The following messages are stored in message class /PLMB/AUTH_BO: .
It is part of development package /PLMB/BA_AUTH in software component PLM-WUI-APP-ACC. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Authorization Management".
Message Nr
Message Text
001Business object with the key &1 is not supported by PLM Web UI
002You are not authorized to display ACLs for object &2 (object type &3)
003You are not authorized to maintain ACLs for object &2 (object type &3)
004Object &2 (object type &3) has no ACL for the user &1 (ID &4)
005Object &2 (object type &3) already has an ACL for the user &1 (ID &4)
006You cannot maintain ACLs for activity '&1' for object &2 (object type &3)
007ACLs are not supported for object &2 (object type &3 )
008Do not remove authorities for your own access control lists (ACLs)
009You can only transfer owned objects
010Object &2 (object type &3) is already owned by context &1
011Relationship does not exist for object &2 (object type &3) and context &1
012ACL of object &2 (object type &3) for entity ID &3 (&4) does not exist
013You are not authorized to display detailed authorizations
014Access control list (ACL) of object &1 locked by user &3
015Activity '&1' is not possible with object &2 (object type &3 )
016Data of the access control list (ACL) saved
017Enter IDs of objects
018You cannot delete your own ACL
019Object &1 not assigned; object must be owned by a context
020Access control context &1 contains more objects than displayed (&2)
021Deletion of ACLs restricted
022Access control list for user &1 deleted
023You cannot change your own ACL
024You cannot create your own ACL
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