/PLMB/BA_RCP - Messages for Recipe Development

The following messages are stored in message class /PLMB/BA_RCP: Messages for Recipe Development.
It is part of development package /PLMB/BA_RCP in software component PLM-WUI-RCP. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Recipe Development Basis".
Message Nr
Message Text
001Technical error; contact your system administrator
002Status does not allow changes; choose a different status
003Data (&1) transferred to primary output specification but not yet saved
004Technical error; contact your system administrator
005Recipes with status &1 cannot be deleted
006Entry &1 does not exist in &2; check your entry
007Specification &1 does not exist or you are not authorized to access it
008Recipe type only allows internal alternative number assignment
009Technical error; contact your system administrator
010Template recipe is invalid
011Enter an existing recipe
012Technical error; contact your system administrator
013Recipe &1 already exists
014Recipe &1 is marked for deletion
015Substance &1 was deleted
016Enter a valid alternative recipe number
017Technical error; contact your system administrator
018Technical error; contact your system administrator
019Recipe key &1 is incomplete
020&1 not possible for &2 with key &3
021Enter an existing specification
022No changes possible; recipe is marked for deletion
023More than one version exist; specify a version
024Recipe &1 does not exist or you are not authorized to access it
025Define a new recipe key
026Instance was not created
027Enter a valid formula
028You can only create a new version for alternative &2 with recipe type &1
029You are not authorized to create a recipe
030Plant &1 does not exist
031You are not authorized to copy a recipe
032You are not authorized to delete a recipe
033Technical error; contact your system administrator
034Technical error; contact your system administrator
035You cannot create more versions of recipe &1
036Technical error; contact your system administrator
037Specify the recipe type
038You cannot create more alternatives to recipe &1
039Technical error; contact your system administrator
040Recipe &1 created
041Recipe &1 updated
042Recipe &1 deleted
043Technical error; contact your system administrator
044Technical error; contact your system administrator
045Technical error; contact your system administrator
046Technical error; contact your system administrator
047Recipe is not locked for update
048No &1 data was calculated
049No data was transferred to primary output specification
050No &1 data was transferred to primary output specification
051Recipe &1 is currently locked by user &2
052Choose default recipe purpose
053Select a row first
054Valid-from date of recipe must match key date
055Status of primary output specification is 'Released'
056Currency &1 does not exist
057Business Add-In &1 is not implemented
058You are not authorized to change a recipe
059Unit &1 does not correspond to dimension &2 for technical field &3
060You are not authorized to print recipe data
061Technical error; contact your system administrator
062You are not authorized to use change number &1
063Change number &1 does not exist
064Technical error; contact your system administrator
065You are not authorized to perform this action
066No process defined for recipe
067View ID &1 is not permitted for the Formula view
068View ID &1 is not permitted for the Calculation Results view
069Only one view can have sequence number 1
070Sequence number &1 is specified twice
071View &1 does not have a sequence number
072Characteristic &1 is not allowed for value assignment type &2
073Status cannot be changed; recipe is not consistent in status &2
074Unit of measure is not allowed for item &1
075Technical error; contact your system administrator
076Recipe contains streams; recipe cannot be copied
077Recipe contains process elements; recipe cannot be copied
078You can only define one formula view for input and output
079Identifier of alternative recipe must be numeric
080Recipe type &1 does not allow versions to be created
081You cannot create more alternatives
082You cannot create more versions
083Recipe does not exist or you are not authorized to access it
084Enter a calculation ID with calc. type 'synchronization recipe to BOM'
085Enter a number for sequence
086Sequence number &1 is already assigned to another recipe purpose
087Technical error; contact your system administrator
088Technical field name &1 is not allowed
089You are not authorized to migrate recipe
090No recipe purpose defined for selected status
091Optimization was reset due to changes in the recipe
092Recipe type does not allow plant assignment
093Recipe type requires plant assignment
094Customizing settings do not allow the changing of plant assignment
095Plant in calculation parameters has to match the plant in the recipe
096Optimization will be reset due to changes in the recipe
097No data transferred to specification &1
098No &1 data transferred to specification &2
099Function not possible; save the recipe first
100Recipe is being migrated
101Data (&1) transferred to specification &2 but not yet saved
102Character '&1' is not valid
103Enter a change number
104Technical error; contact your system administrator
105Recipe not created
106You are not authorized for some of the specifications in the formula
107You are not authorized for some of the materials in the formula
