/PLMU/UI_LBL - Labeling UI message class

The following messages are stored in message class /PLMU/UI_LBL: Labeling UI message class.
It is part of development package /PLMU/UI_LBL in software component PLM-WUI-RCP-LBL. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "UI: Recipe".
Message Nr
Message Text
001Complete all required entry fields
002Select an ingredient item
003Select at least two rows
004Select one ingredient item only
005Description in system language cannot be deleted
006Enter a base quantity that is greater than 0
007No target location is selected as a source to copy statements
008Maintain languages on Basic Data tab
009No PDF-based print forms have been defined
010No draft exists for deletion
011System cannot determine components
012Specify list title in Customizing
013Select at least one language
014Description already exists in this language
015Before assigning data, specify at least one target location
016Selected rows cannot be combined
017Selected row with &1 &2 cannot be combined
018Define unit of measure for quantity
019Children of composition &1 also selected
020Children of composition &1 also deselected
021Cannot deselect a composition item if parent &1 is selected
022The quantity must be positive
023At least one target location must be available
024Select one row
025Select one row only
026No long text exists for deletion
027The quantity must not be negative
028Clear is not possible while error appears
029To save a description, you must enter a language
030Unsaved data exists; save your entries first
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