for &1 ended successfully - &2 data records migrated from &3
173Test run for &1 ended successfuly - &2 data records migrated from &3
174Test run for &1 ended with warning - &2 data records migrated from &3
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