108You are not authorized for some of the explosion recipes in the formula
109You are not authorized to change the recipe (no auth. for change number)
110You are not authorized to delete the recipe (no auth. for change number)
111You are not authorized for some of the specifications used in recipe &1
112You are not authorized for some of the materials used in recipe &1
113You are not authorized for some of the explosion recipes in recipe &1
114Technical error; contact your system administrator
115You cannot use template recipe
116The selected recipes may have different data sets
117Source and target recipes cannot be the same
118Select less items for import
119Recipe with type &1 cannot be imported into recipe with type &2
120Building block with type &1 cannot be loaded into recipe with type &2
121Building block &1 loaded successfully
122Full or selective import of recipe &1 successfully completed
123Renumber items before inserting new ones in this position
124Formula item &1 of process element &2 of recipe &3 was not imported
125The categories of the two objects are not identical
126The entered object is marked for archiving
127Recipe description is derived from language &1
128Cannot create process element; check table consistency
129Recipe &1 is locked for archiving
130You cannot delete recipe &1; recipe is marked for archiving
131Some elements were not loaded; renumber them and try again
132You cannot import or load this object due to its status
133You cannot copy from this object due to its status
134You cannot assign a document to recipe &1 due to its status
135Building block with type &1 cannot be loaded into this building block
136Alternative item shall be assigned to the same process element
137Type "&1" contains invalid characters
138You may need further action to use case-insenstive search; see long text
139To switch on single-field recipe input, execute report &1
140The system did not find any recipes that match your selection criteria
141Recipe cannot be locked for archiving
142Recipe is locked for archiving
143Recipe &1 already exists
144Recipe &1 is archived
145The selected recipes do not exist or are already preprocessed
146Recipe is inlcuded in recipe explosion
147Archive infostructure is not active
148If you change the separator, you must execute report &1
149The specified search term &1 is not unique
150Single-field input key is invalid for recipe
151New stage does not have any input; also move input items to the stage
152The process parameter cannot be found
153Recipe is included in synchronization unit for master recipe
154Recipe is included in label set
155Recipe is included in synchronization unit for BOM
156Instantiation is not possible for owner &1, root GUID &2
157Lock is not possible for owner &1, root GUID &2 &3
158Read is not possible for owner &1, object GUID &2
159Update is not possible for owner &1, object GUID &2
160Save is not possible for owner &1, between root GUID &2 and root GUID &3
161BAdI implementation &1 is active; the separator was changed
162BAdI implementation &1 active; single-field recipe input is switched on
163Status of the property specification is 'Released'
164Enter a valid change number usage; see value help for allowed values
165Enter a valid status scheme; see value help for allowed values
166Customizing settings for automatic specification creation are missing
167Property is not set up properly; contact your system administrator
170Recipe type is required to create a recipe
180Validity overlap must be allowed with the current settings
200Technical error; contact your system administrator
201No formula items found for this formula header
202Technical error; contact your system administrator
203Technical error; contact your system administrator
204Stream (formula item &1) is not considered in calculations
205Technical error; contact your system administrator
206Technical error; contact your system administrator
207No instances to be saved found
208New formula created
209Field &1 cannot be selected
210Enter sequence number for field &1
211Sequence number &1 exists multiple times
212Enter field name
213Cannot delete formula
214Formula is marked for deletion
215Technical error; contact your system administrator
216Enter at least one formula item
217More than one item has been entered at the same item &1
218This position count was not filled for item &1
219This item number was not filled for item &1
220Material &1 exists multiple times at item number &2
221More than one alternative is used at item number &1
222Select an alternative to be used at item number &1
223Substitute alternatives must have same item number
225Set unit of measure for item number &1
227Technical error; contact your system administrator
228Technical error; contact your system administrator
229Minimum quantity is greater than maximum quantity for item &1
230Quantity &1 is out of range for item &2
231Specification does not exist or is not valid on key date for item &1
232Material &1 does not exist
233Material &1 deleted
234Enter a substance for formula item &1
235Unit of measure &1 is not allowed
236You cannot change the purpose with this status change
237You cannot change the status from &1 to &2
238Component type &1 is not valid
239Component type is not valid for item number &1
240Specify component type for item number &1
241Exception value &1 does not exist
242Status &1 does not exist
