The following messages are stored in message class /PICM/UI: .
It is part of development package /PICM/ICM_UI in software component CA-CPD-PCM. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Project Issue and Change Management UI".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Enter a resolution date not earlier than the object creation date
001Data saved
002You are not authorized to edit issues
003Authorization error; contact your system administrator
004Enter a valid issue
005Enter a valid project
006Request for clarification sent as an e-mail
007Notification not sent; enter a partner first
008Select one issue from the result list
009Object locked by another user
010Enter a valid project
011Enter a valid estimated cost
012You cannot delete this issue; contact your administrator
013Enter a valid activity
014Enter a valid activity for issue &1
015Issue deleted
016You can make changes only in the edit mode
017&1 is an invalid entry; enter a valid employee
018Select at least one expert
019Error in activity creation
020Project object &1 does not belong to project &2; enter a valid object
021E-mail sent
022Activity locked by another user
023Enter a valid change request
024Issue does not exist
025Reference object &1 does not exist
026Enter a valid change request
027You are not authorized to edit issue &1
028You are not authorized to process project &1
029Authorization object is wrong
030You are not authorized to delete issue &1
031You are not authorized to process this issue
032You are not authorized to process this change request
033You can only select issues from the same project
034Issue &1 already assigned to change request &2
035Object ID &1 category is not &2
036Status of issue &1 does not allow you to create a change request
037Enter a currency for the estimated cost
038Enter an estimated delay type
039Enter a valid change request type
040You can only group issues that have the same estimated cost currency
041Select at least one issue
042Search &1 saved
043Enter a name for these search criteria
044Enter a valid change request
045Search &1 deleted
046Enter valid filter criteria
047Enter a valid currency
048Select an entry to be deleted
049You are not authorized to delete change request &1
050You are not authorized to edit change request &1
051Same value for status not allowed
052&1 is not authorized to make changes to the activity
053Enter valid values for issue category and issue type
054Error in sending e-mail
055Enter a valid currency
056Error during cost estimation update in BOBF
057Object &1 already referenced to change request &2
058You cannot assign one collective change request to another
059ID &1 is not in category &2
060You cannot create change requests for issues and changes at a time
061Select at least two change requests
062You can only group records that have the same estimated cost currency
063You can only select records from the same project
064ID &1 is referenced and cannot be deleted
065Select at least 2 or more objects
066Enter a valid project
067Either the object type or the object selection is wrong
068You cannot create change requests for a change request
069You cannot delete alternatives that are assigned to activities
070Could not delete alternative &1; at least one activity is assigned to it
071End date cannot be earlier than start date
072Object &1 does not belong to project &2
073Activity cannot be set to 'In Process'
074Project definitions cannot be assigned as related reference objects
075End date of activity &1 is earlier than the start date
076You cannot refer an object to itself
077Object &1 is already added
078Activity &1 does not exist; enter a valid activity
079Role does not exist
080Root node of BOPF object &1 does not contain action &2
081Partner &1 with partner role &2 already exists
082&1 is not a member of the project team
083Prerequisite Customizing settings required for generation of PDF forms
084Create a role corresponding to the Project Workspace role
085Mandatory partners cannot be deleted
086You are not authorized to process issues for: &3 (issue type &1 group &2)
087Mandatory activities cannot be deleted
088You cannot delete this change request; contact your administrator
089Conditions of the financial plan do not allow changes
090You cannot create collective change requests for issues
091You cannot delete this change request; contact your administrator
092You do not have authorizations to edit objects
093No authorization to change activity to status '&1' for activity type &2
094No authorization to change issue in status '&1' (issue type '&2')
095Select at least one object
096Select at least two objects
097Role already exists in the system
098Referenced ID &1 deleted
099Enter a valid &1
100You cannot delete the employee responsible
101No status specified in Customizing for issue type '&1'
102Duplicate entry for &1; data cannot be saved
103Print form not assigned to issue type &1; contact your administrator
104Active plan version not available
105Only 1 alternative at a time can be in the �Ready for Approval� status
106Only partners with e-mail IDs are displayed
107Business partner &1 blocked; residence time has ended
108Duplicate entry for role ID
109&1 has been archived and does not exist in the system
110Default workbook not specified in Customizing
111Object type &1 not specified as the main reference object of &2
112Object cannot be created; system dependency not specified for &1
113You have changed the status of a previously approved alternative (&1)
114Provide a purchase order for the Update activity
115You are not authorized to create change requests
116You are not authorized to create issues
117You are not authorized to display change requests
118You are not authorized to display issues
119No authorization to display financial planning data
120You are not authorized to edit change requests
121You are not authorized to edit issues
122Role ID &1 is invalid
123You are not authorized to launch financial plans
124Issue ID invalid
125Issue ID already exists; enter a valid ID
126You cannot create issue with reference to an issue and change combination
127You cannot create issue with reference for the selected issue type
128You can not add object reference of type &1 to an issue type &2
129Customizing settings do not allow type &1 for commercial project &2
130CEA Creation is not allowed; Please complete the one which is in process
131Prerequisite Customizing settings required for creating alternatives
132Locks could not be deleted
133Probability value must be between 0 and 1
134Not all Activities/Cost Estimation Alternatives are completed
136Cannot change the status; it is a final status
137Activity template 'ICMALT' is not defined for issue type &1
138Notification not sent; provide an e-mail ID for the partner &1
139Select at least one row
140Business partner blocked; residence time has ended
150E-mail not sent; see note 1835982 for prerequisite steps
151E-mail not sent; business partner &1 does not exist; use a valid partner
152E-mail not sent; business partner is not available for user &1
153E-mail not sent; current date is not within validity dates of partner &1
154E-mail not sent; business partner &1 is centrally locked
202Reference object is already linked to another bid structure element
203You can only assign bid structure elements from level two
204Could not create a change request; see long text
205You can only process one alternative at a time
206Cannot proceed; assign an active cost estimation alternative
207Cannot proceed; incomplete settings for change request approval
208Only one entry is allowed
209Approval is relevant only for the 'Change Request' category
210Select an approval level
211Cannot display output as &1 is not compatible; see long text
212PDF form &1 is not compatible for emails; see long text
213PDF form &1 is not compatible; see long text
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