/PF1/MSG_LOG_GUI - Application Log GUI Messages

The following messages are stored in message class /PF1/MSG_LOG_GUI: Application Log GUI Messages.
It is part of development package /PF1/BPE_LOG_COMMON in software component FIN-FSCM-PF. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "ABAP Dictionary Definitions for Application Log Package".
Message Nr
Message Text
000No log for object key &1 (clearing area &2) found
001No application log available for selection criteria
002No log exists
003Container overflow: All messages of running container saved
004No log available for this transaction on date &1 for user &2
009Clearing area is incorrect: Value & not found in table /PF1/T_CLAREA
012Message type is incorrect
013Credit/debit balance checked
014Credit/debit balance check failed
015Customer-specific RCP item error rate checked
016Customer-specific RCP item error rate check failed
017IBAN validated
018IBAN validation: Validation failed for IBAN &1
027Maximum amount per transaction type validated
028Maximum amount validation per transaction type failed
029Customer-specific trans. type locking checked
030Cust.-specific trans. type lock: Transaction type or group not specified
032Service Level Agreement (SLA) determination
035FH error flag checked
036FH error flag check failed
047Duplicate check performed
048Duplicate check failed
049Checksum flag determined
050Start and end date determined
051Determine start and end date failed
052Checksum validated
053Validate checksum failed
054New checksum entered
057E&V payment recall check
058Channel,medium,format checked
059Channel,medium,format check failed
060File handler error flag checked
061File handler error flag check failed
064E&V Customer Submission Check: Checked against SLA
065No authorization to submit order type or order type group in SLA &1
094Response & has started for PO due to an error in the ORP item
095Order response &1 selected for ordering party item
103For further details please see technical log using Run ID: &1
105No objects read for package creation
109System failure when locking a checksum for duplicate processing check
110Missing customizing at table &1 &2 &3 &4
112Locking problem for object &1 &2 &3 when requesting access to table &4
113Database inconsistency for object &1 &2 &3 when reading table &4
114ORP processing failed for &1 order(s)
115Order processing called with status 128
116Invalid status change encountered from &1 to &2
117Result of check transition overwritten by customer implementation
121Posting date calculation failed
122Posting date enriched with &1
125Check for account information, currency, country/region failed
126Account information, currency, country/region checked
127Account amount, currency check failed
128Account amount, currency checked
131Transaction type check failed
132Transaction type checked
140BIC/IBAN enrichment: BIC enriched with &1
142IBAN/BBAN enrichment: No IBAN could be derived from BBAN &1 &2 &3
143IBAN/BBAN enrichment: IBAN enriched with &1
144BIC/IBAN enrichment: Ref-BIC enriched with &1
145IBAN/BBAN enrichment: Ref-IBAN enriched with &1
146Error during mass submission check; makes corrections in Customizing
147IBAN/BBAN validation: Validation successful
148IBAN/BBAN validation: Validation error
151IBAN/BIC validation: Validation successful
152IBAN/BIC validation: Validation error
155BIC/IBAN enrichment: No BIC could be derived from IBAN &1
165BIC/IBAN validation: No BIC could be derived from IBAN &1
166IBAN/BBAN validation: No IBAN could be derived from BBAN &1 &2 &3
167IBAN validation: Validation failed for Ref-IBAN &1
168Bank key could not be determined from IBAN &1
194Pattern matching: Value &1, Pattern &2
196UCI is not valid (determined by check digit)
200Currency translation failed for obj. &1 &2. Currency from &3 to &4
224Liquidity Management System check completed
231Correspondence BP20 checked
237Liquidity message created
238Liquidity message updated
239Memo record is not created as reconciliation date is in the past
240Memo record is deleted
241Memo record: &1 currency selected
242Attribute value &1 of Attribute &2 in local app. Area ID &3 is incorrect
300Object update failed &1 &2 &3 &4
390Main poller aborting as waiting time of &1 minutes has elapsed
401PPF-Advanced Payment Mgmt: &1 packages created
402PPF-Advanced Payment Mgmt: &1 objects added to package &2
403PPF-Advanced Payment Mgmt: Object &1 &2 &3 &4 skipped by business check
404PPF-Advanced Payment Mgmt: %1 objects skipped during packaging
405PPF-1410: End of job &1 reached
406PPF-Advanced Payment Mgmt: Object conversion failed for &1 with value &2
407PPF-1000: Start processing package # &1
410Taskpool: No free task, queueing item &1
601&1 &2 &3 &4
801&1 not available
802&1 = &2
803>>>>>> PARAMETERS
804<<<<<< PARAMETERS
820External ID for technical log: &1
821>>> START &1 - &2
822<<< END &1 &2
823Started from: &
824Start date: &
825Start time: &
826Started at: &
827System: &1
828Transaction code: &1
831&1 = [ &2; &3 ]
832 Sign=[&1], Option=[&2]
833&1-&2 = &3
834&1-&2 = [ &3; &4 ]
836<<< END PROTOCOL &1
837Report: &1
838Run-ID: &1
839ROLLBACK WORK encountered.
842Objects skipped: &1
843Objects read for processing: &1
844Objects processed: &1
845Objects failed processing: &1
846Return code: &1
847PPF-Advanced Payment Mgmt: Return code &1 from PP-tool
848At level &1 we processed &2
849With this run we processed &1
850Unknown constant name: &1
851Unknown constant value: &1
852Maintain direction of PO type &1 in CLA &2 in Customizing
897Application log is full, cannot add new messages
898&1 &2 &3 &4
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