243Specify quantity or exception value for item number &1
245Technical error; contact your system administrator
246For item &1, quantity must be less than 0 or equal 0
247For item &1, quantity must be greater than 0 or equal 0
248For alternatives, only specification, material and mass can differ
249Formula must be locked
250To delete the formula, the recipe must be "In Work" or "Obsolete"
251Cannot remove deletion mark for saved formulas
252Cannot undo deletion of formula
253Purpose &1 is not allowed for recipes of type &2
254You are not authorized to create a formula
256You are not authorized to delete a formula
257You are not authorized to change a formula
258You are not authorized to display a formula
259Formula cannot be locked without locking the recipe
260Formula cannot be unlocked without unlocking the recipe
261Recipe was not found for the formula
262Recipe purpose does not exist
263Formula contains multiple primary outputs
264Technical error; contact your system administrator
265Technical error; contact your system administrator
266Item type changed for item number &1
267Recipe type does not support streams
268A source must be defined for input streams
269Recipe type does not support process elements
270No output stream exists for &1 number &2
271Process element &1 does not exist
272Process element specification incomplete
273Output stream must be assigned to a &1
274Recipe type only allows &1
275Primary output cannot be assigned to &1 number &2
276Output stream cannot be assigned to &1 number &2
277Output streams must not be created manually
278You are not authorized to create a process
279Recipe purpose &1 does not exist
280You are not authorized to delete a process
281You are not authorized to change a process
282You are not authorized to display a process
283Renumber items before you insert an item at position &1
284Item with number &1 is an output item and cannot be copied
285Quantity for item number &1 could not be calculated
286Assign a stage to the output stream
287Enter an existing authorization group
288Calculated recipe data updated due to master data reload
289Master data has changed in the database; recipe data not up-to-date
290You can only create input streams if output streams exist
291Material &1 is not assigned to plant &2 for formula item &3
292No authorization groups defined for Recipe Development
293You are not authorized for authorization group &1
294Renumber items before you move them up
295You cannot change the alternative used for primary outputs
296Item number '1' is reserved for primary output or output stream items
297Specification assignments to output streams cannot be copied
298Specification &1 created but not yet saved
299Streams were removed during copy
300& & & &
301No process elements found for this process header
302Specify a process element type for process element '&1'
303Technical error; contact your system administrator
304Parent element '&1' with element type '&2' does not exist
305No recipe found for the process
306Process must be locked
307Recipe was not found for the process
308Process must be locked
309Process is marked for deletion
310To delete the process, the recipe must have a status allowing deletion
311You cannot remove the deletion flag for a process already saved
312Technical error; contact your system administrator
313Technical error; contact your system administrator
314Technical error; contact your system administrator
315Technical error; contact your system administrator
316Process element '&1' already exists
317Process element '&1' does not exist
318Process element '&1' cannot be added
319Cannot delete process
320Technical error; contact your system administrator
321Process element is not of element type '&1'
322Specify an ID for the process element
323Technical error; contact your system administrator
324Process element is assigned to the formula item and cannot be removed
325Sequence for only one '&1' is not allowed
326Sequence already exists
327Sequence does not exist
328Process element is used in sequence and cannot be removed
329Customizing settings for recipe do not allow any process elements
330Customizing settings for recipe only allow process element type '&1'
331Process element ID '&1' cannot be used; specify another ID
332'&1' cannot be pasted when '&2' is selected
333'&1' can only be pasted when '&2' is selected
334Process element cannot be moved; remove formula item assignment first
335Renumber process elements before you paste at this position
336&1 &2 does not exist
337There are more than one process parameters with same sequence number
338Process parameters renumbered
339Building block with category & cannot be loaded to a & process element
340New streams were created
341Building block cannot be loaded to the selected process element
343Cannot change component type for formula item &1; process loss is set
344Enter an existing building block before loading
345Process parameter & lost its origin link
346Equipment requirement & lost its origin link
347Load is not possible, renumber equipment requirements first
348Load is not possible, renumber process parameters first
349Some of the sequences between process elements have been removed
351Enter either material or specification
352Enter both the recipe type and the calculation mode
353The value entered is not a valid number
400Remove multiple primary output items from formula
