/MVA/AMW_CHGVEC_MSG - Fahrzeugklasse: Nachrichtenklasse

The following messages are stored in message class /MVA/AMW_CHGVEC_MSG: Fahrzeugklasse: Nachrichtenklasse.
It is part of development package /MVA/AM_CHGVEC in software component FS-PMA. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "FS-PM Auto: Vehicle Change".
Message Nr
Message Text
001Contract &1 was already used as source contract
002Enter a reversal date for simulated calculation
003Source contracts with different license plates
004Maximum overlapping of vehicle change exceeded
005Maximum gap of vehicle change exceeded
006Source contract &1 suspended since &2
007Source contract &1 does not exist on &2
008Source contract &1 reversed on &2
009Different B/M owner in source contract &1
010Registration - no deregistration for source contract &1
011Contract &1 is not source in a vehicle change
012Non-liability notification for source contract &1 must be set
013Non-liability notification must only be filled if reversal date exists
014Non-liability notification for source contract &1 must be set
015An existing contract can only be used once (contract no.: &1)
016Selected product &1 cannot be created because of product definition
017Dereg./termination date for source contract &1 differs from reversal date
018Target contract assignment for at least one source contract must be set
019No deregistration for source &1: non-liab. notification must be set
020Enter at least one source contract to be settled
021Dereg./termination date for source contract &1 differs from reversal date
022Dispatch date of non-liability notification must be at least &1
023Contract &1 is source in a vehicle change
024Simulated calculation successful
025Vehicle change carried out successfully
026Vehicle change: reminder date reversal for contract: &1
027Dereg./termination date for source contract &1 differs from reversal date
028Bonus-malus &1 used more than &2 &3; edit B/M if necessary
029If previous contract is interrupted more than &1 &2 - no vehicle change
030If previous contract overlaps more than &1 &2 - no vehicle change
031Vehicle change and replacement business cannot be combined; cancel action
032All source contracts must be assigned to the same country/region
033Source contract &1 could not be found
034Select at least one line in the table
035Contract &1 was used as source contract for a vehicle change
036Vehicle change not possible for source contract &1
037BM was transferred to a follow-up contract as part of a vehicle change
038B/M of source contract &1 is not available and cannot be transferred
039Source contract &1 was target of earlier vehicle change
040There is a reversal notification for the entire source policy
041Target product &1 not permitted for source &2
042Vehicle change ended without errors
043Vehicle change could not be calculated
044Reversal date &1 for contract &2 is before contract start date &3
045Policy &1: Reversal notification &2 exists for contract &3
046Error while positioning a source contract
047Could not create insured object; different object type
048Contract &1 does not exist
049Cannot derive send date; set coverage end date
050Coverage end is before today's date; send date is set to today's date
051Cannot schedule a date; there is already a vehicle change date on &1
052Reset not possible; at least one target contract reversed
053Registration: Deregistration exists; contract &1 will be reversed on &2
054BO ID must not be 0
055Reversal date for contract &1 could not be scheduled
056Target contract &1 must not belong to in-force business
057DB operation &1 in table &2 for vehicle change ID &3 led to an error
058Error while copying data for contract &1
059Contract &1: Effective date &2 is after contract end date
060Reversal date for contract &1 on &2 already exists
061Reversal date for contract &1 scheduled for &2
062No contracts to be reversed were chosen for interval &1
063Source contract has "Lapse" status
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