/MVA/AMT_MIGRATION - Nachrichtenklasse f�r Migration
The following messages are stored in message class /MVA/AMT_MIGRATION: Nachrichtenklasse f�r Migration.
It is part of development package /MVA/AMT_MIGRATION in software component FS-PMA. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "FS-PM Auto: Integration: Migration/Upgrade".
It is part of development package /MVA/AMT_MIGRATION in software component FS-PMA. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "FS-PM Auto: Integration: Migration/Upgrade".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
000 | No clients found for migration |
001 | Migration of client &1 &2 ... |
002 | Migration of client &1 &2 completed successfully |
003 | Migration of client &1 &2 can be carried out successfully |
004 | Migration of client &1 &2 completed with warnings |
005 | Migration of client &1 &2 would be completed with warnings |
006 | Migration of client &1 &2 already carried out |
007 | Internal error during opening of database |
008 | Exception of type &1 occurred |
009 | No data found for migration for client &1 |
010 | Error during migration preparation |
011 | Program will be skipped (execution in this release not required) |
012 | Required program parameters were not supplied. &1 |
013 | Client &1: B/M journal must first be migrated (prerequisite) |
014 | Policy &1: Migrated end of insurance coverage on &2 |
015 | Field &1 does not exist in table &2 |
016 | Client &1: &2 data records converted |
017 | Client &1: Maximum of &2 data records must be converted |
018 | Date determined for application &1 for reversal after suspension: &2 |
019 | Application journal entry &2, &3, &4 has been cleansed for contract &1 |
020 | INBO (No.: &1, Jour.ID &2): CombiKey split into auto cl. &3, body type &4 |
021 | Contract journal entry &2, &3, &4 has been cleansed for contract &1 |
022 | Data record not processed: &1 |
023 | Test run for migration program &1 ended successfully |
024 | Migration program &1 ended successfully |
025 | Test run &1 ended successfully |
026 | Migration ended with warnings |
027 | Migration for client &1 already executed successfully |
028 | Database updated; XPRA run status set |
029 | Processing of client &1 started |
030 | &1 &2 &3 &4 |
032 | Error during update: &1 &2 &3 &4 |
033 | Database changes have been reset |
034 | Entity &1 is being processed; special processing |
036 | Migration program &1 terminated with errors |
037 | Table &1: &2 data records migrated |
038 | Error during dabase update of table &1: no data migrated |
039 | Following data records could not be migrated because they are corrupt |
040 | Table &1 data record with key &2 &3 &4 |
043 | No data for migration exists for client &1 |
044 | Migration for &1 ended successfully - &2 data records migrated from &3 |
045 | Test run for &1 ended successfuly - &2 data records migrated from &3 |
046 | Test run for &1 ended with warning - &2 data records migrated from &3 |
050 | Migration Program for Contract Data Container |
051 | Migration Program for Coverage Data Container |
052 | Migration Program (REDO/Postdating) Related Dates for BTS Dates |
053 | Migration program for policy number in bonus-malus |
054 | Migration Program for Contract No. in BM Restorer - Supply |
055 | Migration Program for Bonus-Malus Journal |
056 | Migration Program for Bonus-Malus Company |
057 | Migration program for country/region of insurable object |
058 | Migration Program for IO, Conversion of Tons -> KG |
059 | Migration Program for Flag Rated/Included in Rating |
060 | Migration program for global bonus-malus data |
061 | Migration program for main use/additional use of license plates removed |
062 | Migration program for related date /MVA/SECOND_USAGE |
063 | Migration program for previous insurer's data |
064 | Migration program for end date of insurance coverage |
065 | Migration Program for Date of Processing for Reversal After Suspension |
066 | Migration program for journal entry for vehicle change |
067 | Migration program for splitting up vehicle class/body type |
068 | Migration program for benefit/premium - currency in coverage |
071 | Migration for table &1 ended with warnings |
072 | Migration for &1 ended successfully - &2 data records migrated from &3 |
073 | Test run for &1 ended successfuly - &2 data records migrated from &3 |
074 | Test run for &1 ended with warning - &2 data records migrated from &3 |
101 | Table &1: &2 data records migrated |
102 | No clients exist according to parameter selection |
103 | Migration for client &1 already executed successfully |
104 | Migration program &1 terminated with errors |
105 | Not a test run; changes written to the database |
171 | Migration for table &1 ended with warnings |
172 | Migration for &1 ended successfully - &2 data records migrated from &3 |
173 | Test run for &1 ended successfuly - &2 data records migrated from &3 |
174 | Test run for &1 ended with warning - &2 data records migrated from &3 |