/PF1/FIORI_UI - Messages for Fiori UIs in Advanced Payment Management

The following messages are stored in message class /PF1/FIORI_UI: Messages for Fiori UIs in Advanced Payment Management.
It is part of development package /PF1/ODATA_SIN in software component FIN-FSCM-PF. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Gateway Service".
Message Nr
Message Text
001Error reading entity set &1
002Technical error during simulation of payment order &1
003Error reading entity: Object ID &1 not found
004Technical error during simulation of payment item &1
006Payment item processed
007Simulation failed
008Payment order processed
009Error processing payment order
010Error processing payment item
011Recall created
012Error during recall processing
013Reject processed
014Reject failed
015Redirect processed
016Redirect failed
017Return processed
018Return failed
019Reroute transaction type processed
020Reroute transaction type failed
021Transfer processed
022Transfer failed
023Active return processed
024Active return failed
025Ignore and process executed
026Ignore and process failed
028Error reading payment items
030Error during update of payment item
032Removal of payment orders from group failed
038Error during application of solution proposal
039Solution proposal applied
040Error while calling online interface
041Processing error: Payment order &1 not found
043No simulation result found
044Simulation error
045Error during processing
050Error during creation of PDF
051Error opening file &1
052Error reading from file &1
053Error reading payment order &1
054Error reading payment item &1
055No original file found
056Already reserved for user &1
057Reserved for user &1
058Reservations removed (&1 out of &2 objects)
059Template not found
061This object has exceptions that have been ignored
062This object has no exceptions ignored
063Technical error: Duplicate keys in instructions
064This object has &1 exceptions
065This object has &1 warnings
066Error when saving template
067Error when saving payment item
068Error when saving payment order
069Payment order &1 not found
070Please approve or reject creation of payment block
071Please approve or reject deletion of payment block
072Please approve or reject update of payment block
073This rule has another version which is in status In Process
074This rule has another version which is in status For Release
075This rule has another version which is in status Released
079Place as intermediary &1
080Place as first
081Place as second
082Place as third
083Place as last
084This object is not in repair
085This object is in status For Release
086Processing started
087No clearing agreement selected
088Error reading transaction chain
089Error during creation of correction rule
090Error reading correction rule
091Error reading matching criteria
092Error reading change fields
093Invalid select option (&1 / &2) used in matching criteria of rule &3
094No receiver account information selected
096Correction rule set to status In Release
097Correction rule released
098Error during mapping of correction rule
099Route &1 (&2) is internal
100Technical error during route checking
101&1 of &2 objects reserved
102&1 objects could not be reserved
103Reservations removed (&1 of &2 objects)
104&1 objects reserved
105Duplicate key error (Entity set: &1 / &2: &3)
106Order &1 is reserved by user &2
107Item &1 is reserved by user &2
1081 instruction
109&1 instructions
111No functional type configured
113No fields found in configuration
114Field &1 not found in field catalog; Please check your configuration
115No Authorization (Please contact your system administrator)
116Config Error: For field &1 List ValueHelp is set without Entity set
117Config Error: For field &1 List ValueHelp is set without VH Key Property
118Config Error: For field &1 List ValueHelp is set without VH Key Descr
119You have no authorization to remove reservations
120This object has &1 information
121Switching of transaction currencies is not allowed
122You cannot delete correction rule &1 in status For Release (02)
124Error during masking of sensitive data
125Field name &1 not found in structure &2
126No authorization to select sensitive data
127No ordering party item found in simulation result
128Error during draft activation
129Error during processing of object &1
131Change of transaction type not supported: It can lead to data loss
132UI Input Validation Error
133Error during determination of lane for process flow
134Error during determination of nodes for process flow
135Item assignment failed for the following payment batches:
136Processing failed for the following payment batches:
137Payment item reassigned
138Error during payment item reassignment
139Error during creation of payment order (format/medium/channel not set)
140This item has been recalled
141This order has been recalled
142All items for this order have been recalled
143Mixed release states selected
144Payment agreement &1 not found
145Payment rule &1 not found
146Condition &1 not found
147Error during creation of payment agreement
149No payment order found with batch number &1
150Payment ruleset &1 not found
151Change of payment agreements for this scenario is not supported
152Document upload failed
153Document read failed
154Document deletion failed
155Reading notes failed
156Note creation failed
157Note update failed
158Note deletion failed
159&1 Entries
160&1 Entry
161Note read failed
162All regulatory reporting data have been deleted
163All structured remittance data have been deleted
164Payload (MBC Message &1)
166Payload (File Handler, Payment Order &1)
167Payload (Temse Data, Object List &1)
168Payload (File Handler, Object List &1)
169Payload (File Handler, Payment Item &1)
170Reservation(s) set
171Reservation(s) removed
200Sent to manual release process
201Directly released
202Release not possible
203Triggering batch approval failed
204Failed to retrieve payment item from template
500Field validation in UI failed
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