401Primary output item quantity is outside recipe quantity range
402Enter a positive value for the recipe quantity range
403Enter input item in the formula
404Recipe quantity "From" must be equal to or smaller than quantity "To"
405Enter unit for recipe quantities "From" and "To"
406You cannot enter a unit; enter recipe quantities "From" and "To" first
407Sum of input item mass &1 is not equal to sum of output item mass &2
408Enter the primary output item
409Unit of formula item &1 does not match base unit in material master
410Material &2 of formula item &1 is not assigned to substance &3
411Recipe is already marked as consistent
412Status change (&2 to &1) is not allowed; perform consistency check first
413Enter a valid unit for recipe quantities "From" and "To"
414You cannot enter another change number
415Enter an earlier date for "Valid From" than "Valid To", or the same date
416You cannot change the assigned formula
417Recipe type requires change number to be entered
418Recipe type does not allow change number to be entered
419Recipe is consistent
420Recipe is not consistent
421Consistency checkbox for recipe was deselected automatically
422Enter a valid change number
423Enter a material for formula item &1
424Price ID &1 is invalid; select a valid entry from the input help
425Primary output quantity cannot be converted into recipe unit of measure
426Mass unit of formula item &1 does not match base unit in material master
427Enter a valid-from date and a valid-to date
428Enter a change number with status "Active"
429Enter a rating and validity area in the recipe calculation parameters
430Formula item &1 quantity cannot be converted into next smallest unit
431Valid-from date &1 already used in version &2; use another change number
432Recipe type &1 does not allow you to specify a plant
433Recipe type &1 requires a plant
434Recipe type &1 requires a change number
435All versions of alternative recipe &1 must have same plant
436Plant &1 copied from preceding version
437Output stream not deleted, it is used as input source in another stream
438Clear process loss profile selection for formula item &1
439Clear storage loss profile selection for formula item &1
440Formula item & of stage & has lost its reference to origin
441Load is not possible, renumber formula items first
442Not enough numbers for pasting; renumber first, or select fewer items
443Valid-from date and Valid-to date cannot be set
501Technical error; contact your system administrator
502Technical error; contact your system administrator
503Technical error; contact your system administrator
504Technical error; contact your system administrator
505Technical error; contact your system administrator
506Technical error; contact your system administrator
601Technical error; contact your system administrator
602Description owner &1 is not valid
604Technical error; contact your system administrator
700Equipment Requirement ID is not supplied
701Technical error; contact your system administrator
702No customer-defined attributes exist
703No process parameter master data found in the database
704No texts found for process parameter master data
705No process parameter texts found for the current language
706Technical error; contact your system administrator
707No process parameter values found in the database
708Enter an ID for the attribute
709Attribute ID contains an invalid character at position &1
710No process parameter values have been changed
711Process parameter values have been saved
712Line &1: Sequence number is mandatory
713Sequence number &1 has to be unique
714Unit of measure is missing
715Target value is missing
716Line &1: The minimum value must not be greater than the target value
717Line &1: The maximum value must not be less than the target value
718Element has been shifted to position &1
719Process parameter values have been deleted
720Check the content of field &1
721Line &1: Unit of measure &2 does not exist
722Unit of measure &1 does not comply to previously used dimension
723Technical error; contact your system administrator
724Technical error; contact your system administrator
725Line &1: Unit &2 is not allowed due to the settings in the master data
726Technical error; contact your system administrator
727Technical error; contact your system administrator
728Technical error; contact your system administrator
729Technical error; contact your system administrator
730Line &1: Target value does not contain a number
731Line &1: Minimum value does not contain a number
732Line &1: Maximum value does not contain a number
733Line &1: Maximum value must not be less than the minimum value
734Line &1: Minimum value contains more than &2 decimal places
735Line &1: Maximum value contains more than &2 decimal places
736Line &1: Target value contains more than &2 decimal places
737Line &1: Unit of measure &2 expected
738Line &1: Symbol contains the not supported character &2
739Line &1: Symbol contains the reserved word &2
740Line &1: Symbol &2 is already defined
741Line &1: Sequence number has to be numeric
742Line &1: Sequence number may not contain '0000'
743Line &1: Master data &2 does not exist
744Line &1: Master data &2 is obsolete
745Technical error; contact your system administrator
746Process parameter values cannot be changed
747Sequence &1 / &2 may be specified only once
750Make sure your company's data retention rules allow field deletion.
