/PLMI/RFO_SP - Formula: Message Class

The following messages are stored in message class /PLMI/RFO_SP: Formula: Message Class.
It is part of development package /PLMI/SP_RFO in software component PLM-WUI-RCP. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "SP: Recipe Formula".
Message Nr
Message Text
000No column group
001Enter an item type for item number &1
002More than one item of item number &1 marked as "Alternative Used"
003Select one item of item number &1 as "Alternative Used"
004Item with number &1 is an output item and cannot have alternative items
005You cannot delete the primary output item
006Item cannot be deleted because it is marked as "Alternative Used"
007Formula contains no alternative items
008Enter a valid item type for item &1
009Item number is initial; system reset item number &1
010Substance &1 is not assigned to a material
011More than one substance is assigned to material &1
012Material &1 is not assigned to a substance
013More than one material is assigned to substance &1
014You cannot delete an output stream
015Substance of primary output item does not match primary output of recipe
016Component type of item &1 was set to default component type
017Recipe &1 contains alternative formula items
018More than one of item &1 of &2 &3 is marked as "Alternative Used"
019You cannot delete a balancing item
020Plant &1 is not maintained for the assigned material &2 in spec. &3
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