800You are not authorized to change process parameter master data
801Master data does not exist or you are not authorized to access it
802Technical error; contact your system administrator
803Process parameter master &1 already exists
804Technical error; contact your system administrator
805Process parameter masters created
806Process parameter masters updated
807Process parameter masters deleted
808The entered value must contain numerical characters only
809No master data exists
811Technical error; contact your system administrator
812Technical error; contact your system administrator
813Process parameter master has not been changed
814At least one value (target, minimum, or maximum) must be provided
815Process parameter master &1 is in use and cannot be deleted
816Technical error; contact your system administrator
817Technical error; contact your system administrator
818You used more decimal places than defined
819Technical error; contact your system administrator
820You can only enter a number or space
821If you specify the no. of dec. places, you must enter a unit of measure
822Process parameter master data updated
823Process master &1: Minimum value is greater than target value
824Process master &1: Minimum value is greater than maximum value
825Process master &1: Maximum value is lower than target value
826Process master &1: Maximum value is lower than minimum value
827Process master &1: Target value is greater than maximum value
828Process master &1: Target value is lower than minimum value
829Class does not exist
830You cannot specify a unit of measure without defining decimal places
831Specify a process parameter name
832Customer-defined group ID &1 does not exist
833Process parameter master &1 already exists and marked for deletion
834Process parameter group ID &1 is in use and cannot be deleted
850Technical error; contact your system administrator
851Technical error; contact your system administrator
852Technical error; contact your system administrator
853Process element &1 / &2 / &3 is invalid
854Process has no elements
855Instance &1 could not be established
856Status does not allow changes
857Process is not locked; no changes allowed
858You cannot select a primary resource for &1 / &2 / &3
859Sequence number &1 already in use for &2 / &3 / &4
860Primary resource is already selected for &1 / &2 / &3
861Deletion failed for equipment requirement assigned to &1 / &2 / &3
862Deletion failed; equipment requirement with technical key &1 is unknown
863Sequence number &1 for &2 / &3 / &4 has been entered more than once
864Copy process failed; source equipment requirement &1 does not exist
865Copy process failed; target equipment requirement &1 does not exist
866Cannot assign a new equipment requirement number; renumber items first
867Equipment requirement number &1 already used for process item &2
868Enter an equipment requirement number
869Process element &1 is invalid
870No data selected for import; select at least one element of a recipe
871Select the root element in the process structure tree
872Primary resource is already selected for process item &1
873Primary resource is already selected on the root element
874Equipment requirement number &1 is already used on the root element
875Sequence number &1 on the root element has been entered more than once
876Sequence number &1 for process item &2 has been entered more than once
877Copy process failed
889Document for recipe &1 cannot be copied with status "&2"
890Substance &1 is used by recipe &2, alternative &3, version &4
891Alternative items must be assigned to the same process element
892You cannot create, edit, or delete links for recipes with status "&1"
893The recipe is already assigned to the document
894Remove not possible due to status attribute
895Assignment not possible due to status attribute
896Save not possible due to status attribute
897Eq. req. "&1" of &2
898Process of &1
899Proc. elem. "&1" of &2
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